on account of английский


Значение on account of значение

Что в английском языке означает on account of?
Простое определение

on account of

If you do mathx/math on account of mathy/math, you do mathx/math because of mathy/math. It explains the reason you do something. He couldn't read it on account of his bad eyes. She was late on account of having missed the bus.

on account of

On behalf of the (monetary) account of; (idiomatic, originally, _, figurative) for the sake of. For the sake of

on account of

(colloquial) On account of the fact that: because, since.

Перевод on account of перевод

Как перевести с английского on account of?

on account of английский » русский

вследствие по причине из-за

Синонимы on account of синонимы

Как по-другому сказать on account of по-английски?

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