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go английский


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Что в английском языке означает go?
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To move; to move away from a place; to move farther from the person who is talking; to move from one place to another place. I go to the seashore every summer. Kathy goes to the seashore every summer, too. I went to the seashore last year. She's gone to the seashore. I'm going to the seashore next year.


ходить, идти, ездить, ехать (= travel, move) change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically How fast does your new car go? We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell news travelled fast follow a procedure or take a course We should go farther in this matter She went through a lot of trouble go about the world in a certain manner Messages must go through diplomatic channels (= go away, depart) move away from a place into another direction Go away before I start to cry The train departs at noon становиться (= become, get) enter or assume a certain state or condition He became annoyed when he heard the bad news It must be getting more serious her face went red with anger She went into ecstasy Get going! be awarded; be allotted The first prize goes to Mary Her money went on clothes (= run, extend) stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point Service runs all the way to Cranbury His knowledge doesn't go very far My memory extends back to my fourth year of life The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets (= run) have a particular form the story or argument runs as follows as the saying goes... follow a certain course The inauguration went well how did your interview go? be abolished or discarded These ugly billboards have to go! These luxuries all had to go under the Khmer Rouge be or continue to be in a certain condition The children went hungry that day (= sound) make a certain noise or sound She went 'Mmmmm' The gun went 'bang' (= run) progress by being changed The speech has to go through several more drafts run through your presentation before the meeting (= run low) to be spent or finished The money had gone after a few days Gas is running low at the gas stations in the Midwest (= work, run) perform as expected when applied The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in Does this old car still run well? This old radio doesn't work anymore pass, fare, or elapse; of a certain state of affairs or action How is it going? The day went well until I got your call сыграть в ящик, почить в бозе, преставиться, приказать долго жить, откинуть копыта, протянуть ноги, дать дуба, коньки отбросить, погибнуть (= die, perish, pass, kick the bucket) pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life She died from cancer The children perished in the fire The patient went peacefully The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102 выживать (= survive, last, live) continue to live through hardship or adversity We went without water and food for 3 days These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America The race car driver lived through several very serious accidents how long can a person last without food and water? be ranked or compare This violinist is as good as Juilliard-trained violinists go (= belong) be in the right place or situation Where do these books belong? Let's put health care where it belongs--under the control of the government Where do these books go? начинать, начать, начинаться, начаться (= start) begin or set in motion I start at eight in the morning Ready, set, go! (= move) have a turn; make one's move in a game Can I go now? be spent All my money went for food and rent водиться, вестись (= lead) lead, extend, or afford access This door goes to the basement The road runs South be sounded, played, or expressed How does this song go again? be contained in How many times does 18 go into 54? functioning correctly and ready for action all systems are go очередь (= spell) a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else) it's my go a spell of work го a board game for two players who place counters on a grid; the object is to surround and so capture the opponent's counters (= blend) blend or harmonize This flavor will blend with those in your dish This sofa won't go with the chairs подходить, годиться (= fit) be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired This piece won't fit into the puzzle (= rifle) go through in search of something; search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way Who rifled through my desk drawers? (= plump) give support (to) or make a choice (of) one out of a group or number I plumped for the losing candidates (= crack, whirl) a usually brief attempt he took a crack at it I gave it a whirl экстази (= Adam) street names for methylenedioxymethamphetamine (= fail, die, break, break down) stop operating or functioning The engine finally went The car died on the road The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town The coffee maker broke The engine failed on the way to town her eyesight went after the accident

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Как в английском употребляется go?

Простые фразы

I have to go to sleep.
Мне пора идти спать.
I have to go to sleep.
Мне нужно идти спать.
I have to go to sleep.
Я должен ложиться спать.
I'm going to go.
Я пойду.
I'm going to go.
Я собираюсь идти.
I'm going to go.
Я собираюсь пойти.
I'm going to go.
Я собираюсь поехать.
I wish I could go to Japan.
Я хотела бы иметь возможность поехать в Японию.
I have to go to bed.
Мне нужно идти спать.
It is inevitable that I go to France someday, I just don't know when.
Когда-нибудь я обязательно поеду во Францию, просто пока не знаю когда.
Why don't we go home?
Почему бы нам не пойти домой?
When you're beginning to look like the photo in your passport, you should go on a holiday.
Когда становишься похож на своё фото в паспорте - пора взять отпуск.
I think I'm gonna go to sleep.
Я, наверное, пойду спать.
I think I'm gonna go to sleep.
Я, пожалуй, пойду спать.

