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break английский

ломать, перерыв, разбивать

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Что в английском языке означает break?
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If you break something, you make it come apart in a way that cannot easily be put back together, usually by force. He injured his leg and broke his arm during the crash. When my brother died, my family broke apart. The airplane broke apart in the sky over Hawai'i. When the ice broke underneath me, I said to myself, I'm in trouble. If something such as a machine breaks, it stops working because something is wrong. My car breaks down about once a week. If you break a law, rule, promise, etc. you do something that you should not do. The police can't do anything if no laws are broken. These are the rules. Don't break the rules and I won't send you home. If you break a surface, limit, record, etc., you go beyond it. In 1954 he set a new record of 3:59.4, breaking the old record by more than five minutes. Wilson broke barriers for women in journalism at a time when newsrooms were mostly male. If you break free or out of something, you could not leave but now you leave. The police are looking for some prisoners who broke out of the jail. One of the dogs broke loose and ran at her. When she closed the door, everyone broke into laughter. If you break, you stop for a short time to rest. We break for coffee at 10:00 every morning. If day or morning breaks, it begins. The day was breaking as they packed up the tent. Dawn was just breaking when Helga Schneider climbed out of bed. If you break something, you stop it suddenly. The sound of the door closing broke the silence. I didn't know my father, but with my son, I want to break that cycle of fathers leaving their sons. The show had been so magical that people didn't want to leave the theater, didn't want to break the spell. Smoking is such a hard habit to break. Mike had to leave to break up a fight between Ronni and Bridget. The rain finally broke on Monday evening. If news breaks, it becomes known. If your voice breaks, it changes because you are almost crying. "I wanted to say goodbye before he died", she said, her voice breaking. If you break some money, you change a note into coins. I don't want to break a twenty just to buy matches.


A break is a time when something stops before starting again. We get a 15-minute break in the middle of the morning. I'll phone you during my lunch break. We're going to take a one-minute commercial break and we'll be right back. A break (up) is an end of a relationship. We didn't see each other for years after the break up. A break is a space between something continuous. The sun shone through a break in the clouds. A break is a situation in which things are not as difficult. That job opening up just when she finished school was a lucky break for her. Give me a break. The new law would give middle-income families a $2,000 tax break. A break is a place where something is broken. The break in his leg could be seen clearly on the x-ray.


