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hardy английский


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Что в английском языке означает hardy?
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If a living thing is hardy, it has no difficulties growing and staying healthy, even under bad conditions. These trees are particularly hardy, and require very little attention. It was a difficult place to call home, and only a few hardy souls survived.


(= stalwart, stout, sturdy) having rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardships hardy explorers of northern Canada proud of her tall stalwart son stout seamen sturdy young athletes able to survive under unfavorable weather conditions strawberries are hardy and easy to grow camels are tough and hardy creatures бесстрашный, отважный (= audacious, fearless, intrepid) invulnerable to fear or intimidation audacious explorers fearless reporters and photographers intrepid pioneers


English novelist and poet (1840-1928) United States slapstick comedian who played the pompous and overbearing member of the Laurel and Hardy duo who made many films (1892-1957)

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Hardy английский » английский

Thomas Hardy Oliver Hardy

Примеры hardy примеры

Как в английском употребляется hardy?

Субтитры из фильмов

Good morning, Mr. Hardy.
Доброе утро, мистер Харди.
You can be a beast at times, Hardy.
Ты бываешь чудовищем, время от времени, Харди.
Quite a turnout, Hardy.
Настоящее собрание, Харди.
Oh, be honest, Hardy.
Будь честным, Харди.
Oh, Hardy, how wonderful. It thrills me.
Харди, как замечательно.
That's sweet, Hardy.
Очень мило, Харди.
Good night, Hardy.
Спокойной ночи, Харди.
Hardy can afford you, but he doesn't make you happy.
Харди может себе позволить быть с тобой, но он не делает тебя счастливой.
Don't run away, Hardy.
Не уходите, Харди.
I must see it, Hardy.
Я должна увидеть ее, Харди.
Wonderful, Hardy.
Замечательно, Харди.
So like you, Hardy.
Так похоже на тебя, Харди.
Hardy hates sentiment.
Харди ненавидит сантименты.
Oh, I simply can't go, Hardy.
Я не могу пойти, Харди.

Из журналистики

Bhutan's rugged geography fostered the rise of a hardy population of farmers and herdsmen, and helped to foster a strong Buddhist culture, closely connected in history with Tibet.
Бутанская суровая местность способствовала созданию выносливого населения фермеров и скотоводов и помогла возникнуть сильной буддистской культуре, тесно связанной исторически с Тибетом.

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