
fellowship английский

товарищество, сообщество, братство

Значение fellowship значение

Что в английском языке означает fellowship?
Простое определение


A fellowship is a group of people who join together because of a shared purpose or interest. After church and the fellowship meal, the Amish like to " visit, " as they call it. The Fellowship of the Ring is the first of three films based on J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings books. Fellowship is a feeling of friendship based on a shared purpose or interest. The school offered many opportunities for Christian teaching and social fellowship. A fellowship is a temporary research job at a university. She was awarded a one-year fellowship in science at the University of Bonn. A fellowship is money given to advanced university students to help them continue their studies. He received a fellowship in 1991 to support his studies for a Ph.D. in Religion and Literature.


(= family) an association of people who share common beliefs or activities the message was addressed not just to employees but to every member of the company family the church welcomed new members into its fellowship (= company, society) the state of being with someone he missed their company he enjoyed the society of his friends money granted (by a university or foundation or other agency) for advanced study or research

Перевод fellowship перевод

Как перевести с английского fellowship?

Синонимы fellowship синонимы

Как по-другому сказать fellowship по-английски?

Примеры fellowship примеры

Как в английском употребляется fellowship?

Субтитры из фильмов

Praise of our lord and saviour and the love of god and the fellowship of his angels.
Восславим Господа нашего. Помолимся за спасение ее души. Во имя Бога и ангелов небесных.
I'd be happy to meet him and offer him the right hand of good fellowship.
Я рад буду встретить господина посла дружеским рукопожатием.
That's the eighth fellowship I've won.
Это уже мой восьмой грант.
How lost you company? The great contention of the sea and skies parted our fellowship.
Великий спор меж небом и волнами.
You build a little fellowship.
Ты огородилась стеной.
Let's enjoy ourselves in the spirit of martial good fellowship.
Освободите себя от забот. Давайте насладимся хорошим военным общением.
The grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ. the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost. be with us all evermore.
Дары Бога нашего, Иисуса Христа. любовь Бога и единство Святого духа. навеки с нами.
As sure as God made little green apples, and bang goes my fellowship.
Стоило только Богу создать маленькие зеленые яблоки, как плакала моя должность.
With any luck, I'll get a fellowship at King's.
Если повезет, я получу должность в Кингсе.
The conversation was mature, the Red Biddy flowed down the odd throats, and the good fellowship of the open road prevailed.
Рыжий Бидди течет рекой, и кругом царствует дружба.
Do you believe in the fellowship of man?
Веришь в братство людей?
Christian Fellowship Association.
Из Ассоциации христианского общения.
All that heavy good fellowship.
Это его назойливое дружелюбие.
I will build a round table where this fellowship shall meet.
Я соберу круглый стол за которым мы сможем встречаться.

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