(= interrupt) terminate She interrupted her pregnancy break a lucky streak break the cycle of poverty разбиваться, разбиться, разваливаться, развалиться (= separate, fall apart) become separated into pieces or fragments The figurine broke The freshly baked loaf fell apart ломать, сломать, портить, испортить render inoperable or ineffective You broke the alarm clock when you took it apart! разбивать, разбить destroy the integrity of; usually by force; cause to separate into pieces or fragments He broke the glass plate She broke the match (= bust) ruin completely He busted my radio! нарушать, нарушить (= offend, violate) act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises offend all laws of humanity violate the basic laws or human civilization break a law break a promise (= erupt) force out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up break into tears erupt in anger scatter or part The clouds broke after the heavy downpour (= break out) move away or escape suddenly The horses broke from the stable Three inmates broke jail Nobody can break out--this prison is high security (= break off, stop) prevent completion stop the project break off the negotiations укрощать, объезжать, дрессировать (= break in) make submissive, obedient, or useful The horse was tough to break I broke in the new intern (= interruption) some abrupt occurrence that interrupts an ongoing activity the telephone is an annoying interruption there was a break in the action when a player was hurt (= break in) enter someone's (virtual or real) property in an unauthorized manner, usually with the intent to steal or commit a violent act Someone broke in while I was on vacation They broke into my car and stole my radio! who broke into my account last night? come into being light broke over the horizon Voices broke in the air (= good luck) an unexpected piece of good luck he finally got his big break (= better) surpass in excellence She bettered her own record break a record (= violate) fail to agree with; be in violation of; as of rules or patterns This sentence violates the rules of syntax (= fail, die, go, break down) stop operating or functioning The engine finally went The car died on the road The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town The coffee maker broke The engine failed on the way to town her eyesight went after the accident выставлять, раскрывать, обнажать, разглашать (= unwrap, disclose, bring out, reveal) make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold The actress won't reveal how old she is bring out the truth he broke the news to her unwrap the evidence in the murder case interrupt a continued activity She had broken with the traditional patterns make a rupture in the ranks of the enemy or one's own by quitting or fleeing The ranks broke curl over and fall apart in surf or foam, of waves The surf broke be broken in If the new teacher won't break, we'll add some stress (= breakage, breaking) the act of breaking something the breakage was unavoidable перерыв, каникулы (= time out) a pause from doing something (as work) we took a 10-minute break he took time out to recuperate разрыв a personal or social separation (as between opposing factions) they hoped to avoid a break in relations (= soften) lessen in force or effect soften a shock break a fall (= fault, faulting, geological fault) (geology) a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other they built it right over a geological fault he studied the faulting of the earth's crust (= recrudesce, develop) happen Report the news as it develops These political movements recrudesce from time to time fall sharply stock prices broke crack; of the male voice in puberty his voice is breaking--he should no longer sing in the choir weaken or destroy in spirit or body His resistance was broken a man broken by the terrible experience of near-death diminish or discontinue abruptly The patient's fever broke last night an abrupt change in the tone or register of the voice (as at puberty or due to emotion) then there was a break in her voice the occurrence of breaking the break in the dam threatened the valley прерывание, помеха (= gap) an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity it was presented without commercial breaks there was a gap in his account a sudden dash he made a break for the open door (tennis) a score consisting of winning a game when your opponent was serving he was up two breaks in the second set the opening shot that scatters the balls in billiards or pool (= breakout) an escape from jail the breakout was carefully planned emerge from the surface of a body of water The whales broke exchange for smaller units of money I had to break a $100 bill just to buy the candy destroy the completeness of a set of related items The book dealer would not break the set make the opening shot that scatters the balls separate from a clinch, in boxing The referee broke the boxers invalidate by judicial action The will was broken change directions suddenly be released or become known; of news News of her death broke in the morning interrupt the flow of current in break a circuit change suddenly from one tone quality or register to another Her voice broke to a whisper when she started to talk about her children find the solution or key to break the code find a flaw in break an alibi break down a proof undergo breaking The simple vowels broke in many Germanic languages pierce or penetrate The blade broke her skin become punctured or penetrated The skin broke (= wear, wear out, fall apart) go to pieces The lawn mower finally broke The gears wore out The old chair finally fell apart completely ломать, сломать break a piece from a whole break a branch from a tree come forth or begin from a state of latency The first winter storm broke over New York cause the failure or ruin of His peccadilloes finally broke his marriage This play will either make or break the playwright happen or take place Things have been breaking pretty well for us in the past few months give up break cigarette smoking cause to give up a habit She finally broke herself of smoking cigarettes vary or interrupt a uniformity or continuity The flat plain was broken by tall mesas come to an end The heat wave finally broke yesterday any frame in which a bowler fails to make a strike or spare the break in the eighth frame cost him the match (= fracture) fracture a bone of I broke my foot while playing hockey перелом (= fracture) breaking of hard tissue such as bone it was a nasty fracture the break seems to have been caused by a fall (= crack) become fractured; break or crack on the surface only The glass cracked when it was heated перерыв, пауза, остановка (= pause) a time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something (= pause) cease an action temporarily We pause for station identification let's break for lunch (= smash) reduce to bankruptcy My daughter's fancy wedding is going to break me! The slump in the financial markets smashed him (= break dance, break-dance) do a break dance Kids were break-dancing at the street corner понижать (= demote) assign to a lower position; reduce in rank She was demoted because she always speaks up He was broken down to Sergeant (= separate, split up, split) discontinue an association or relation; go different ways The business partners broke over a tax question The couple separated after 25 years of marriage My friend and I split up разрушаться, разрушиться, обваливаться, обвалиться, оседать, осесть, обрушаться, поддаваться, поддаться (= collapse, give) break down, literally or metaphorically The wall collapsed The business collapsed The dam broke The roof collapsed The wall gave in The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice

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Примеры break примеры

Как в английском употребляется break?

Простые фразы

I slept a little during lunch break because I was so tired.
Я немного вздремнул во время обеда, потому что сильно устал.
You have been thinking about this problem the whole morning. Take a break; go eat lunch.
Ты думал над этой проблемой всё утро. Сделай паузу, сходи пообедай.
Can you break away from your parents?
Ты можешь вырваться от своих родителей?
Did you break the window on purpose or by accident?
Вы специально разбили окно или случайно?
Did you break the window on purpose or by accident?
Ты нарочно окно разбил или случайно?
Did you break the window on purpose or by accident?
Ты специально окно разбил или случайно?
Don't break a mirror.
Не разбей зеркало.
Don't break a mirror.
Не разбейте зеркало.
Let's take a break for coffee.
Давайте прервёмся на кофе.
I wish I could break the habit of smoking.
Хотел бы я избавиться от привычки курить.
School will soon break up for the summer vacation.
Школа скоро закроется на летние каникулы.
School will soon break up for the summer vacation.
Школа скоро уйдёт на летние каникулы.
Break this glass in case of fire.
Разбейте это стекло в случае пожара.
In case of fire, break the glass and push the red button.
В случае пожара разбейте стекло и нажмите на красную кнопку.

