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trim английский

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Что в английском языке означает trim?
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If you trim something, you make it into the required size or shape by cutting away the irregular or unwanted parts. He trimmed his beard before the interview. The hedge needs to be trimmed. A steak is usually trimmed of all excess fat. If you trim something, you decorate or adorn it with decorations. They traditionally trim the tree on Christmas Eve. You trim an aircraft by adjusting the pitch using trim tabs. You trim a ship by modifying the angle of the sails relative to the wind.


Trims are additional decorations that are usually placed along edges of something. Paint the house white with blue trim. If you trim something, you cut it in order to neaten it. I went to the hairdresser for a trim but came back nearly bald. The trim is the arrangement of the sails with reference to the wind.


If a person is trim, he or she is physically fit. He goes jogging every day to keep in trim. If a person is trim, he or she is slim. She has a trim figure. If a person is trim, he or she is neat and smart in appearance. His face was freshly shaved, his clothes neat and trim.


(= pare) remove the edges from and cut down to the desired size pare one's fingernails trim the photograph trim lumber decorate, as with ornaments trim the christmas tree trim a shop window a state of arrangement or appearance in good trim (= trimming) a decoration or adornment on a garment the trimming on a hat the trim on a shirt (= spare) thin and fit the spare figure of a marathon runner a body kept trim by exercise уменьшать (= reduce, cut down, cut back, cut) cut down on; make a reduction in reduce your daily fat intake The employer wants to cut back health benefits adjust (sails on a ship) so that the wind is optimally used attitude of an aircraft in flight when allowed to take its own orientation cutting down to the desired size or shape be in equilibrium during a flight The airplane trimmed balance in flight by regulating the control surfaces trim an airplane decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods (= shipshape) of places; characterized by order and neatness; free from disorder even the barn was shipshape a trim little sailboat cut closely trim my beard (= tailored) severely simple in line or design a neat tailored suit tailored curtains опрятный (= clean-cut, trig) neat and smart in appearance a clean-cut and well-bred young man the trig corporal in his jaunty cap a trim beard прореживать, обрезать, купировать, сократить, подстричь (= dress, cut back) cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of dress the plants in the garden

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Как в английском употребляется trim?

Простые фразы

I asked the butcher to trim all the fat off of the meat.
Я попросил мясника убрать с мяса весь жир.
You should trim your fingernails.
Тебе следует подстричь ногти.
I asked you to trim Tom's claws, not his whiskers!
Я просил тебя Тому когти подстричь, а не усы!
I asked you to trim Tom's claws, not his whiskers!
Я тебя просила Тому когти подстричь, а не усы!

Субтитры из фильмов

I dropped my pair somewhere in the arena and Roger was in desperate need of a little trim.
Я обронила ножницы где-то за ареной, А Роджер отчаянно нуждался в небольшой обработке.
And what I know now about the racket I could trim them plenty. Heh-heh-heh.
И, учитывая то, что я знаю теперь об этом деле я могу обставить их по-взрослому.
I've got to get up and trim that darn Christmas tree.
Мне надо подняться и нарядить эту чёртову Рождественскую ёлку.
Well, I discovered that to keep in trim, you have to spend some time at it.
Я понял, что нужно время, чтобы поддерживать себя в форме.
Quick, or I'll trim that beard for you!
Быстро, или я подстригу твою бороду!
I've gotta get home and trim my Christmas tree.
Я должен идти домой наряжать елку.
Trim your Christmas tree, eh?
Наряжать елку?
I've gotta get home and trim my Christmas tree.
Я собираюсь пойти домой и нарядить елку.
Remove these, trim that too, under the eyes.
Сними усы и убери грим под глазами.
Now's a good time for a little trim?
В самую пору чуток подкорнать?
Would you like me to help you trim the tree?
Не хотите, чтобы я помог нарядить ёлку?
No buffeting, trim correct, increasing speed.
Нет вибраций. Баланс хороший. Увеличение скорости.
Did you correct that nose-heavy trim before opening air brakes?
Разве ты не выровнял нос до открытия воздушного тормоза?
What about your nose-heavy trim?
А как насчёт тяжёлого носа?

Из журналистики

Unfortunately, though, so long as some countries like China, Germany, Japan, and the oil exporters pump surplus goods into the world economy, not all countries can trim their spending to stay within their means.
К несчастью, пока некоторые страны, такие как Китай, Германия, Япония и экспортеры нефти накачивают излишек товаров в мировую экономику, не все страны могут урезать свои затраты, чтобы обойтись только своими средствами.
In the medium term, over-spenders should trim their outlays and habitual exporters should increase theirs.
В среднесрочной перспективе те, кто чрезмерно тратят, должны сократить свои расходы, а те, кто обычно больше экспортирует, должны увеличить свои.
On the other side of the debate, Europe's desperate reformers see no way to trim, roll back or blow up the Continent's obsessive bureaucracies and consensual politicians.
С другой стороны, европейские отчаявшиеся реформаторы не видят ни единого шанса на то, чтобы обтесать, приструнить или разрушить совершенно разъевшуюся бюрократию и консенсуальных политиков Континента.
The Fund needs to create programs for Portugal, Ireland, and Greece that restore competitiveness and trim debt, and that offer them realistic hope of a return to economic growth.
Фонд должен разработать программы для Португалии, Ирландии и Греции, которые восстановят конкурентоспособность и сократят долг, и которые дадут им реалистичную надежду на возврат экономического роста.

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