puddle английский


Значение puddle значение

Что в английском языке означает puddle?


обмазка a mixture of wet clay and sand that can be used to line a pond and that is impervious to water when dry make a puddle by splashing water work a wet mixture, such as concrete or mud mess around, as in a liquid or paste The children are having fun puddling in paint subject to puddling or form by puddling puddle iron dip into mud before planting puddle young plants wade or dabble in a puddle The ducks and geese puddled in the backyard make into a puddle puddled mire лужа (= pool) a small body of standing water (rainwater) or other liquid there were puddles of muddy water in the road after the rain the body lay in a pool of blood (= pool) something resembling a pool of liquid he stood in a pool of light his chair sat in a puddle of books and magazines (= muddle) mix up or confuse He muddled the issues писать, мочиться, сикать, ссать, поссать, пописать (= make) eliminate urine Again, the cat had made on the expensive rug

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Как в английском употребляется puddle?

Простые фразы

He jumped across the puddle.
Он перепрыгнул через лужу.
The ice melted into a puddle of water.
Лёд растаял и превратился в лужу.
Tom stepped in a puddle of water.
Том наступил в лужу.
Be careful not to step in the mud puddle.
Осторожно, не наступи в грязную лужу.
Be careful not to step in the mud puddle.
Осторожно, не наступите в грязную лужу.

Субтитры из фильмов

Don't go making this nothin' but a boring puddle of yer own crap!
Нечего тут бродить и оставлять за собой кучи дерьма.
Well, there you are. Swimming puddle and everything.
Полюбуйся,тут и бассейн, и прочее.
Woman found dead on the kitchen floor in a puddle of blood.
Женщину нашли на кухне в луже крови.
Say, but what about the puddle of blood?
А лужа крови?
Watch out for the puddle, Fredrik!
Осторожно, пудель!
Well, I slipped, and I fell in a mud puddle.
Поскользнулась и упала в грязную лужу.
And as you grow up, there's always another beautiful dress. and another mud puddle, and still you don't die.
Станешь взрослым, и найдётся очередное чудесное платье. и очередная лужа, но ты не умрёшь.
Sugar, you got the key? I'm locked out and I'm makin' a puddle in the hall.
Ты забрала ключ, а я захлопнула дверь, теперь в коридоре лужа.
Get out of that puddle, boy.
Выйди из лужи, мальчик.
They were full of mud from a puddle.
Они все в грязи, я наступила в лужу.
When I pulled my foot out, I stepped in a puddle. Then a cab went by and splashed my stockings.
Потом я вступила в лужу, а проезжавшее такси меня облило.
That Vulcan won't be satisfied till these panels are a puddle of lead.
Этот вулканец не успокоится, пока панели не расплавятся.
Sure was weird the way you hit that puddle, Ray.
Тебе не повезло в луже. Зато неплохо выкарабкался.
I'm one big puddle.
Я весь как одна большая лужа.

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