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pitch английский

смола, шаг

Значение pitch значение

Что в английском языке означает pitch?
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In baseball, a pitch is when the pitcher throws the ball to the batter, who tries to hit it. Matsuzaka collected 10 strikeouts while throwing 108 pitches during a 4-1 win over Kansas City. The batter was going to swing at the pitch but it was too high. Gonzalez reached first in the fifth after being hit by a pitch. In football (soccer), a pitch is the place where the game is played. She kicked the ball halfway down the pitch. A pitch is a level of excitement, anger, etc. The anger over the changes has pushed this feeling to a fever pitch. A pitch is a sound at a particular frequency, how high or low a note is. We need to listen for small changes of pitch and rhythm that lie beyond the limits of Western music. You can hear their worry in the pitch of their voices. Somebody's pitch is how well they can produce or recognize a specific note. He has perfect pitch; at age eight he played the entire Bach Toccata in D Minor by ear. A pitch is an explanation to encourage somebody to do something, often to convince them to buy something. He was no good at all at fast-talking sales pitches over the telephone. Pitch is a sticky, black substance used to seal things like roofs. The night was pitch black. A pitch is the angle, up or down of a surface or vehicle.


If you pitch something, you throw it. He pitched the ball for his dog. If you pitch something, you promote or attempt to sell something. If you pitch a tent, you assemble it. The decided to pitch the tent over there.


бросать, бросить (= flip, toss) throw or toss with a light motion flip me the beachball toss me newspaper тон, высота the property of sound that varies with variation in the frequency of vibration (= lurch) move abruptly The ship suddenly lurched to the left подача (baseball) the act of throwing a baseball by a pitcher to a batter fall or plunge forward She pitched over the railing of the balcony degree of deviation from a horizontal plane the roof had a steep pitch set to a certain pitch He pitched his voice very low a vendor's position (especially on the sidewalk) he was employed to see that his paper's news pitches were not trespassed upon by rival vendors (= sales talk) promotion by means of an argument and demonstration the action or manner of throwing something his pitch fell short and his hat landed on the floor an all-fours game in which the first card led is a trump a high approach shot in golf дёготь, гудрон, смола any of various dark heavy viscid substances obtained as a residue ставить erect and fasten pitch a tent hit (a golf ball) in a high arc with a backspin lead (a card) and establish the trump suit (= deliver) throw or hurl from the mound to the batter, as in baseball The pitcher delivered the ball set the level or character of She pitched her speech to the teenagers in the audience тангаж (= pitching) abrupt up-and-down motion (as caused by a ship or other conveyance) the pitching and tossing was quite exciting (= slope) be at an angle The terrain sloped down (= tilt, slant) heel over The tower is tilting The ceiling is slanting продавать (= peddle) sell or offer for sale from place to place

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Спряжение pitch спряжение

Как изменяется pitch в английском языке?

pitch · глагол

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Как в английском употребляется pitch?

Простые фразы

Even people with perfect pitch sometimes have a hard time with Mandarin, let alone Cantonese.
Даже люди с идеальным слухом иногда испытывают трудности с путунхуа, не говоря уже о кантонском диалекте.
It's pitch black outside.
На улице тьма кромешная.
It's pitch black outside.
Снаружи не видно ни зги.
It was pitch-black.
Он был чёрный как смоль.
It was pitch-black.
Оно было угольно-чёрным.
Whose idea was it to pitch the tent here?
Чья была идея поставить здесь палатку?
Let's pitch the tent while it's still light.
Давайте поставим палатку, пока ещё светло.
Let's pitch the tent while it's still light.
Давайте разобьём палатку, пока ещё светло.
Pitch the ball.
Брось мяч.
Pitch the ball.
Кинь мяч.
Pitch the ball.
Бросьте мяч.
Pitch the ball.
Киньте мяч.
Pitch the ball.
Бросай мяч.
Pitch the ball.
Бросайте мяч.

