
jacket английский

куртка, кожух

Значение jacket значение

Что в английском языке означает jacket?
Простое определение


A jacket is a piece of clothing with long sleeves that you wear over a shirt. A jacket is not as long as a coat. He took his phone from the pocket of his jacket. He pulled on his pants, grabbed his leather jacket, and ran out the door. The girl wore a wool jacket that was so short you could almost see her stomach. They wore red shirts, or jackets from the English Army. A jacket is a covering on something such as a book or a record. Most Oz books don't have their original dust jackets because the books were so well loved. He slipped the record carefully from the jacket. A wire to go underground should have a jacket that will not allow water to enter. We had a meal of potatoes boiled in their jackets, fish, black bread and butter, and pickled beets.


If you jacket something, you put a jacket on it. If mathx/math jackets mathy/math, mathx/math covers mathy/math.


куртка, жакет a short coat an outer wrapping or casing phonograph records were sold in cardboard jackets provide with a thermally non-conducting cover The tubing needs to be jacketed коронка (= crown) (dentistry) dental appliance consisting of an artificial crown for a broken or decayed tooth tomorrow my dentist will fit me for a crown the tough metal shell casing for certain kinds of ammunition the outer skin of a potato put a jacket on The men were jacketed

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Спряжение jacket спряжение

Как изменяется jacket в английском языке?

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Примеры jacket примеры

Как в английском употребляется jacket?

Простые фразы

It's in my jacket pocket.
Оно в кармане моего пиджака.
It's in my jacket pocket.
Она в кармане моего пиджака.
It's in my jacket pocket.
Он в кармане моего пиджака.
This tie and that jacket go well together.
Этот галстук и тот пиджак хорошо сочетаются.
Can I try on this jacket?
Могу я примерить эту курточку?
I don't like this jacket.
Этот пиджак мне не нравится.
I don't like this jacket.
Мне не нравится эта куртка.
I got a new jacket yesterday.
Вчера я купила новую куртку.
I tore my jacket on a nail.
Я порвал куртку об гвоздь.
Your jacket and tie don't go together.
У тебя пиджак не подходит к галстуку.
You'd better wear a sweater under your jacket.
Одень лучше свитер под куртку.
He zipped up his jacket.
Он застегнул куртку.
He zipped up his jacket.
Он застегнул молнию на куртке.
He had a blue jacket on.
На нём голубая куртка.

Субтитры из фильмов

It's so warm, you won't need a jacket.
Тебе не нужен пиджак, и так жарко.
Ah yes, underneath the jacket.
Ах да, под пиджак.
Have you a dinner jacket? - Oh.
У Вас есть фрак?
Were you catchin' some fish? Get his jacket.
Ступай за врачом.
Hand me my jacket.
Дай мне мою куртку.
He'll argue about it for a moment longer before he lets them in. Now's your time. Your jacket's terrible light-colored.
Еще немного поспорят, и он их впустит.
My jacket, please. - Here you are, Sir.
Мой пиджак, пожалуйста.
Right-hand pocket of your jacket.
В правый карман пиджака.
Where do you think I got that jacket, at the fish market?
А откуда, ты думаешь, у меня бушлат?
No, we have unit heat, and each heating pipe has a triple-wall jacket and all the outside walls are double insulated.
У нас есть батареи, и каждая подводящая тепло труба имеет тройную обмотку а у всех внешних стен двойная изоляция.
You're growing so fast, your wrists are sticking out of your jacket.
Ты так быстро растешь, у тебя руки торчат из рукавов.
Bring me my scarf and jacket!
Принеси мне кофту и платок!
The cops found a blonde hair on his jacket.
Похоже. На жилете старика полиция нашла светлый волосок.
Or end up a bull in a crummy jacket and wrinkled pants.
Да,закончу легавым,как Вы,в драной куртке и в штанах с аккордеоном.

Из журналистики

Moreover, the IMF will still be there, along with its fiscal straight jacket and its rigorous monitoring.
Более того, МВФ также останется здесь вместе с его финансовой смирительной рубашкой и строгим наблюдением.
It was given to me, in the bowels of the Pentagon, by a man with a white dust jacket and a pointer who looked uncannily like Woody Allen.
Он проходил в недрах Пентагона, на вопросы отвечал мужчина в белом плаще и с указкой, поразительно похожий на Вуди Аллена.

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