incumbency английский

обязанность, долг

Значение incumbency значение

Что в английском языке означает incumbency?
Простое определение


Incumbency is the position or quality of being incumbent. Incumbency is the length of time a person holds a position of authority. There was a vote against the senator because people wanted a change after his long incumbency. Incumbency is a duty or obligation that a society can expect of people.


the office of an incumbent a duty that is incumbent upon you (= tenure) the term during which some position is held

Перевод incumbency перевод

Как перевести с английского incumbency?

Синонимы incumbency синонимы

Как по-другому сказать incumbency по-английски?

incumbency английский » английский

term of office tenure obligation duty term service responsibility position military service commitment arrear

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