timeout английский


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Что в английском языке означает timeout?
Простое определение


In sports a timeout is when the coach asks for a short stop in the game to talk with the team. The coach of the home team is asking for a timeout. A timeout is a short period to relax from a situation that causes stress. I need a timeout from this meeting.


(communication) The allowed maximal time for a process to end normally. (communication) The intentional termination of an incomplete task after a time limit considered long enough for it to end normally. The intentional termination of an incomplete task after a time limit

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тайм-аут простой нерабочее время

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Как в английском употребляется timeout?

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Visit Timeout.
Время посещения вышло.
Oh, timeout.
Timeout, Utah.
Тайм-аут, Юта.
Timeout from the game.
What's he calling timeout for?
Зачем ему тайм-аут?
Whoa! Timeout.
Тайм аут.
I get a timeout?
Наверное, перерыв?
Время вышло.
Somebody's in timeout.
Кто-то взял перерыв.
You need a timeout?
Тебе нужен отдых?
A timeout.
Cohen and I are on a timeout.
У нас Коеном перерыв.
Can I get a timeout, please?
Можно приостановить матч?

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