namesake английский

тезка, тёзка

Значение namesake значение

Что в английском языке означает namesake?
Простое определение


A namesake is one who is named after another, or for whom another is named. She was named Kylie after her namesake Kylie Minogue, a singer her mother really liked. A namesake is a person with the same name as another. A namesake can be a ship or a building that is named after someone or something.


тёзка a person with the same name as another

Перевод namesake перевод

Как перевести с английского namesake?

namesake английский » русский

тезка тёзка однофамилец тё́зка

Синонимы namesake синонимы

Как по-другому сказать namesake по-английски?

namesake английский » английский

homonym photo person bearing the same surname as doppelganger

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