Субтитры из фильмов

How do you break a kid's arm in self-defense?
Как можно сломать руку, защищаясь?
What happens if it's safe for us, if it becomes safe for us to go home, to break cover?
А как быть, когда станет безопасно, когда мы сможем вернуться домой, перестать скрываться?
And the idea that she's going out with somebody who, more than likely, would kill her, I think, is what drives her to break them up. Are you having sex with my daughter?
И даже мысль о том, что она встречается с кем-то, скорее всего, убьет её, думаю, это и приводит к их ссорам.
Give me a break.
Мне нужен перерыв.
It is our lucky break.
Это наш счастливый момент.
Bone marrow may have seeped out of the break and migrated.
Костный мозг мог просочиться из перелома и мигрировать.
You want to break up with me.
Ты хочешь расстаться со мной.
Break up with you?
Расстаться с тобой?
And, um, one of the things I realized is that I need to break my old patterns.
И, одна из вещей, которую я осознала, что мне нужно изменить привычки.
I am trying to break free of anything unhealthy or damaging.
Я пытаюсь освободиться от всего вредного или разрушающего.
Break old pat. I.
Меняешь привы.
And break!
Дай пять!
No, no break.
Нет, никаких дай пять.
Okay, break.
Ладно, брейк.

Из журналистики

In this respect, India more resembles the France with which Sarkozy wants to make a clean break than the current one.
В этом отношении Индия больше напоминает ту Францию, с которой Саркози хочет полностью порвать, чем сегодняшнюю.
In this way we can break free of the institutionalised tug of war that has characterised EU relations.
Так мы можем избежать непременной напряжённости, столь свойственной отношениям в ЕС.
The break with communism and reunification of Europe is now almost two decades old.
Разрыв с коммунизмом и воссоединение с Европой произошли уже почти два десятилетия назад.
We Czechs know something about this, as the wrenching economic transition that we underwent in the 1990's taught us much about how the right policies can break the grip of hopelessness.
Мы, чехи, кое-что об этом знаем, поскольку болезненный экономический переходный период, через который нам пришлось пройти в 1990-ые годы, преподал нам хороший урок о том, как правильный политический курс может одолеть безнадежность.
Positioning himself as the candidate who represents a sharp break with today's unpopular politics is the only means to escape that fate.
Выставляя себя в качестве кандидата, который представляет собой разрыв с сегодняшней непопулярной политикой, единственный способ избежать этой судьбы.
Once high-flying small economies like Ireland, Hungary, and Iceland break down.
Некогда амбициозные маленькие экономики, такие как Ирландия, Венгрия и Исландия, распадаются на части.
Now we finally have a chance to break out of the downward spiral of economic decline.
Сейчас у нас наконец появился шанс вырваться из спирали экономического упадка, направленной вниз.
Such a break is the only way to prevent over-speculation in the RMB, although de-pegging may cause some initial devaluation under current market conditions.
Только такое решение предотвратит чрезмерные спекуляции юанем, хотя, учитывая текущее состояние рынков, отказ от привязанного обменного курса может первоначально привести к некоторой девальвации.
In the Middle East, we must break the stalemate.
На Ближнем Востоке мы должны преодолеть патовую ситуацию.
But there are two pieces of good news that break through the gloom.
Но есть две хорошие новости, которые прорываются сквозь мрак.
But many Arabs nowadays prefer to give the US a break.
Но в настоящее время многие арабы предпочитают предоставить США передышку.
The world should beware. Unless we break the ugly trends of big money in politics and rampant consumerism, we risk winning economic productivity at the price of our humanity.
Миру следует насторожиться: если мы не положим конец отвратительным тенденциям больших денег в политике и безудержного потребления, мы рискуем добиться экономической продуктивности за счет утраты своей человечности.
After the Vietnam War, Jimmy Carter hoped to make a break with established US policy.
После войны во Вьетнаме Джимми Картер надеялся порвать с тогдашней политикой США.
Fox has said that he is willing to break with old Mexican taboos, but the Bush administration has never taken him up on it.
Фокс говорил, что готов покончить со старыми мексиканскими табу, но Администрация Буша никогда ему в этом не помогала.

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