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cut английский


Значение cut значение

Что в английском языке означает cut?
Простое определение


If you make something shorter or divide it in pieces, you cut it. Jared cut the meat using his knife and fork. In the lumber mill, the logs are then cut into boards. To hurt with a blade. I cut my hand. To stop something. They cut the electricity. To edit, shorten, or censor (a film). The film was cut by ten minutes. If you remove something to put it somewhere else, you cut it. Ben cut the text from the Word document and pasted it into another. If the picture changes from one scene to another, the scene cuts to another.


A scratch, opening in the skin or a surface. She had a cut on her arm. A reduction; lessening. There was a cut in prices. A small piece removed by cutting is a cut. I will take a cut of beef.


разрезать separate with or as if with an instrument Cut the rope уменьшать (= reduce, cut down, cut back) cut down on; make a reduction in reduce your daily fat intake The employer wants to cut back health benefits separated into parts or laid open or penetrated with a sharp edge or instrument the cut surface was mottled cut tobacco blood from his cut forehead bandages on her cut wrists менять курс, поворачивать, повернуть (= veer) turn sharply; change direction abruptly The car cut to the left at the intersection The motorbike veered to the right резать, порезать, рубить, порубить make an incision or separation cut along the dotted line form by probing, penetrating, or digging cut a hole cut trenches The sweat cut little rivulets into her face (= tailor) style and tailor in a certain fashion cut a dress discharge from a group The coach cut two players from the team hit (a ball) with a spin so that it turns in the opposite direction cut a Ping-Pong ball резаный, нарезаный, порезаный, разрезаный fashioned or shaped by cutting a well-cut suit cut diamonds cut velvet with parts removed the drastically cut film a share of the profits everyone got a cut of the earnings a trench resembling a furrow that was made by erosion or excavation (film) an immediate transition from one shot to the next the cut from the accident scene to the hospital seemed too abrupt (= edit) cut and assemble the components of edit film cut recording tape (= write out, issue, make out) make out and issue write out a check cut a ticket Please make the check out to me (of a male animal) having the testicles removed a cut horse penetrate injuriously The glass from the shattered windshield cut into her forehead reap or harvest cut grain fell by sawing; hew The Vietnamese cut a lot of timber while they occupied Cambodia shorten as if by severing the edges or ends of cut my hair move (one's fist) his opponent cut upward toward his chin give the appearance or impression of cut a nice figure perform or carry out cut a caper form or shape by cutting or incising cut paper dolls record a performance on (a medium) cut a record make a recording of cut the songs She cut all of her major titles again (= burn) create by duplicating data cut a disk burn a CD allow incision or separation This bread cuts easily вырезать function as a cutting instrument This knife cuts well divide a deck of cards at random into two parts to make selection difficult Wayne cut She cut the deck for a long time pass through or across The boat cut the water pass directly and often in haste We cut through the neighbor's yard to get home sooner stop filming cut a movie scene make an abrupt change of image or sound cut from one scene to another intentionally fail to attend cut class (of pages of a book) having the folds of the leaves trimmed or slit the cut pages of the book (= thinned) mixed with water sold cut whiskey a cup of thinned soup урезаный (= slashed) (used of rates or prices) reduced usually sharply the slashed prices attracted buyers have grow through the gums The baby cut a tooth grow through the gums The new tooth is cutting урезать have a reducing effect This cuts into my earnings dissolve by breaking down the fat of soap cuts grease weed out unwanted or unnecessary things We had to lose weight, so we cut the sugar from our diet cease, stop cut the noise We had to cut short the conversation a step on some scale he is a cut above the rest порез, разрез, впадина a wound made by cutting he put a bandage over the cut (= track) a distinct selection of music from a recording or a compact disc he played the first cut on the cd the title track of the album a piece of meat that has been cut from an animal carcass покрой the style in which a garment is cut a dress of traditional cut a canal made by erosion or excavation (sports) a stroke that puts reverse spin on the ball cuts do not bother a good tennis player резание (= cutting) the act of penetrating or opening open with a sharp edge his cut in the lining revealed the hidden jewels (= cutting) the act of cutting something into parts his cuts were skillful his cutting of the cake made a terrible mess (= cutting) the act of shortening something by chopping off the ends the barber gave him a good cut the act of reducing the amount or number the mayor proposed extensive cuts in the city budget (= cutting) the division of a deck of cards before dealing he insisted that we give him the last cut before every deal the cutting of the cards soon became a ritual an unexcused absence from class he was punished for taking too many cuts in his math class (= trimmed) made neat and tidy by trimming his neatly trimmed hair (= snub) a refusal to recognize someone you know the snub was clearly intentional a remark capable of wounding mentally the unkindest cut of all кастрировать (= geld) cut off the testicles (of male animals such as horses) the vet gelded the young horse (= mown) (used of grass or vegetation) cut down with a hand implement or machine the smell of newly mown hay (= hack) be able to manage or manage successfully I can't hack it anymore she could not cut the long days in the office выключать, выключить (= turn off, turn out) cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch Turn off the stereo, please cut the engine turn out the lights (= deletion, excision) the omission that is made when an editorial change shortens a written passage an editor's deletions frequently upset young authors both parties agreed on the excision of the proposed clause in baseball; a batter's attempt to hit a pitched ball he took a vicious cut at the ball refuse to acknowledge She cut him dead at the meeting разбавлять, разбавить lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture cut bourbon сокращать, укорачивать, усекать (= shorten, reduce) reduce in scope while retaining essential elements The manuscript must be shortened

