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pass английский

проходить, проход

Значение pass значение

Что в английском языке означает pass?
Простое определение


If you pass something, it was ahead of you and you move so that it is now behind you. Please, step to the right and let faster people pass on your left. She was so close to the road that she could feel the wind from passing cars. He looked in as he passed the window. We passed through the tunnel and were back out into the light. She passed her hand across her face. He passed the belt through the loops in his pants. Did you see two people pass this way, a man and a woman, walking north? If a bill, law, motion, etc. passes, it is accepted, usually after a vote. The House passed a law that makes it a crime to have sex with anyone under age 16. If you pass a test, exam, etc., you get a score that is good enough, often over 50%. You passed the test. In fact, you got 7 out of 10 correct. If time passes, it moves from future to past. I'm bored here. The only thing that helps me pass the time is your letters. They passed the night in a hotel just outside town. If a road, river, railway, etc. passes a place, it continues from one side of the place to the other side. They are building a 150-kilometer road that passes through Yasuni Park. The road from Karachi to Gadani passes the route once taken by Alexander the Great. If you pass something to someone, you give it to them, usually by hand. Could you pass me the salt, please? The book passed from hand to hand. I passed your name on to my manager. She passed the information on to the police. If something passes, it happens. What has passed today must remain a secret. If you pass a ball, puck, etc. you throw, kick, or hit it to another member of your team. He passed to Lafleur, who put the ball in for the goal.


A pass is a piece of paper, plastic, etc. that allows somebody to enter a building, vehicle, or area. We have a season's pass for the ski hill. A pass is a score on a test, exam, etc. that is good enough, often over 50%. Also a person or paper that gets this score. On the last test there were only five passes; everyone else failed. We have one of the highest pass rates for the exam in the state! A pass is a throw, kick, hit, etc. of a ball, puck, etc. to another member of your team. Robert's pass in front of the net is blocked by the goalie. A pass is a place in a mountain that is easy to travel. The mountain pass was blocked, which made it difficult to get across. A pass is one case of a repeated action or process. We caught some new mistakes on the third pass.


проходить, пройти (= go through, go across) go across or through We passed the point where the police car had parked A terrible thought went through his mind (= pass by, surpass) move past A black limousine passed by when she looked out the window He passed his professor in the hall One line of soldiers surpassed the other издавать законы, законодательствовать (= legislate) make laws, bills, etc. or bring into effect by legislation They passed the amendment We cannot legislate how people spend their free time проходить, пройти, миновать, минуть, истекать, истечь (= elapse) pass by three years elapsed доставать, достать (= hand, turn over) place into the hands or custody of hand me the spoon, please Turn the files over to me, please He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers обгонять, обогнать travel past The sports car passed all the trucks (= run, go, extend) stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point Service runs all the way to Cranbury His knowledge doesn't go very far My memory extends back to my fourth year of life The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets происходить, произойти, случаться, случиться, состояться (= happen, occur, take place) come to pass What is happening? The meeting took place off without an incidence Nothing occurred that seemed important (= base on balls) (baseball) an advance to first base by a batter who receives four balls he worked the pitcher for a base on balls (= clear) go unchallenged; be approved The bill cleared the House (military) a written leave of absence he had a pass for three days проводить, провести (= spend) pass time in a specific way how are you spending your summer vacation? (= communicate, pass along) transmit information Please communicate this message to all employees pass along the good news (= run, draw) pass over, across, or through He ran his eyes over her body She ran her fingers along the carved figurine He drew her hair through his fingers (= pass off) disappear gradually The pain eventually passed off (= passing play, passing) (American football) a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate the coach sent in a passing play on third and long go successfully through a test or a selection process She passed the new Jersey Bar Exam and can practice law now accept or judge as acceptable The teacher passed the student although he was weak allow to go without comment or censure the insult passed as if unnoticed переходить, перейти transfer to another; of rights or property Our house passed under his official control a flight or run by an aircraft over a target the plane turned to make a second pass a document indicating permission to do something without restrictions the media representatives had special passes any authorization to pass or go somewhere the pass to visit had a strict time limit перевал the location in a range of mountains of a geological formation that is lower than the surrounding peaks we got through the pass before it started to snow (= sink) pass into a specified state or condition He sank into nirvana превосходить (= exceed, top) be superior or better than some standard She exceeded our expectations She topped her performance of last year проходить, пройти, передавать, передать throw (a ball) to another player Smith passed cause to pass She passed around the plates a bad or difficult situation or state of affairs a permit to enter or leave a military installation he had to show his pass in order to get out a complimentary ticket the star got passes for his family (= head) a difficult juncture a pretty pass matters came to a head yesterday one complete cycle of operations (as by a computer) it was not possible to complete the computation in a single pass (sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team the pass was fumbled (= passing) success in satisfying a test or requirement his future depended on his passing that test he got a pass in introductory chemistry (= bye) you advance to the next round in a tournament without playing an opponent he had a bye in the first round (= passing) of advancing the ball by throwing it a team with a good passing attack a pass play (= fall, return, devolve) be inherited by The estate fell to my sister The land returned to the family The estate devolved to an heir that everybody had assumed to be dead уполномочивать, авторизовать, одобрять (= authorize, authorise, clear) grant authorization or clearance for Clear the manuscript for publication The rock star never authorized this slanderous biography (= crack, whirl) a usually brief attempt he took a crack at it I gave it a whirl (= eliminate) eliminate from the body Pass a kidney stone сыграть в ящик, почить в бозе, преставиться, приказать долго жить, откинуть копыта, протянуть ноги, дать дуба, коньки отбросить, погибнуть (= die, perish, go, kick the bucket) pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life She died from cancer The children perished in the fire The patient went peacefully The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102

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Спряжение pass спряжение

Как изменяется pass в английском языке?

