
defence английский


Значение defence значение

Что в английском языке означает defence?
Простое определение


Defence is the process of protecting. The secretary of defence met with the president at the White House. Airplanes attacked the Ministry of Defence in Tehran. Clinton's lawyers will lay out his defence next week. Police officers can only shoot in self defence or to protect another person's life. When he was accused, his friends and even some people who have never met him rushed to his defence. In a court case, the defence is the person who was accused of a crime together with their lawyer. His defence lawyers say that Honecker did not shoot the gun. The defence is the players who are supposed to stop the other team from scoring points. I wasn't very satisfied with the play of our offense, but our defence played great.


(= defense) an organization of defenders that provides resistance against attack he joined the defense against invasion (= defense) the defendant and his legal advisors collectively the defense called for a mistrial (= defense) (sports) the team that is trying to prevent the other team from scoring his teams are always good on defense (= defense) the justification for some act or belief he offered a persuasive defense of the theory (= defense) the act of defending someone or something against attack or injury a good boxer needs a good defense defense against hurricanes is an urgent problem защита, оборона (= defense) protection from harm sanitation is the best defense against disease защита, оборона (= defense) (military) military action or resources protecting a country against potential enemies they died in the defense of Stalingrad they were developed for the defense program (= defense) a defendant's answer or plea denying the truth of the charges against him he gave evidence for the defense (= defense) a structure used to defend against attack the artillery battered down the defenses (= refutation, defense) the speech act of answering an attack on your assertions his refutation of the charges was short and persuasive in defense he said the other man started it (= defense mechanism) (psychiatry) an unconscious process that tries to reduce the anxiety associated with instinctive desires

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Как в английском употребляется defence?

Простые фразы

The defence attorney claimed that the police had coerced his client into confessing to the crime.
Представитель защиты на суде заявил, что полиция вынудила его подзащитного сознаться в совершении преступления.
Mary took a self-defence class.
Мэри брала уроки самообороны.
Mary took a self-defence class.
Мэри ходила на занятия по самообороне.
He trusted his defence lawyer.
Он доверился своему адвокату.

Субтитры из фильмов

To prepare my address to the jury, which'll be our only defence.
Чтобы подготовить обращение к присяжным, это будет нашей единственной защитой.
You had a perfect self-defence plea.
Ведь это была самооборона.
I do not need a defence.
Мне не нужна защита. - Что-то не так?
There isn't enough paint in Germany for that but let me scrape together something in his defence.
На это не хватит краски во всей Германии. Но я могу наскрести кое-что в его защиту.
As thick as hail came post with post, and every one did bear thy praises in his kingdom's great defence.
Как частый град, являлися к нему Посланцы с поля; каждый приносил Хвалу тебе за оборону царства.
He was a master of the Steinitz Defence.
Он мастерски владел защитой Стейница.
Five hours later they chalked off Rappalo as self-defence and had worked a confession from the hoods on Albert's murder.
Пять часов спустя они списали Раппало на самооборону и выбили из ребят признание в убийстве Альберта.
You have no other defence?
И это все, что вы можете сказать?
He's a doddering idiot! - What's wrong with the Emperor? We will show Europe how Russia rises in defence.
После обстрела из 130 французских пушек, главнокомандующий российской армии приказал оставить город Смоленск, так и не вступив в сражение.
Maybe they wouldn't mean anything but. I felt that the defence wasn't conducting a thorough enough cross-examination.
Может, они ничего не значат, но знаете, мне кажется, что защита плохо вела перекрестный допрос.
This cablegram has been signed by the United States Secretary of Defence.
Эту телеграмму подписал министр обороны Соединённых Штатов Америки.
It's self-defence when I have to resort to the law.
Это самооборона, и я должен прибегнуть к закону.
A defence counsel can explain, he can make things understandable, perhaps he can make a judge lenient.
Адвокат может кое что объяснить, он может сделать вещи понятными, возможно он сможет сделать судью мягче.
It's only human you'd want to come to the defence of your fellow countryman.
И понятно Ваше желание защитить земляка.

Из журналистики

Culture is too often cited as a defence against human rights by authoritarians who crush culture whenever it suits them.
На культуру слишком часто ссылаются, как на защиту от необходимости соблюдения прав человека, сторонники авторитарной власти, которые сокрушают культуру всякий раз, когда она их не устраивает.
This fact has long been ignored by firms seeking trade defence.
Этот факт долго игнорировался фирмами, которые стремятся к торговой защите.
A third illustration concerns Moscow's recent defiance of the United Nations war crimes tribunal by hosting a visit of Yugoslav Defence Minister, Dragoljub Ojdanic.
Третим примером может стать недавнее неподчинение Москвы трибуналу военных преступлений ООН во время недавнего визита в Россию югославского Министра Обороны Драголюба Ойданича.
Many are in formerly powerful research centers now wasting away, some form entire populations in once closed research cities and one institute towns that were wholly dependent on a single defence institute or project.
Академия всегда была не только научным обществом, но она объединяла мощную систему исследовательских институтов, составивших славу нашей науки в прошлом.
It marks ten years of European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP), during which the EU became a global provider of security, making a real difference to people's lives all over the world.
Этот год знаменует собой десятилетие Европейской политики по обороне и безопасности (ЕПОБ), за время существования которой ЕС стал глобальным источником безопасности, что привело к реальным изменениям в жизни людей во всем мире.
The Cologne summit marked a watershed not just because of a new policy declaration on security and defence.
Но не принятая декларация новой политики по безопасности и защите делает этот саммит значительным.
Other agreements refer to building an autonomous European defence capability.
Другие соглашения относятся к созданию автономных европейских защитных сил.

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