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get английский


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Что в английском языке означает get?
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To start to have; to take. When one person gives something, the other person gets the thing. The woman goes to the store and gets a new dress. Become. The problem got worse. You use get to make the passive voice, especially when the thing that happened is bad. He got hit by a car.


(= acquire) come into the possession of something concrete or abstract She got a lot of paintings from her uncle They acquired a new pet Get your results the next day Get permission to take a few days off from work становиться (= become, go) enter or assume a certain state or condition He became annoyed when he heard the bad news It must be getting more serious her face went red with anger She went into ecstasy Get going! (= let) cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition He got his squad on the ball This let me in for a big surprise He got a girl into trouble (= receive, find) receive a specified treatment (abstract) These aspects of civilization do not find expression or receive an interpretation His movie received a good review I got nothing but trouble for my good intentions добираться, добраться, прибывать, прибыть (= arrive) reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress She arrived home at 7 o'clock She didn't get to Chicago until after midnight (= bring, fetch) go or come after and bring or take back Get me those books over there, please Could you bring the wine? The dog fetched the hat (= experience, receive, have) go through (mental or physical states or experiences) get an idea experience vertigo get nauseous receive injuries have a feeling (= fix) take vengeance on or get even We'll get them! That'll fix him good! This time I got him (= have, make) achieve a point or goal Nicklaus had a 70 The Brazilian team got 4 goals She made 29 points that day побуждать, убеждать, склонять, заставлять (= induce, cause, make) cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner The ads induced me to buy a VCR My children finally got me to buy a computer My wife made me buy a new sofa (= catch) succeed in catching or seizing, especially after a chase We finally got the suspect Did you catch the thief? (= take) be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness He got AIDS She came down with pneumonia She took a chill (= grow, develop) come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes) He grew a beard The patient developed abdominal pains I got funny spots all over my body Well-developed breasts communicate with a place or person; establish communication with, as if by telephone Bill called this number and he got Mary The operator couldn't get Kobe because of the earthquake (= make) give certain properties to something get someone mad She made us look silly He made a fool of himself at the meeting Don't make this into a big deal This invention will make you a millionaire Make yourself clear (= drive) move into a desired direction of discourse What are you driving at? понимать, понять (= catch) grasp with the mind or develop an understanding of did you catch that allusion? We caught something of his theory in the lecture don't catch your meaning did you get it? She didn't get the joke I just don't get him reach by calculation What do you get when you add up these numbers? (= catch) reach with a blow or hit in a particular spot the rock caught her in the back of the head The blow got him in the back The punch caught him in the stomach (= catch) attract and fix His look caught her She caught his eye Catch the attention of the waiter acquire as a result of some effort or action You cannot get water out of a stone Where did she get these news? получать, получить (= receive) receive as a retribution or punishment He got 5 years in prison purchase What did you get at the toy store? reach and board She got the bus just as it was leaving overcome or destroy The ice storm got my hibiscus the cat got the goldfish evoke an emotional response Brahms's 'Requiem' gets me every time irritate Her childish behavior really get to me His lying really gets me a return on a shot that seemed impossible to reach and would normally have resulted in a point for the opponent порождать (= beget, father) make children Abraham begot Isaac Men often father children but don't recognize them (= catch) apprehend and reproduce accurately She really caught the spirit of the place in her drawings She got the mood just right in her photographs (= draw) earn or achieve a base by being walked by the pitcher He drew a base on balls (= catch) perceive by hearing I didn't catch your name She didn't get his name when they met the first time (= catch) suffer from the receipt of She will catch hell for this behavior! начинать, начать, начинаться, начаться (= get down, begin, start) take the first step or steps in carrying out an action We began working at dawn Who will start? Get working as soon as the sun rises! The first tourists began to arrive in Cambodia He began early in the day Let's get down to work now страдать, мучаться (= suffer, have) undergo (as of injuries and illnesses) She suffered a fracture in the accident He had an insulin shock after eating three candy bars She got a bruise on her leg He got his arm broken in the scuffle валить (= scram) leave immediately; used usually in the imperative form Scram! (= vex, stick, beat, bewilder) be a mystery or bewildering to This beats me! Got me--I don't know the answer! a vexing problem This question really stuck me

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Как изменяется get в английском языке?

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Как в английском употребляется get?

Простые фразы

The police will get you to find the bullets.
Полиция вас заставит найти пули.
Math is like love - a simple idea, but it can get complicated.
Математика - она как любовь: идея-то проста, но могут возникнуть сложности.
How long does it take to get to the station?
Сколько требуется времени, чтобы добраться до вокзала?
How long does it take to get to the station?
За сколько времени можно добраться до вокзала?
If you don't want to put on sunscreen, that's your problem. Just don't come complaining to me when you get a sunburn.
Если вы не хотите воспользоваться солнцезащитным кремом, это ваша проблема. Просто потом не жалуйтесь мне на солнечные ожоги.
If you don't want to put on sunscreen, that's your problem. Just don't come complaining to me when you get a sunburn.
Если ты не хочешь воспользоваться солнцезащитным кремом, это твоя проблема. Просто потом не жалуйся мне на солнечные ожоги.
So annoying. Now I get a headache whenever I use the computer!
Так раздражает. Теперь каждый раз, когда сажусь за компьютер, у меня болит голова.
One hundred and fifty thousand couples are expected to get married in Shanghai in 2006.
Ожидается, что в 2006 году в Шанхае поженятся сто пятьдесят тысяч пар.
I live near the sea so I often get to go to the beach.
Я живу около моря, так что часто хожу на пляж.
Teachers must get tired of rectifying the same mistakes over and over again in their students' papers.
Учителя, должно быть, устают от одних и тех же ошибок в работах студентов.
I have to get a new computer.
Мне нужно купить новый компьютер.
You can't get lost in big cities; there are maps everywhere!
В крупных городах нельзя заблудиться, повсюду есть карты.
I managed to get in.
Мне удалось войти.
You should get your hair cut.
Тебе нужно постричься.