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Как в английском употребляется pass?

Простые фразы

In a town you may pass unnoticed, whereas in a village it's impossible.
В городе ты можешь пройти незамеченным, в то время как в деревне это невозможно.
If you study earnestly, you can expect to pass the exam.
Будете учиться прилежно - можете быть уверены в сдаче экзамена.
You can't enter here unless you have a pass.
Ты не можешь заходить сюда без пропуска.
Pass me the salt, please.
Передайте, пожалуйста, соль.
Pass me the salt, please.
Передайте мне, пожалуйста, соль.
Pass me the salt, please.
Передай мне, пожалуйста, соль.
Pass me the salt, will you?
Вы можете передать мне соль?
Would you pass me the salt?
Вы не передадите мне соль?
He asked me to pass him the salt.
Он попросил меня передать ему соль.
Could you pass me the salt, please?
Пожалуйста, не могли бы Вы передать мне соль?
Please pass me the salt.
Передайте соль, пожалуйста.
Pass me the salt and pepper, please.
Передайте мне, пожалуйста, соль и перец.
Pass me the salt and pepper, please.
Передай мне соль и перец, пожалуйста.
Pass me the wine, please.
Передайте вино, пожалуйста.

Субтитры из фильмов

Хочешь потанцевать?
At the end of season one, people weren't sure if she was either going to pass away, and there was going to be no more Lydia Martin.
Тогда, черт возьми, кто она? В конце первого сезона, люди не были уверены, умрет она или станет кем-то большим, чем Лидия Мартин.
We will definitely pass to the second round.
Мы точно пройдём в следующий тур.
I have to pass, through the red path that I've never thought of.
Мне нужно преодолеть красную дорожку.
Pass me a pot cookie.
Передайте мне печеньку.
And never pass up a good discount, right?
Кто же откажется от хорошей скидки, да?
The sooner you pass your driving test the better.
Чем раньше ты сдашь на права, тем лучше.
Bitch of a mountain. Wolf Creek Pass?
Посреди гор, уже за Вулф Крик.
Love, Confidence, Happiness months pass by.
Любовь. Доверие. Счастье.
Well, we'll pass over that.
Это мы еще обсудим.
Imagine it. For 30 miles we ride together in his car and never once did he so much as make a pass at me.
Представь себе, 30 миль мы проехали вместе в его машине, и он даже не попытался меня обнять.
You could pass me off as your brother.
Ты могла бы выдать меня за своего брата.
I pass.
Я пас.
But it'll pass.
Но это уже в прошлом.

Из журналистики

We cannot afford to let this opportunity pass us by.
Мы не можем позволить, чтобы эта возможность прошла мимо нас.
Government and rebel leaders around the globe have been put on notice that criminal conduct will no longer be given a free pass.
Лидеры правительств и повстанцев по всему миру получили предупреждение о том, что их преступные деяния больше не будут оставаться безнаказанными.
The IMF proposal seems to pass these tests.
Предложение МВФ, похоже, соответствует этому условию.
America managed to pass off bad mortgages worth hundreds of billions of dollars to investors (including banks) around the world.
Америка сумела выдать плохие ипотечные кредиты на сумму нескольких сотен миллиардов долларов инвесторам (включая банки) во всем мире.
Moreover, securitization contributed to bad lending: in the old days, banks that originated bad loans bore the consequences; in the new world of securitization, the originators could pass the loans onto others.
Более того, секьюритизация внесла свой вклад в плохое кредитование: раньше банки, которые создавали плохие заемы, несли за них ответственность; в новом мире секьюритизации создатели могут передать ссуды другим.
There is a discussion of how much of the burden to pass on to future generations. In this war, there was no such discussion.
Идут обсуждения о том, насколько существенную часть данной ноши оставить будущим поколениям. Во время данной войны никаких подобных обсуждений не проводилось.
Why are gun-control laws so hard to pass?
Почему так трудно провести законы, контролирующие владение оружием?
The Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Bill, which is about to pass the US Senate, does something similar - and long overdue - for banking.
Законопроект о финансовых реформах Додда-Франка, который вот-вот пройдет Сенат США, сделает что-то похожее - но с большим запозданием - для банковской системы.
But should any one of the resolutions on my list come to pass, the result would be momentous.
Но если любое из пожеланий в моем списке сбудется, результат будет мгновенным.
People developed these habits on the basis of the experiences of their families and friends: when in debt trouble, one must cut spending and pass through a period of austerity until the burden (debt relative to income) is reduced.
Люди выработали эти привычки на основе опыта их семей и друзей: когда наступают долговые проблемы, нужно сокращать расходы и переживать период жесткой экономии, пока нагрузка (долг по отношению к доходам) не уменьшится.
The nuclear cooperation agreement was criticized in the US Congress for not being strict enough on non-proliferation issues, but it looked likely to pass.
Соглашение о сотрудничестве в области ядерной энергии было подвергнуто критике со стороны Конгресса США за то, что оно является недостаточно жестким в отношении нераспространения ядерного оружия.
If this happens, another ten years may pass before the regulation is modified.
Если это случится, могут пройти еще десять лет, прежде чем эта инструкция будет модифицирована.
And a minority government would be unable to pass any controversial legislation that the Scottish Nationalists opposed.
И правительству меньшинства не удастся довести до конца любое спорное законодательство, которое не поддерживают шотландские националисты.
Some influential people, including Schwarzenegger, say the state needs a new constitution that would restrict ballot initiatives and make budgets easier to pass.
Некоторые влиятельные люди, включая Шварценеггера, говорят, что штат нуждается в новой конституции, которая ограничила бы законодательные инициативы голосования и упростила бы процедуру принятия бюджетов.

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