corrode английский

разъедать, ржаветь

Значение corrode значение

Что в английском языке означает corrode?
Простое определение


If something corrodes, it is destroyed or damaged slowly by chemical reaction. Due to the prolonged exposure to acid rain, the metal and limestone started to corrode. If something corrodes, it is destroyed or weakened gradually. His morale is being corroded day by day.


(= rust) cause to deteriorate due to the action of water, air, or an acid The acid corroded the metal The steady dripping of water rusted the metal stopper in the sink (= rust) become destroyed by water, air, or a corrosive such as an acid The metal corroded The pipes rusted

Перевод corrode перевод

Как перевести с английского corrode?

Синонимы corrode синонимы

Как по-другому сказать corrode по-английски?

Спряжение corrode спряжение

Как изменяется corrode в английском языке?

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