conjugation английский

спряжение, конъюгация

Значение conjugation значение

Что в английском языке означает conjugation?
Простое определение


Conjugation is how a word changes based on several things. In English and European languages this word is usually a verb. It might change because of what time is talked about, who is talked about, or what part of the sentence the word is in. I find German conjugation hard to remember. Some linguists do not talk about conjugation because they think it is just an example of morphology. A conjugation is the ways a word changes. The conjugations of "to do" are "does," "did," and "doing."


спряжение the inflection of verbs a class of verbs having the same inflectional forms спряжение the complete set of inflected forms of a verb союз, связь (= junction) the state of being joined together спаривание, случка (= coupling, mating, pairing) the act of pairing a male and female for reproductive purposes the casual couplings of adolescents the mating of some species occurs only in the spring объединение (= union, unification) the act of making or becoming a single unit the union of opposing factions he looked forward to the unification of his family for the holidays

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