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Как в английском употребляется cut?

Простые фразы

I can't cut my nails and do the ironing at the same time!
Я не могу одновременно стричь ногти и гладить!
Cut, wash and dry, please.
Подстригите, помойте и высушите, пожалуйста.
We are cut from the same cloth.
Мы сделаны из одного теста.
We are cut from the same cloth.
Мы одного поля ягоды.
You should get your hair cut.
Тебе нужно постричься.
You must cut down on extra expenses in order to live within your means.
Ты должен урезать лишние расходы, чтобы жить по средствам.
You smoke far too much. You should cut back.
Ты слишком много куришь. Тебе следует ограничить количество.
You smoke far too much. You should cut back.
Ты слишком много куришь. Ты бы курил поменьше.
We must cut our expenses to save money.
Мы должны урезать наши расходы, чтобы сэкономить деньги.
Let's take a short cut.
Давай срежем.
Let's take a short cut.
Давайте срежем.
The strong wind cut the electric wires in several places.
Сильный ветер в нескольких местах перебил электрические провода.
Please cut short your vacation and return.
Пожалуйста, прервите отпуск и возвращайтесь.
The cold wind cut me to the bone.
Холодный ветер пронизывал меня до костей.

Субтитры из фильмов

Tell him I don't like to see a friend of mine so unhappy, so one more catch, I'll cut him loose.
Ещё одна поставка и я отпущу его. - Говорит, ещё одна грёбаная поставка и ты нахрен свободен.
We'll cut him loose.
Отпустим мы его.
We'll cut him loose like a fart.
Выпустим на свободу как пук.
It must be killing him. Now his whole crew is like a chicken with one of its wings cut off.
Сейчас его команда как курица с отрезанным крылом.
So we cut their water supply down to a trickle.
Поэтому мы свели их доступ к воде до минимума.
When Scott sees Gerard cut the other werewolf in half, it makes him realize how real the situation is. You know, these guys aren't screwing around.
Когда Скотт видит как Джерард разрезает оборотня пополам, то понимает, на сколько серьезна ситуация.
She's all cut up and shit.
Она вся изрезана.
I have to cut it off.
Надо его обрубить.
Even if he doesn't listen, or even if he acts proud or says things too bluntly, cut him some slack and always stay by his side.
Я счастлив. А начнет разыгрывать надменность или станет слишком прямолинеен - и оставайтесь рядом.
I should just cut it off!
Я должен его немедленно отрезать!
Okay, we will cut a piece of her aorta, use it to make an arterial cuff around the renal arteries, and then we'll have one in anastomosis instead of three.
Отрежем кусочек ее аорты, используем как манжету вокруг почечных артерий, и будет один анастамоз вместо трех.
As soon as they open the ballroom, let's cut a rug?
Когда они откроют зал, давай потанцуем?
You've got your work cut out getting a wedding together in just three weeks.
Это будет та ещё работёнка - подготовить свадьбу всего за три недели.
Cut it and give her a half.
Отрежь и дай ей половину.

