against the grain английский

против шерсти, не по нутру́

Значение against the grain значение

Что в английском языке означает against the grain?

against the grain

(woodworking, of sanding or planing a piece of wood) Preventing a smooth, level surface from being formed by raising the nap of the wood or causing larger splinters to form ahead of the cutting tool below the cutting surface. (idiomatic) Contrary to what is expected; especially, of behavior different from what society expects. to be announced

Перевод against the grain перевод

Как перевести с английского against the grain?

against the grain английский » русский

против шерсти не по нутру́

Синонимы against the grain синонимы

Как по-другому сказать against the grain по-английски?

against the grain английский » английский

wrong way hostile disagreeable counter to adverse

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