reheat английский
подогревать, разогревать
Значение reheat значение
Что в английском языке означает reheat?
Перевод reheat перевод
Как перевести с английского reheat?
reheat английский » русский
Синонимы reheat синонимы
Как по-другому сказать reheat по-английски?
reheat английский » английский
Спряжение reheat спряжение
Как изменяется reheat в английском языке?
reheat · глагол
Настоящее время I reheat
Утверждение I reheat
Единственное число
первое лицо I reheat
второе лицо you reheat
третье лицо he/she/it reheats
Множественное число
первое лицо we reheat
второе лицо you reheat
третье лицо they reheat
Отрицание I don't reheat
Единственное число
первое лицо I don't reheat I do not reheat
второе лицо you don't reheat you do not reheat
третье лицо he/she/it doesn't reheat he/she/it does not reheat
Множественное число
первое лицо we don't reheat we do not reheat
второе лицо you don't reheat you do not reheat
третье лицо they don't reheat they do not reheat
Вопрос do I reheat?
Единственное число
первое лицо do I reheat?
второе лицо do you reheat?
третье лицо does he/she/it reheat?
Множественное число
первое лицо do we reheat?
второе лицо do you reheat?
третье лицо do they reheat?
Отрицательный вопрос don't I reheat?
Единственное число
первое лицо don't I reheat? do I not reheat?
второе лицо don't you reheat? do you not reheat?
третье лицо doesn't he/she/it reheat? does he/she/it not reheat?
Множественное число
первое лицо don't we reheat? do we not reheat?
второе лицо don't you reheat? do you not reheat?
третье лицо don't they reheat? do they not reheat?
Прошедшее время I reheated
Утверждение I reheated
Единственное число
первое лицо I reheated
второе лицо you reheated
третье лицо he/she/it reheated
Множественное число
первое лицо we reheated
второе лицо you reheated
третье лицо they reheated
Отрицание I didn't reheat
Единственное число
первое лицо I didn't reheat I did not reheat
второе лицо you didn't reheat you did not reheat
третье лицо he/she/it didn't reheat he/she/it did not reheat
Множественное число
первое лицо we didn't reheat we did not reheat
второе лицо you didn't reheat you did not reheat
третье лицо they didn't reheat they did not reheat
Вопрос did I reheat?
Единственное число
первое лицо did I reheat?
второе лицо did you reheat?
третье лицо did he/she/it reheat?
Множественное число
первое лицо did we reheat?
второе лицо did you reheat?
третье лицо did they reheat?
Отрицательный вопрос didn't I reheat?
Единственное число
первое лицо didn't I reheat? did I not reheat?
второе лицо didn't you reheat? did you not reheat?
третье лицо didn't he/she/it reheat? did he/she/it not reheat?
Множественное число
первое лицо didn't we reheat? did we not reheat?
второе лицо didn't you reheat? did you not reheat?
третье лицо didn't they reheat? did they not reheat?
Будущее время I'll reheat
Утверждение I'll reheat
Единственное число
первое лицо I'll reheat I will reheat
второе лицо you'll reheat you will reheat
третье лицо he/she/it'll reheat he/she/it will reheat
Множественное число
первое лицо we'll reheat we will reheat
второе лицо you'll reheat you will reheat
третье лицо they'll reheat they will reheat
Отрицание I won't reheat
Единственное число
первое лицо I won't reheat I will not reheat
второе лицо you won't reheat you will not reheat
третье лицо he/she/it won't reheat he/she/it will not reheat
Множественное число
первое лицо we won't reheat we will not reheat
второе лицо you won't reheat you will not reheat
третье лицо they won't reheat they will not reheat
Вопрос will I reheat?
Единственное число
первое лицо will I reheat?
второе лицо will you reheat?
третье лицо will he/she/it reheat?
Множественное число
первое лицо will we reheat?
второе лицо will you reheat?
третье лицо will they reheat?
Отрицательный вопрос won't I reheat?
Единственное число
первое лицо won't I reheat? will I not reheat?
второе лицо won't you reheat? will you not reheat?
третье лицо won't he/she/it reheat? will he/she/it not reheat?
Множественное число
первое лицо won't we reheat? will we not reheat?
второе лицо won't you reheat? will you not reheat?
третье лицо won't they reheat? will they not reheat?
