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bass английский


Значение bass значение

Что в английском языке означает bass?
Простое определение


The bass is a sound that is generally lower in tone. A bass is a male voice that is lower than tenor and baritone. Paul Robeson sang "Old Man River" in a deep bass voice. A bass is a musical instrument that produces low sounds. The bass played harmony while the trumpet played melody. A bass is the lower of two musical clefs. It is centered at the F below middle C. All the notes in the bass clef were played with the left hand.


A bass is a type of fish, similar to the perch. Chris caught five wide-mouthed bass on his fishing trip in Tennessee.


бас the lowest part of the musical range the lowest part in polyphonic music the lowest adult male singing voice бас the member with the lowest range of a family of musical instruments nontechnical name for any of numerous edible marine and freshwater spiny-finned fishes бас an adult male singer with the lowest voice низкий (= deep) having or denoting a low vocal or instrumental range a deep voice a bass voice is lower than a baritone voice a bass clarinet (= freshwater bass) any of various North American freshwater fish with lean flesh (especially of the genus Micropterus) (= sea bass) the lean flesh of a saltwater fish of the family Serranidae

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бас Басс

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Как по-другому сказать bass по-английски?

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Как в английском употребляется bass?

Простые фразы

Yes, he shaved all the frets off of his bass guitar, but it doesn't make him Jaco Pastorius.
Да, он убрал ладки со своей бас-гитары, но это не делает его Джако Пасториусом.
Tom doesn't know how to play the bass guitar.
Том не умеет играть на бас-гитаре.
He plays bass guitar.
Он играет на бас-гитаре.
Tom plays the bass guitar in our band.
Том играет на бас-гитаре в нашей группе.
You are mistaken: he plays double bass, not trombone.
Ты ошибаешься: он на контрабасе играет, а не на тромбоне.
Tom plays bass guitar in our band.
Том играет у нас в группе на бас-гитаре.
Tom is a bass player.
Том - басист.
Could you tweak the audio settings a little? The bass is too loud.
Ты бы не мог немного поднастроить звук? Басы слишком громкие.
Tom caught a very large bass.
Том поймал очень крупного окуня.

Субтитры из фильмов

I've been relaxed for three weeks and look at me now- reduced to pounding the pedal of a bass drum for a little excitement.
Отдохнуть? Я отдыхаю уже три недели! И теперь мне даже не дают поиграть часок на ударных, чтобы хоть как-то взбодриться!
Well, now to finish, suppose we see some of the percussion instruments, beginning with the bass drum.
И в довершение давайте услышим несколько ударных инструментов. Начнём с турецкого барабана.
If I no work here, if I just come in like you, I order one thing. Sea bass.
Если бы я здесь не работал, а пришел, как вы, я бы заказал рыбу сибас.
One sea bass.
Один сибас.
The sea bass, she's very good.
Но сибас очень хорош.
I'll take sea bass.
Я возьму сибас.
Two sea bass.
Два сибаса.
Sea bass?
Three sea bass.
Три сибаса.
You no want sea bass?
Вы не хотите сибас?
But they all order sea bass.
Но все заказали сибас!
The sea bass is a filet.
В сибасе только филе.
Sea bass.
Four sea bass!
Четыре сибаса!

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