Из журналистики

That leaves only about one-third of total federal spending from which to cut, and much of that goes to the defense budget, which Republicans will attempt to protect in the future.
Это оставляет лишь одну треть общих расходов бюджета, которые могут быть сокращены и многие из которых представляют собой расходы на военные нужды, которые республиканцы попытаются защитить в будущем.
Indeed, during the past 20 years, they actually cut aid for agriculture programs, and only now are reversing course.
Так за последние 20 лет они в действительности сократили помощь для сельскохозяйственных программ, и только сейчас процесс снова начинает набирать обороты.
Newspapers in most advanced countries are struggling or folding, and investigative reporting is often the first thing they cut.
Газеты в большинстве развитых стран находятся в бедственном положении, или их бюджеты урезаются и часто первое, что они вырезают, это следственные репортажи.
But, even as Europe's leaders promised that help was on the way, they doubled down on the belief that non-crisis countries must cut spending.
Но, едва пообещав, что помощь вот-вот начнет поступать, лидеры ЕС все же подчеркнули свою уверенность в том, что некризисные страны должны сократить свои расходы.
The government can (and has) cut wages in the public sector, but this is not sufficient.
Правительство может снизить (и уже снизило) зарплаты в государственном секторе экономики, но этого недостаточно.
Only in mid-August did the Fed hint that interest rates might be cut.
Только в середине августа был сделан намек, что ставки процента могут быть понижены.
Senior government officials take their cut of opium revenues or bribes in return for keeping quiet.
Высшие правительственные чиновники получают свою долю от опийных доходов или взятки взамен на молчание.
Prices for cotton were so low last year that Madi cut his acreage.
Цены на хлопок были настолько низкими в прошлом году, что Мади сократил площадь посева.
States with balanced-budget frameworks are forced to cut spending as tax revenues fall - an automatic destabilizer that Europe seems mindlessly bent on adopting.
Государства, установившие себе рамки в виде сбалансированного бюджета, вынуждены сокращать расходы по мере падения налоговых доходов, и это автоматический дестабилизатор, который, судя по всему, Европа бездумно стремится у себя ввести.
Technically, reducing a deficit is a straightforward matter: one must either cut expenditures or raise taxes.
Технически, снижение дефицита является делом, которое двигает вперед: нужно или сократить расходы или повысить налоги.
Second, military expenditures must be cut - not just funding for the fruitless wars, but also for the weapons that don't work against enemies that don't exist.
Во-вторых, военные расходы должны быть сокращены - не просто денежные средства для ведения безрезультатных войн, но и также на оружие, которое не работает против врагов, которые не существуют.
There are arguments which make the choice far less clear-cut than it may seem.
Но существуют доводы, делающие этот выбор гораздо менее четким, чем это может казаться.
And some in the US Congress want to cut food stamps - on which some 23 million American households depend, threatening the poorest children with hunger.
А некоторые в Конгрессе США хотят сократить продовольственные талоны - от которых зависят около 23 миллионов американских семей, угрожая малообеспеченным детям голодом.
A compromise would allow both parties to declare partial victory, for it would likely entail commitments to cut spending and some steps to make taxation more socially just.
Компромисс позволил бы обеим сторонам объявить о частичной победе, что, скорее всего, повлекло бы за собой обязательства сократить затраты и некоторые шаги к тому, чтобы сделать налогообложение более справедливым.