Условное наклонение I'd reheat
Утверждение I'd reheat
Единственное число
первое лицо I'd reheat I would reheat
второе лицо you'd reheat you would reheat
третье лицо he/she/it'd reheat he/she/it would reheat
Множественное число
первое лицо we'd reheat we would reheat
второе лицо you'd reheat you would reheat
третье лицо they'd reheat they would reheat
Отрицание I wouldn't reheat
Единственное число
первое лицо I wouldn't reheat I would not reheat
второе лицо you wouldn't reheat you would not reheat
третье лицо he/she/it wouldn't reheat he/she/it would not reheat
Множественное число
первое лицо we wouldn't reheat we would not reheat
второе лицо you wouldn't reheat you would not reheat
третье лицо they wouldn't reheat they would not reheat
Вопрос would I reheat?
Единственное число
первое лицо would I reheat?
второе лицо would you reheat?
третье лицо would he/she/it reheat?
Множественное число
первое лицо would we reheat?
второе лицо would you reheat?
третье лицо would they reheat?
Отрицательный вопрос wouldn't I reheat?
Единственное число
первое лицо wouldn't I reheat? would I not reheat?
второе лицо wouldn't you reheat? would you not reheat?
третье лицо wouldn't he/she/it reheat? would he/she/it not reheat?
Множественное число
первое лицо wouldn't we reheat? would we not reheat?
второе лицо wouldn't you reheat? would you not reheat?
третье лицо wouldn't they reheat? would they not reheat?
Настоящее время непрерывное I'm reheating
Утверждение I'm reheating
Единственное число
первое лицо I'm reheating I am reheating
второе лицо you're reheating you are reheating
третье лицо he/she/it's reheating he/she/it is reheating
Множественное число
первое лицо we're reheating we are reheating
второе лицо you're reheating you are reheating
третье лицо they're reheating they are reheating
Отрицание I'm not reheating
Единственное число
первое лицо I'm not reheating I am not reheating
второе лицо you aren't reheating you're not reheating you are not reheating
третье лицо he/she/it isn't reheating he/she/it's not reheating he/she/it is not reheating
Множественное число
первое лицо we aren't reheating we're not reheating we are not reheating
второе лицо you aren't reheating you're not reheating you are not reheating
третье лицо they aren't reheating they're not reheating they are not reheating
Вопрос am I reheating?
Единственное число
первое лицо am I reheating?
второе лицо are you reheating?
третье лицо is he/she/it reheating?
Множественное число
первое лицо are we reheating?
второе лицо are you reheating?
третье лицо are they reheating?
Отрицательный вопрос aren't I reheating?
Единственное число
первое лицо aren't I reheating? am I not reheating?
второе лицо aren't you reheating? are you not reheating?
третье лицо isn't he/she/it reheating? is he/she/it not reheating?
Множественное число
первое лицо aren't we reheating? are we not reheating?
второе лицо aren't you reheating? are you not reheating?
третье лицо aren't they reheating? are they not reheating?
Прошедшее время непрерывное I was reheating
Утверждение I was reheating
Единственное число
первое лицо I was reheating
второе лицо you were reheating
третье лицо he/she/it was reheating
Множественное число
первое лицо we were reheating
второе лицо you were reheating
третье лицо they were reheating
Отрицание I wasn't reheating
Единственное число
первое лицо I wasn't reheating I was not reheating
второе лицо you weren't reheating you were not reheating
третье лицо he/she/it wasn't reheating he/she/it was not reheating
Множественное число
первое лицо we weren't reheating we were not reheating
второе лицо you weren't reheating you were not reheating
третье лицо they weren't reheating they were not reheating
Вопрос was I reheating?
Единственное число
первое лицо was I reheating?
второе лицо were you reheating?
третье лицо was he/she/it reheating?
Множественное число
первое лицо were we reheating?
второе лицо were you reheating?
третье лицо were they reheating?
Отрицательный вопрос wasn't I reheating?
Единственное число
первое лицо wasn't I reheating? was I not reheating?
второе лицо weren't you reheating? were you not reheating?
третье лицо wasn't he/she/it reheating? was he/she/it not reheating?
Множественное число
первое лицо weren't we reheating? were we not reheating?
второе лицо weren't you reheating? were you not reheating?
третье лицо weren't they reheating? were they not reheating?
