
charge английский

заряд, обвинение

Значение charge значение

Что в английском языке означает charge?
Простое определение


When you charge someone money, you ask them to pay the money for something that you have done for them or sold to them. We charge ten cents a page for copying. The shop charged me $5 to deliver the pizza. The law doesn't limit the size of fees banks can charge. The price the hotel charges is just too expensive. When the police charge someone with a crime, they officially say that the person did something illegal. A short time later, police arrested the man and charged him with murder. Many of the people in jail have not been charged with crimes. If you charge that something is wrong, you say it is. Many critics charge that our schools are not doing a good job. When you charge something at a store, you put it on credit. The business man charged all of his meals to his company. When you charge at a thing, you run toward it. The bull charged the man walking in the field. When you charge (up) a battery, or when you charge (up) something that has a battery, you put electrical energy into it to be stored. Oh no! I forgot to charge up the camera and the batteries are dead. I don't want to leave the house right now, because my cell phone is charging.


A charge is a claim the somebody has done something wrong or illegal, especially a claim by police. He says charges against his son are false. The police have filed criminal charges against the company. They will ask the judge to drop the murder charge against Sutherland. Jowdy denied the charges of lying. A charge for something is the price of the thing. It often it is for a service or fee for a period of time. The charge each month for the phone service is fifty dollars. The university agreed to let them use the space free of charge. Credit card companies must list the fees and interest charges separately on your monthly bill. Do you want to put that on your charge card? If someone is in charge of something, they are responsible for it. Josh is in charge of buying drinks for the party. He took good care of the children in his charge. If someone leads the charge, they are working hard to make some kind of change. Amazon.com led the charge in making electronic books popular. These are the workers who have led the charge for employer-paid health care. Teachers have led the charge against the new tests. Your charge is the person that you are responsible for, often a child. The teacher smiled at his young charges. A charge is a movement towards somebody to attack them. Moriarity then led the charge that pushed Bishop out the door into a hallway. The game ends with the Eagles fighting off a late charge by the Potomac Braves to win, 63-59. A charge is the amount of electrical energy that something holds. And once you've used up the electric charge, your electric car stops working. The batteries will slowly lose their charge. A charge is the explosive in a gun or a bomb. When the charge exploded, there was a large hole in the wall.


an impetuous rush toward someone or something the wrestler's charge carried him past his adversary the battle began with a cavalry charge to make a rush at or sudden attack upon, as in battle he saw Jess charging at him with a pitchfork иск (criminal law) a pleading describing some wrong or offense he was arrested on a charge of larceny обвинять, обвинить blame for, make a claim of wrongdoing or misbehavior against he charged the director with indifference взимать (= bill) demand payment Will I get charged for this service? We were billed for 4 nights in the hotel, although we stayed only 3 nights (= tear) move quickly and violently The car tore down the street He came charging into my office the price charged for some article or service the admission charge возлагать, возложить, вменять в обязанность, вменить в обязанность (= appoint) assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to He was appointed deputy manager She was charged with supervising the creation of a concordance make an accusatory claim The defense attorney charged that the jurors were biased (= file) file a formal charge against The suspect was charged with murdering his wife заряд the quantity of unbalanced electricity in a body (either positive or negative) and construed as an excess or deficiency of electrons the battery needed a fresh charge fill or load to capacity charge the wagon with hay опекунство (= care) attention and management implying responsibility for safety he is in the care of a bodyguard миссия, задание, задача (= mission) a special assignment that is given to a person or group a confidential mission to London his charge was deliver a message a person committed to your care the teacher led her charges across the street enter a certain amount as a charge he charged me $15 pay with a credit card; pay with plastic money; postpone payment by recording a purchase as a debt Will you pay cash or charge the purchase? place a heraldic bearing on charge all weapons, shields, and banners lie down on command, of hunting dogs (= point) direct into a position for use point a gun He charged his weapon at me energize a battery by passing a current through it in the direction opposite to discharge I need to charge my car battery заряжать, зарядить cause formation of a net electrical charge in or on charge a conductor instruct or command with authority The teacher charged the children to memorize the poem instruct (a jury) about the law, its application, and the weighing of evidence impose a task upon, assign a responsibility to He charged her with cleaning up all the files over the weekend set or ask for a certain price How much do you charge for lunch? This fellow charges $100 for a massage financial liabilities (such as a tax) the charges against the estate saturate The room was charged with tension and anxiety a quantity of explosive to be set off at one time this cartridge has a powder charge of 50 grains heraldry consisting of a design or image depicted on a shield request for payment of a debt they submitted their charges at the end of each month комиссия, назначение a formal statement of a command or injunction to do something the judge's charge to the jury an assertion that someone is guilty of a fault or offence the newspaper published charges that Jones was guilty of drunken driving (= cathexis) (psychoanalysis) the libidinal energy invested in some idea or person or object Freud thought of cathexis as a psychic analog of an electrical charge (= blame) attribute responsibility to We blamed the accident on her The tragedy was charged to her inexperience заряжать, зарядить (= load) provide (a device) with something necessary He loaded his gun carefully load the camera (= consign) give over to another for care or safekeeping consign your baggage (= bang, boot, rush, kick) the swift release of a store of affective force they got a great bang out of it what a boot! he got a quick rush from injecting heroin he does it for kicks (= agitate, rouse, excite, charge up) cause to be agitated, excited, or roused The speaker charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remarks (= commit) cause to be admitted; of persons to an institution After the second episode, she had to be committed he was committed to prison

