UN | uni | une | und

un- английский


Значение un- значение

Что в английском языке означает un-?
Простое определение


You add "un-" to the front of an adjective or adverb usually to mean the opposite of the original word making an antonym. You could say, "He is not happy," "He is unhappy," or "He is sad." When "un" is added to the front of a verb it means to do something in reverse. That is, put something back the way it was before. First he wound the string on the stick, then he unwound it—so it was like he had done nothing.


(added to adjectives or past participles) not (added to nouns) absent; lacking; not; negative violative of; contrary to


(added to verbs and nouns to form verbs) reverse, opposite reversal or cancellation


Used to form temporary names of elements (such as unbiunium) whose existence has been predicted, and have not yet been given a trivial name. Used to form large numbers as the first in the sequence.

Перевод un- перевод

Как перевести с английского un-?

un- английский » русский

не- удалять извлекать бес- без- без

Синонимы un- синонимы

Как по-другому сказать un- по-английски?

un- английский » английский

non- un in- dis- -less overmuchness over- not yet not negative prefix mal- im- im completeness certainty absence a- DE