Будущее время непрерывное I'll be reheating
Утверждение I'll be reheating
Единственное число
первое лицо I'll be reheating I will be reheating
второе лицо you'll be reheating you will be reheating
третье лицо he/she/it'll be reheating he/she/it will be reheating
Множественное число
первое лицо we'll be reheating we will be reheating
второе лицо you'll be reheating you will be reheating
третье лицо they'll be reheating they will be reheating
Отрицание I won't be reheating
Единственное число
первое лицо I won't be reheating I will not be reheating
второе лицо you won't be reheating you will not be reheating
третье лицо he/she/it won't be reheating he/she/it will not be reheating
Множественное число
первое лицо we won't be reheating we will not be reheating
второе лицо you won't be reheating you will not be reheating
третье лицо they won't be reheating they will not be reheating
Вопрос will I be reheating?
Единственное число
первое лицо will I be reheating?
второе лицо will you be reheating?
третье лицо will he/she/it be reheating?
Множественное число
первое лицо will we be reheating?
второе лицо will you be reheating?
третье лицо will they be reheating?
Отрицательный вопрос won't I be reheating?
Единственное число
первое лицо won't I be reheating? will I not be reheating?
второе лицо won't you be reheating? will you not be reheating?
третье лицо won't he/she/it be reheating? will he/she/it not be reheating?
Множественное число
первое лицо won't we be reheating? will we not be reheating?
второе лицо won't you be reheating? will you not be reheating?
третье лицо won't they be reheating? will they not be reheating?
Условное наклонение непрерывное I'd be reheating
Утверждение I'd be reheating
Единственное число
первое лицо I'd be reheating I would be reheating
второе лицо you'd be reheating you would be reheating
третье лицо he/she/it'd be reheating he/she/it would be reheating
Множественное число
первое лицо we'd be reheating we would be reheating
второе лицо you'd be reheating you would be reheating
третье лицо they'd be reheating they would be reheating
Отрицание I wouldn't be reheating
Единственное число
первое лицо I wouldn't be reheating I would not be reheating
второе лицо you wouldn't be reheating you would not be reheating
третье лицо he/she/it wouldn't be reheating he/she/it would not be reheating
Множественное число
первое лицо we wouldn't be reheating we would not be reheating
второе лицо you wouldn't be reheating you would not be reheating
третье лицо they wouldn't be reheating they would not be reheating
Вопрос would I be reheating?
Единственное число
первое лицо would I be reheating?
второе лицо would you be reheating?
третье лицо would he/she/it be reheating?
Множественное число
первое лицо would we be reheating?
второе лицо would you be reheating?
третье лицо would they be reheating?
Отрицательный вопрос wouldn't I be reheating?
Единственное число
первое лицо wouldn't I be reheating? would I not be reheating?
второе лицо wouldn't you be reheating? would you not be reheating?
третье лицо wouldn't he/she/it be reheating? would he/she/it not be reheating?
Множественное число
первое лицо wouldn't we be reheating? would we not be reheating?
второе лицо wouldn't you be reheating? would you not be reheating?
третье лицо wouldn't they be reheating? would they not be reheating?
Настоящее время совершённое I've reheated
Утверждение I've reheated
Единственное число
первое лицо I've reheated I have reheated
второе лицо you've reheated you have reheated
третье лицо he/she/it's reheated he/she/it has reheated
Множественное число
первое лицо we've reheated we have reheated
второе лицо you've reheated you have reheated
третье лицо they've reheated they have reheated
Отрицание I haven't reheated
Единственное число
первое лицо I haven't reheated I have not reheated
второе лицо you haven't reheated you have not reheated
третье лицо he/she/it hasn't reheated he/she/it has not reheated
Множественное число
первое лицо we haven't reheated we have not reheated
второе лицо you haven't reheated you have not reheated
третье лицо they haven't reheated they have not reheated
Вопрос have I reheated?
Единственное число
первое лицо have I reheated?
второе лицо have you reheated?
третье лицо has he/she/it reheated?
Множественное число
первое лицо have we reheated?
второе лицо have you reheated?
третье лицо have they reheated?
Отрицательный вопрос haven't I reheated?
Единственное число
первое лицо haven't I reheated? have I not reheated?
второе лицо haven't you reheated? have you not reheated?
третье лицо hasn't he/she/it reheated? has he/she/it not reheated?
Множественное число
первое лицо haven't we reheated? have we not reheated?
второе лицо haven't you reheated? have you not reheated?
третье лицо haven't they reheated? have they not reheated?