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Как в английском употребляется charge?

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How much was the additional charge?
И какова дополнительная плата?
Should the word processor go wrong, we guarantee to replace it free of charge.
Если с текстовым процессором что-то случится, мы гарантируем, что заменим его бесплатно.
Mr Brown is in charge of our class.
Мистер Браун - ответственный за наш класс.
Tom is in charge of this year's tennis tournament.
Том занимается организацией теннисного турнира в этом году.
Even if you do not like it, you must take charge of it.
Даже если тебе это не нравится, ты должен взять это на себя.
It's free of charge.
Это бесплатно.
The parking lot is free of charge.
Парковка бесплатная.
The goods will be delivered free of charge.
Товар будет доставлен бесплатно.
At the summer camp, she was in charge of the group I belonged to.
В летнем лагере она была вожатой моего отряда.
Charge this to my company.
Запишите это на счёт моей компании.
Please charge this to my account.
Пожалуйста, запишите это на мой счёт.
Articles bought here will be delivered free of charge.
Вещи, купленные здесь, будут доставлены бесплатно.
It's easy to get into debt quickly with charge cards.
С платёжной карточкой легко быстро залезть в долги.
Charge it, please.
Зарядите, пожалуйста.

Субтитры из фильмов

But Santa Claus doesn't charge for his presents.
Только Санта не берёт денег за свои подарки.
We should go en masse and demand to speak to whoever's in charge and make them understand they can't just keep us here.
Мы должны подойти все вместе и потребовать того, кто здесь главный, чтобы объяснить, что они не могут нас здесь держать.
In season two, Derek definitely has more responsibility, having to be in charge and responsible for these three lives that he's kind of, I guess, in a way created.
Во втором сезоне на Дереке больше ответственности, он отвечает за эти три жизни, которые он, в каком-то смысле, создал.
No matter what, the first successor must be in charge.
Это по праву её место.
Is he in charge of killing me?
Он. меня убьет?
Actually, I'm in charge of John Mayer's case.
Я отвечаю за дело Джона Майера.
Но вы не хотите наживаться на детях.
I'm sorry, but this isn't your charge, Dr. Kinney.
Простите, но вы тут не главная, доктор Кинни.
I don't believe there's anything we can charge her with.
Думаю, обвинять и не в чем.
Are we really gonna charge her?
Мы в самом деле предъявим ей обвинение?
You're in charge of security.
Ты отвечаешь за безопасность.
There'll be no cover charge.
И таким образом избавлю от лишних расходов.
I'll take charge of this.
Я беру на себя ответственность за это.
And who's going to take charge of it when I'm gone?
А кто всем этим будет заниматься, когда я уйду?