Субтитры из фильмов

Kids can get pretty much anything they want in the yard, as long as they can afford it.
Дети могут достать во дворе почти всё что угодно до тех пор, пока могут себе это позволить.
Stuff like that is easy to get because the screws turn a blind eye to those kind of things.
С другими вещами сложнее.
But the hardest thing to get past the screws is peanuts, or anything that contains peanuts, or anything that even MAY contain peanuts.
Но труднее всего пронести через пост арахис, или то, что содержит арахис, и даже то, что в принципе может содержать арахис.
Kids will always be able to get their hands on PBJs.
И дети всегда смогут заполучить эти сладкие булочки.
Here you go. Now get the fuck out of here, you junkie.
А теперь нафиг иди отсюда, нарик.
Then I package them and get them ready for distribution to all the hungry kids in the yard the next day.
Потом я их пакую и подготавливаю для распространения на будущий день всем голодающим во дворе.
Well, maybe if I had a bunch of flying reindeer, then maybe it wouldn't be so hard for me to get the product into the yard.
Если бы у меня тоже была упряжка из летающих оленей, я тоже запросто доставлял бы продукт во двор.
I gotta get the stuff past the screws first.
Сначала надо пронести товар через надзирателей.
We get someone on the outside, usually a junior high kid.
Нужно иметь своего человека снаружи, обычно из другой школы и постарше.
Now, how did you get involved with the PBJ trade?
Как тебя втянули в торговлю бутербродами?
It's a risky business, but they get paid a lot of money to take that risk. Keep moving, keep moving.
Это рискованное дело, зато риск хорошо оплачивается.
Suspended on the spot, get sent home, your parents freak out, and that's why I won't let anybody in my crew touch the stuff.
Отстраняют от учёбы, сидишь дома, родители в бешенстве. Поэтому я не позволяю никому из моей команды связываться с этой дрянью.
Nick's always told us none of us can get involved with the peanut racket, and there's no way I'm going to betray Nick for a kiss on the cheek for a lousy seven seconds.
Ник всегда твердит, чтобы никто из нас не связывался с арахисовым бизнесом. И я ни за что не предам Ника за поцелуй в щёчку на вшивые семь секунд.
Oh. Okay, look, I'll get your money back.
О, ладно, слушай я верну тебе деньги.

Из журналистики

When the rich get less rich, the poor get poorer.
Когда богатство богатых уменьшается, бедные становятся ещё беднее.
When the rich get less rich, the poor get poorer.
Когда богатство богатых уменьшается, бедные становятся ещё беднее.
The bureaucracies must be bypassed to get help to where it is needed: in the soil tilled by the world's poorest farm families.
Бюрократические органы необходимо обойти, чтобы доставить помощь туда, где она нужна: в землю, которую возделывают беднейшие фермерские семьи в мире.
Most people in the US know that if you talk back to the police, they will get nasty very fast.
Большинство людей в США знает, что если пререкаться с полицией, то они очень быстро разозлятся.
If the couple sizzled for cameras with Luxor and Petra as the backdrop, just imagine how hot things could get at the most romantic spot on Earth, the Taj Mahal.
Если пара шипела на камеры на фоне Люксора и Петры, то представьте, что было бы в самом романтическом месте на земле - Тадж-Махале!
Although economic theory today is much improved, if we ask people about the cause of the current crisis, we will mostly get the same answers.
Хотя экономическая теория сегодня намного совершеннее, если мы спросим людей о причине нынешнего кризиса, мы, в основном, получим такой же ответ.
Can the situation get worse?
Может ли эта ситуация еще больше ухудшиться?
So if things are so bad now, how can they get worse?
Таким образом, если дела обстоят настолько плохо, то как они могут стать еще хуже?
We can, however, decrease their frequency; we can make them shallower; we can ensure that fewer people are hurt and that those that get hurt are better protected.
Однако мы сможем снизить частоту их появления, мы можем сделать их не такими глубокими, мы можем сделать так, чтобы они затрагивали как можно меньше людей, и чтобы те, кому они принесли потери, получили большую компенсацию.
Get used to it. In a post-crisis world, these are the footprints of a failed recovery.
Глобальная экономика находится в середине второго периода опасений по поводу экономического роста за период менее чем в два года.
It took six days to get the woman to a hospital in Jalalabad though it was not very far from where she lived.
Доставка женщины в больницу Джалалабада заняла шесть дней, хотя она и не находилась очень далеко от места жительства женщины.
Most Latin American countries still get poor results from their efforts to export to Europe, the exceptions being raw materials and energy resources.
Усилия большинства латиноамериканских стран в области увеличения экспорта своей продукции в страны Европы по-прежнему не приносят желаемых результатов, за исключением экспорта сырья и энергоресурсов.
It takes a threat to oil supplies to get world leaders to pay attention to Africa.
Только угроза поставкам нефти заставляет мировых лидеров обратить внимание на Африку.
Normally, youth is a time when skills get built up; now, it is a time when they atrophy.
Как правило, молодость, это время для получения навыков; сейчас это время, когда они атрофируются.