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deck английский

палуба, колода, дека

Значение deck значение

Что в английском языке означает deck?
Простое определение


A deck is the floor of a ship. The sailors had to clean the top deck. A deck is the space between the floors of a ship. The cannons were lined up in the gun deck. A deck is something that is like the floor of a ship. We sat on the top deck of the bus. A deck is the outside floor of a house or building without a roof. We went out onto the observation deck at the top of the tall building. A deck is the surface of a bridge. The bridge was closed while the deck was being repaired. A deck is a pack of playing cards. Before playing poker, you need to shuffle the deck. A deck is a packet of drugs.


When you deck something, you dress it up. We had to deck out the room with ribbons for the party. If you deck someone, you knock them down to the floor. He was so angry, I thought he would deck me.


палуба any of various platforms built into a vessel street name for a packet of illegal drugs колода (= pack of cards) a pack of 52 playing cards a porch that resembles the deck on a ship (= adorn) be beautiful to look at Flowers adorned the tables everywhere (= knock down) knock down with force He decked his opponent decorate deck the halls with holly

Перевод deck перевод

Как перевести с английского deck?

Синонимы deck синонимы

Как по-другому сказать deck по-английски?

Спряжение deck спряжение

Как изменяется deck в английском языке?

deck · глагол

Примеры deck примеры

Как в английском употребляется deck?

Простые фразы

Place the deck of cards on the oaken table.
Положите колоду карт на дубовый стол.
Place the deck of cards on the oaken table.
Положи колоду карт на дубовый стол.
I went on deck from my cabin.
Я вышел из своей каюты на палубу.
Morning found them on deck.
Утро застало их на палубе.
We were walking on the deck.
Мы прогуливались по палубе.
Put the card deck on the oak table.
Положи колоду карт на дубовый стол.
Do you have a deck of cards?
У вас есть колода карт?
Let's go up on deck.
Давайте поднимемся на палубу.
The sailors were dancing on deck.
Матросы плясали на палубе.
Tom is painting the deck.
Том красит палубу.
It's rather cold on deck.
На палубе довольно холодно.
Pick a card, write your name on it and put it back in the deck.
Выберите карту, напишите на ней своё имя и уберите обратно в колоду.
The suits in a standard deck of cards are clubs, diamonds, hearts and spades.
Мастями традиционной колоды карт являются трефы, бубны, червы и пики.
Tom is on the ship's deck.
Том - на палубе.

Субтитры из фильмов

This is all hands on deck.
Теперь весь расклад на доске.
Mate is talking nonsense, claims an unknown passenger is below deck.
Помощник капитана говорит ерунду. Утверждает, что в трюме неизвестный пассажир.
A-deck to your left, B-deck to your right.
Палуба А налево, палуба Б направо.
A-deck to your left, B-deck to your right.
Палуба А налево, палуба Б направо.
A-deck to your left, B-deck to your right.
Палуба А налево, палуба Б направо.
A-deck to your left, B-deck to your right.
Палуба А налево, палуба Б направо.
Shall we take a little sprint around the deck?
Может, немножко прогуляемся по палубе?
All hands on deck! The boss said to get a move on.
Хозяин сказал, чтоб вы поторапливались.
Why were you up on deck?
Зачем тебе оставаться на борту?
Get up on deck.
Я приказываю подняться на мостик.
Hit the deck. Let's see it.
Давайте взглянем на вас.
My skin was brown, we'd sleep on deck.
Я загоревшая, мы спим на палубе.
And on the deck you don't see anything?
И на палубе ты никого не видишь?
I pretended to shuffle the stacked deck. and let him cut it.
Я сделал вид, что перетасовываю колоду затем предложил снять.

Из журналистики

The captain, struck with revulsion, grabbed her, dragged her up to the deck of the ship, and threw her overboard.
Капитан, передернувшись от отвращения, схватил ее, вытащил на верхнюю палубу корабля и выкинул за борт.

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