by accident английский

случайно, нечаянно

Значение by accident значение

Что в английском языке означает by accident?

by accident

Accidentally; unintentionally; without meaning to; as the result of an event not expected, aided, or designed by one's will. As the result of some undesigned, unintended, unrelated, natural, or random occurrence; as the unexpected and unforeseen result of formerly unrelated factors. By chance; unexpectedly; as the result of an unrelated series of events.

by accident

Accidental; as the result of some unforeseen happening or series of events; unexpected; resulting from an event without the foresight, expectation, aid, or design of the person by whose agency it was caused; unintentional.

Перевод by accident перевод

Как перевести с английского by accident?

Синонимы by accident синонимы

Как по-другому сказать by accident по-английски?

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