in front английский

впереди, перед

Значение in front значение

Что в английском языке означает in front?
Простое определение

in front

If mathx/math is in front of mathy/math, mathx/math is closer than mathy/math to the goal. She almost got hit when she walked in front of the car. The runners in front seem to be getting tired. Japan is in front of Iran 1 to 0. You walk in front, and I'll walk behind. We have a lot of hard work in front of us. If mathx/math is in front of mathy/math, mathy/math is facing mathx/math. He washed his face in front of the mirror. There's a tree in front of the house.

in front

(= ahead, before) at or in the front I see the lights of a town ahead the road ahead is foggy staring straight ahead we couldn't see over the heads of the people in front with the cross of Jesus marching on before

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впереди перед до вперед в будущем

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