Субтитры из фильмов

The screws search our lockers, they go through our backpacks.
Охрана обыскиваеют наши шкафчики, заглядывает в рюкзаки.
Here you go. Now get the fuck out of here, you junkie.
А теперь нафиг иди отсюда, нарик.
Well, I used to go to school here when I was a kid.
Я ходила в эту школу, когда была младше.
Let's go.
Пошёл! Вперёд!
I'd better go talk to Mary on this one.
Проще всего спросить об этом у Мэри.
Just gonna go take a little dump. I gotta go to the bathroom and go catch up on some reading. I gotta take the Browns to the Superbowl.
Похоже на то, когда хочешь навалить кучу, идёшь в туалет, берёшь что-нибудь почитать, и засираешь нафиг весь толчок.
Just gonna go take a little dump. I gotta go to the bathroom and go catch up on some reading. I gotta take the Browns to the Superbowl.
Похоже на то, когда хочешь навалить кучу, идёшь в туалет, берёшь что-нибудь почитать, и засираешь нафиг весь толчок.
Just gonna go take a little dump. I gotta go to the bathroom and go catch up on some reading. I gotta take the Browns to the Superbowl.
Похоже на то, когда хочешь навалить кучу, идёшь в туалет, берёшь что-нибудь почитать, и засираешь нафиг весь толчок.
Hey, Johnny, we should go shoot hoops after this. You wanna go shoot hoops?
Эй, Джонни, мы сейчас идём покидать мяч в корзину.
Hey, Johnny, we should go shoot hoops after this. You wanna go shoot hoops?
Эй, Джонни, мы сейчас идём покидать мяч в корзину.
Oh, I wouldn't go that far.
До этого ещё не дошло.
I don't know, but from the sounds of it, they're gonna go after bud and youssef.
Я не знаю, но судя по слухам, они придут за Корешом и Юсуфом.
Yeah, but you go first.
Да. Но ты начинаешь первым.
You're asking me to go against my family?
Ты просишь меня пойти против своей семьи?

Из журналистики

First of all, as a kid, I just assumed that I would go to the moon, without having to do much in particular to make it happen.
Во-первых, еще будучи ребенком, я решила, что полечу на Луну, хотя и не прилагала для этого никаких усилий.
The fact that the man was black might or might not have made the cop go for his handcuffs even sooner than he might normally have done.
Тот факт, что человек был черным, мог (или не мог) подтолкнуть полицейского надеть на него наручники быстрее, чем он обычно это делал.
Meanwhile, a billion people go hungry each day.
Тем временем миллиард человек голодает каждый день.
In the US, when oil prices go up, incomes in Texas and Montana rise, which means that these states then contribute more tax revenue to the federal budget, thereby helping out the rest of the country.
В США, когда повышаются цены на нефть, доходы в штатах Техас и Монтана растут, что означает, что эти штаты затем дают больше налоговых поступлений в федеральный бюджет, помогая, тем самым, остальной части страны.
In the absence of Communist Party control, these security officers betrayed their corporate ethic and engaged in horse-trading, applying force when a trade did not go well.
В отсутствие контроля Коммунистической Партии, эти чиновники службы безопасности предали свою корпоративную этику и занялись хитроумной политической игрой, применяя силу, если сделка не удавалась.
But if your instincts betray you, you go back to even deeper ones.
Но если ваши инстинкты Вас предают, Вы возвращаетесь к еще более глубоким инстинктам.
But that process has a long way to go.
Но у этого процесса еще долгая дорога впереди.
In Afghanistan as a whole, a woman dies of pregnancy-related causes every 27 minutes - and perhaps even more frequently, because many such deaths go unrecorded.
В целом в Афганистане каждые 27 минут женщина умирают по причинам, связанными с беременностью - возможно, и чаще, поскольку многие такие смерти не регистрируются.
Therefore, security and development must go hand in hand.
Поэтому, безопасность и развитие должны идти рука об руку.
The world needs a united continent, ready to go into action.
Миру необходим единый континент, готовый совершать общие действия.
But today, Africa's pay-as-you-go practices are a powerful defense against financial contagion.
Однако сегодня, бытовавшая в Африке практика трат по реальным средствам представляет сегодня сильную защиту против финансовой инфекции.
Such campaigns go hand-in-hand with expanded farming, because sellers of these foods prefer nearby growers - even if these growers increasingly live in the city.
Такие компании идут рука об руку с развивающимся фермерством, потому что продавцы такой продукции предпочитают ближайших производителей сельскохозяйственной продукции - даже, если все больше этих производителей живет в городе.
Without the ability to go overseas, we cannot learn.
Не имея возможности уехать за границу, мы не можем учиться.
But my hope is still to go abroad, learn skills, and return to help others here.
Однако я всё ещё надеюсь на возможность поехать за границу, приобрести знания и вернуться обратно, чтобы помогать другим.