Из журналистики

For now, EU governments' coordinated fiscal stimulus has deprived populists of their usual charge that the EU is indifferent to the fate of individuals.
На данный момент, скоординированные финансовые стимулы правительств ЕС лишили популистов традиционного для них обвинения ЕС в том, что он безразличен к судьбе людей.
Of course, such advice, like much of newspapers themselves nowadays, comes free of charge.
Конечно, подобные советы, как и большинство самих газет сегодня, предоставляются бесплатно.
On the other hand, the Court cannot charge - or refrain from charging - a senior political or military official responsible for grave crimes solely to avert negative political repercussions.
С другой стороны, МУС не может обвинять (или воздерживаться от обвинения) высшего политического или военного должностного лица, ответственного за серьёзные преступления, лишь для того, чтобы избежать негативного политического резонанса.
Nor would it be proper, where the gravity and scale of crimes materially differ, to charge all sides in a conflict in order to preserve a false sense of parity.
Было бы неправильно, также, в том случае если серьёзность и масштабы преступлений значительно разнятся, предъявлять обвинения всем сторонам конфликта с целью сохранить ложное ощущение равенства.
Put a Texas oilman and his buddies in charge and what do you expect, conservation?
Назначьте нефтяника из Техаса и его приятелей ответственными, и что Вы ожидаете - защиту окружающей среды?
Seized by the CIA in Macedonia, he was taken to Afghanistan and interrogated for five months before being released without charge.
Захваченный агентами ЦРУ в Македонии, он был перевезен в Афганистан, где его допрашивали в течение пяти месяцев прежде чем отпустить без предъявления обвинения.
In a carefully crafted statement, Xi laid out China's vision for a new regional security order - one in which, as the slogan suggests, Asians are in charge.
В своем выверенном заявлении Си изложил видение Китая по вопросу создания новой региональной системы безопасности - в которой, как предполагает слоган, у руля стоят азиаты.
The charge of colonialism, meanwhile, is simply reflex: colonialism no longer exists.
Обвинение в колониализме, тем временем, является просто рефлексом: колониализм больше не существует.
The charge of selective application also applies to the Bashir warrant.
Обвинение в селективном применении также относится к ордеру на арест Башира.
If universal conformity to a rules-based international order still seems like a distant prospect, an important reason is that countries that should be leading the charge still so often behave like rogue states.
Если всеобщее выполнение международного порядка, основанного на правилах, пока еще похоже на отдаленное будущее, важной причиной для этого является то, что страны, которые должны быть ведущими в этой сфере, очень часто ведут себя как государства-изгои.
India has the most economically literate triumvirate of politicians in the world in charge of its economy.
В Индии самый грамотный в мире в экономическом отношении триумвират политических деятелей, отвечающих за ее экономику.
Moreover, the court has given no explanation of why it is allowing him to be tried on the same embezzlement charge that of which he was acquitted in 2003.
Более того, суд не предоставил никакого объяснения тому, почему он допускает судебный процесс на основании того же обвинения в растрате, в котором его признали невиновным в 2003 году.
In the one or two cases of acquittal, another charge is filed and a conviction obtained.
В тех немногих случаях, когда выносятся оправдательные приговоры, подсудимому часто предъявляется новое обвинение, и процесс заканчивается признанием его виновности.
If Deng were in charge today, he would lead China back to the cooperative relations with the US that marked early 2009.
Если бы сегодня Дэн стоял у власти, то он бы повел Китай в сторону сотрудничества с США, которое ознаменовало начало 2009 года.

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