Прошедшее время совершённое I had reheated
Утверждение I had reheated
Единственное число
первое лицо I had reheated
второе лицо you had reheated
третье лицо he/she/it had reheated
Множественное число
первое лицо we had reheated
второе лицо you had reheated
третье лицо they had reheated
Отрицание I hadn't reheated
Единственное число
первое лицо I hadn't reheated I had not reheated
второе лицо you hadn't reheated you had not reheated
третье лицо he/she/it hadn't reheated he/she/it had not reheated
Множественное число
первое лицо we hadn't reheated we had not reheated
второе лицо you hadn't reheated you had not reheated
третье лицо they hadn't reheated they had not reheated
Вопрос had I reheated?
Единственное число
первое лицо had I reheated?
второе лицо had you reheated?
третье лицо had he/she/it reheated?
Множественное число
первое лицо had we reheated?
второе лицо had you reheated?
третье лицо had they reheated?
Отрицательный вопрос hadn't I reheated?
Единственное число
первое лицо hadn't I reheated? had I not reheated?
второе лицо hadn't you reheated? had you not reheated?
третье лицо hadn't he/she/it reheated? had he/she/it not reheated?
Множественное число
первое лицо hadn't we reheated? had we not reheated?
второе лицо hadn't you reheated? had you not reheated?
третье лицо hadn't they reheated? had they not reheated?
Будущее время совершённое I'll have reheated
Утверждение I'll have reheated
Единственное число
первое лицо I'll have reheated I will have reheated
второе лицо you'll have reheated you will have reheated
третье лицо he/she/it'll have reheated he/she/it will have reheated
Множественное число
первое лицо we'll have reheated we will have reheated
второе лицо you'll have reheated you will have reheated
третье лицо they'll have reheated they will have reheated
Отрицание I won't have reheated
Единственное число
первое лицо I won't have reheated I will not have reheated
второе лицо you won't have reheated you will not have reheated
третье лицо he/she/it won't have reheated he/she/it will not have reheated
Множественное число
первое лицо we won't have reheated we will not have reheated
второе лицо you won't have reheated you will not have reheated
третье лицо they won't have reheated they will not have reheated
Вопрос +'ll I have reheated?
Единственное число
первое лицо +'ll I have reheated? will I have reheated?
второе лицо +'ll you have reheated? will you have reheated?
третье лицо +'ll he/she/it have reheated? will he/she/it have reheated?
Множественное число
первое лицо +'ll we have reheated? will we have reheated?
второе лицо +'ll you have reheated? will you have reheated?
третье лицо +'ll they have reheated? will they have reheated?
Отрицательный вопрос won't I have reheated?
Единственное число
первое лицо won't I have reheated? will I not have reheated?
второе лицо won't you have reheated? will you not have reheated?
третье лицо won't he/she/it have reheated? will he/she/it not have reheated?
Множественное число
первое лицо won't we have reheated? will we not have reheated?
второе лицо won't you have reheated? will you not have reheated?
третье лицо won't they have reheated? will they not have reheated?
Условное наклонение совершённое I'd have reheated
Утверждение I'd have reheated
Единственное число
первое лицо I'd have reheated I would have reheated
второе лицо you'd have reheated you would have reheated
третье лицо he/she/it'd have reheated he/she/it would have reheated
Множественное число
первое лицо we'd have reheated we would have reheated
второе лицо you'd have reheated you would have reheated
третье лицо they'd have reheated they would have reheated
Отрицание I wouldn't have reheated
Единственное число
первое лицо I wouldn't have reheated I would not have reheated
второе лицо you wouldn't have reheated you would not have reheated
третье лицо he/she/it wouldn't have reheated he/she/it would not have reheated
Множественное число
первое лицо we wouldn't have reheated we would not have reheated
второе лицо you wouldn't have reheated you would not have reheated
третье лицо they wouldn't have reheated they would not have reheated
Вопрос would I have reheated?
Единственное число
первое лицо would I have reheated?
второе лицо would you have reheated?
третье лицо would he/she/it have reheated?
Множественное число
первое лицо would we have reheated?
второе лицо would you have reheated?
третье лицо would they have reheated?
Отрицательный вопрос wouldn't I have reheated?
Единственное число
первое лицо wouldn't I have reheated? would I not have reheated?
второе лицо wouldn't you have reheated? would you not have reheated?
третье лицо wouldn't he/she/it have reheated? would he/she/it not have reheated?
Множественное число
первое лицо wouldn't we have reheated? would we not have reheated?
второе лицо wouldn't you have reheated? would you not have reheated?
третье лицо wouldn't they have reheated? would they not have reheated?
Повелительное наклонение reheat!
you reheat!
we let's reheat!
you don't reheat!
we let's not reheat!
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