Субтитры из фильмов

They also control the soccer pitch, which means if you want to play there, you have to ask permission from Frankie and his crew.
Ещё они контролируют футбольное поле. И если вы решили там поиграть, нужно получить разрешение у Френки и его банды.
Nick, they haven't allowed us to play on the soccer pitch all year.
Ник, они не разрешают нам играть на футбольном поле круглый год.
So that means that you will make them share the soccer pitch with us?
Я знал, что ты поймёшь.
It's like they think they own the soccer pitch, but only God owns the soccer pitch.
Как будто это их собственное футбольное поле. Но только Господь имеет права на поле.
It's like they think they own the soccer pitch, but only God owns the soccer pitch.
Как будто это их собственное футбольное поле. Но только Господь имеет права на поле.
And now, because of Frankie and his crew, I can't even play on the soccer pitch.
И всё что я смог взять с собой, был этом мяч. И после этого Френки и его банда даже не дают мне выйти на поле.
Frankie, on my father's life, Until you realize our right to share the soccer pitch, we will continue to sting you, and sting you like a swarm of killer bees. Okay, okay, come on, come on.
Френки, своим отцом клянусь тебе пока ты не поделишься правами на футбольное поле, мы будем продолжать жалить тебя, жалить как рой пчёл-убийц.
I respectfully ask you one Let us share the soccer pitch. You're never gonna play on our soccer field.
Из уважения, я спрашиваю в последний раз: разреши нам играть на поле.
I can hear from here Aziani's sales pitch.
Я услышала болтовню Азиани.
Pitch in and help him.
Присоединяйтесь и помогите ему.
Если я опять обнаружу вас на моей кухне, то немедленно вас выставлю!
You used to pitch better than that. Hello.
Раньше ты была точнее.
You're out of pitch.
Вы вышли из октавы.
What's your pitch, Pearlie? - Sir Alfred.
Чем промышляешь, Перли?

Из журналистики

Citizens should be able more easily to leak information, pitch stories, and send leads to mainstream investigative reporters.
Граждане должны уметь более легко пропускать информацию, адаптировать рассказы и отдавать инициативу основным следственным репортерам.
In terms of football at least, the Hispanic community's influence has brought the United States closer to Europe (though not, of course, in its team's performance on the pitch).
С точки зрения футбола, по крайней мере, влияние испаноязычного населения приблизило Соединенные Штаты к Европе (но, конечно, не в уровне игры команд на поле).
Actor Toby Maguire portrays Fischer with remarkable authenticity - indeed, pitch-perfect for those of us who met Fischer in his prime.
Актер Тоби Магуайр изображает Фишера с замечательной подлинностью - действительно, абсолютно точный образ для тех из нас, кто знал Фишера в его лучшие времена.
One thing is certain: Of my three encounters with Hillary Clinton, this third was the one where I found her the strongest and most passionate, thoroughly imbued with the meaning and pitch of the great American pastoral.
Одно можно сказать наверняка: Из моих трех встреч с Хиллари Клинтон, эта третья была той, где я нашел ее сильнее и более страстной, насквозь пропитанную смыслом и погруженной в великую Американскую пастораль.
Indeed, throughout the twentieth century, animosity between Poland and Russia remained at fever pitch, manifested not only in politics but also culturally.
Вообще, в течение ХХ века вражда между Польшей и Россией оставалась крайне сильной, проявляясь не только в политике, но и в культуре.
Hostility on the football pitch merely reflects the existing tense relations between the two countries, which carry the weight of a painful history.
Враждебность на футбольном поле просто отражает существующие напряженные отношения между двумя странами, на которых лежит груз болезненной истории.
The hump of Hitler's bunker curved softly under the earth a football pitch or so away.
Горб бункера Гитлера изгибался под землей на расстоянии футбольного поля от меня.
They want to enjoy the game, rather than sit in the company of their male relatives, oblivious to what's happening on the pitch.
Они хотят наслаждаться игрой, а не сидеть в компании своих родственников-мужчин, не обращая внимания на то, что происходит на поле.

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