overladen английский


Значение overladen значение

Что в английском языке означает overladen?
Простое определение


When something is overladen, it means that it is overloaded and is packed far more than what it can hold. The tray was overladen with food and the waiter was not able to carry it on one hand. When someone is overladen, the person is overly burdened and unable to cope with the workload. The student was overladen with homework to complete. The new parents were overladen with having to take care of the new twins.


loaded past capacity

Перевод overladen перевод

Как перевести с английского overladen?

overladen английский » русский


Синонимы overladen синонимы

Как по-другому сказать overladen по-английски?

overladen английский » английский


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