screwball английский


Значение screwball значение

Что в английском языке означает screwball?
Простое определение


A screwball is a type of throw where the ball curves to one side. Screwballs are often described as being the opposite of curveballs. A screwball is someone that behaves in a crazy way. That student over there is a real screwball.


a pitch with reverse spin that curves toward the side of the plate from which it was thrown (= crazy, half-baked) foolish; totally unsound a crazy scheme half-baked ideas a screwball proposal without a prayer of working псих (= crackpot) a whimsically eccentric person

Перевод screwball перевод

Как перевести с английского screwball?

Синонимы screwball синонимы

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