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poly английский

политехникум, политех, поликристаллический кремний

Значение poly значение

Что в английском языке означает poly?
Простое определение


Poly is short for polyester. Poly is fabric or clothing made from polyester.


If something is poly, it is produced from polyester, such as poly clothing.


Polytechnic. Polyethylene (polythene). Polyurethane (chiefly, computer graphics) Polygon. (uncountable) Polyester. (chiefly, informal) Polyamory. (chiefly, informal) A polyamorous person.


(chiefly, informal) Polyamorous.


(transitive, video games, roguelikes) To polymorph; to transform by magic.


A whitish woolly plant (Teucrium polium) of the family Labiatae, found throughout the Mediterranean.

Перевод poly перевод

Как перевести с английского poly?

Синонимы poly синонимы

Как по-другому сказать poly по-английски?

poly английский » английский

polyvinylidene fluoride polyvinylidene chloride poly- multi- more than one

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