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work английский


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Что в английском языке означает work?
Простое определение


If you work, you do a job, usually for money. My father works at Microsoft. I got to work at 7:30 each morning. If you work you are doing something that needs effort. I worked on my school paper all night long. If somethings works it has done what it was supposed to do. If my computer didn't work I couldn't type this. I'm glad our plan worked. How something works is how it does what it does. I would like to know more about how cars work. The rules here just do not work that way.


Your work is your job. Work is effort it takes to do something. That is, its what makes you tired when you do something hard. Moving heavy logs takes a lot of work. Work is force through a distance (force times distance). This is how much energy you used to move something. A work is the product of something, the result of working on it. That is, its something someone has made. The painting was a great work of art. Shakespeare wrote many literary works.


работа, труд activity directed toward making or doing something she checked several points needing further work работа, труд, произведение a product produced or accomplished through the effort or activity or agency of a person or thing it is not regarded as one of his more memorable works the symphony was hailed as an ingenious work he was indebted to the pioneering work of John Dewey the work of an active imagination erosion is the work of wind or water over time exert oneself by doing mental or physical work for a purpose or out of necessity I will work hard to improve my grades she worked hard for better living conditions for the poor работать, трудиться, делать be employed Is your husband working again? My wife never worked Do you want to work after the age of 60? She never did any work because she inherited a lot of money She works as a waitress to put herself through college (= act) have an effect or outcome; often the one desired or expected The voting process doesn't work as well as people thought How does your idea work in practice? This method doesn't work The breaks of my new car act quickly The medicine works only if you take it with a lot of water работа, труд (= employment) the occupation for which you are paid he is looking for employment a lot of people are out of work (= go, run) perform as expected when applied The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in Does this old car still run well? This old radio doesn't work anymore учение, изучение, исследование (= study) applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading) mastering a second language requires a lot of work no schools offer graduate study in interior design (= process) shape, form, or improve a material work stone into tools process iron work the metal (= exercise) give a workout to Some parents exercise their infants My personal trainer works me hard work one's muscles this puzzle will exercise your mind работа (physics) a manifestation of energy; the transfer of energy from one physical system to another expressed as the product of a force and the distance through which it moves a body in the direction of that force work equals force times distance (= make) proceed along a path work one's way through the crowd make one's way into the forest operate in a certain place, area, or specialty She works the night clubs The salesman works the Midwest This artist works mostly in acrylics proceed towards a goal or along a path or through an activity work your way through every problem or task She was working on her second martini when the guests arrived Start from the bottom and work towards the top move in an agitated manner His fingers worked with tension (= bring, play, wreak) cause to happen or to occur as a consequence I cannot work a miracle wreak havoc bring comments play a joke The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area работа, рабочее место a place where work is done he arrived at work early today cause to work he is working his servants hard (= cultivate, crop) prepare for crops Work the soil cultivate the land move into or onto work the raisins into the dough the student worked a few jokes into his presentation work the body onto the flatbed truck gratify and charm, usually in order to influence the political candidate worked the crowds operate in or through Work the phones cause to operate or function This pilot works the controls Can you work an electric drill? provoke or excite The rock musician worked the crowd of young girls into a frenzy behave in a certain way when handled This dough does not work easily The soft metal works well arrive at a certain condition through repeated motion The stitches of the hem worked loose after she wore the skirt many times (= ferment) cause to undergo fermentation We ferment the grapes for a very long time to achieve high alcohol content The vintner worked the wine in big oak vats (= oeuvre) the total output of a writer or artist (or a substantial part of it) he studied the entire Wagnerian oeuvre Picasso's work can be divided into periods (= exploit) use or manipulate to one's advantage He exploit the new taxation system She knows how to work the system he works his parents for sympathy месить, замешивать, замесить (= knead) make uniform knead dough work the clay until it is soft влиять (= influence) have and exert influence or effect The artist's work influenced the young painter She worked on her friends to support the political candidate лепить, формировать, ковать (= shape, form, mold, mould) make something, usually for a specific function She molded the rice balls carefully Form cylinders from the dough shape a figure Work the metal into a sword (= sour, turn) go sour or spoil The milk has soured The wine worked The cream has turned--we have to throw it out решать, решить (= solve, work out) find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of did you solve the problem? Work out your problems with the boss this unpleasant situation isn't going to work itself out did you get it? Did you get my meaning? He could not work the math problem

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Как изменяется work в английском языке?

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Как в английском употребляется work?

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It would take me too much time to explain to you why it's not going to work.
Это займёт у меня слишком много времени, чтобы объяснить, почему это не будет работать.
It would take me too much time to explain to you why it's not going to work.
У меня уйдёт слишком много времени на объяснение, почему это не сработает.
I have so much work that I will stay for one more hour.
У меня так много работы, что я останусь еще на один час.
It's easier to have fun than to work.
Развлекаться проще, чем работать.
It's easier to have fun than to work.
Отдыхать - не работать.
You must work more.
Ты должен больше работать.
Her garden is a work of art.
Её сад - это произведение искусства.
Her garden is a work of art.
Её сад - произведение искусства.
Every man's work, whether it be literature or music or a picture or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself.
Всякая человеческая работа, будь то литература, или музыка, или живопись, или архитектура, или ещё что-нибудь - это всегда портрет самого себя.
For some reason the microphone didn't work earlier.
Микрофон по какой-то причине до этого не работал.
I work even on Sunday.
Я работаю даже в воскресенье.
I work even on Sunday.
Я даже в воскресенье работаю.
You should work hard.
Ты должен усердно работать.
You work too hard.
Ты слишком много работаешь.

Субтитры из фильмов

We tried tunnels, but that didn't work, so we tried unmanned drones.
Мы рыли подземный ход, но ничего не вышло. Потом перевозили на беспилотниках.
But. that didn't work either.
Но. снова не вышло.
Frankie. Nice work, kid.
Отличная работа, пацан.
Keep up the good work, kid. Hey, man, yo, uh, right here.
Эй, ты, ну, я тут.
Now, I need you to get to work.
Тебе пора работать. - Ты о чём?
You just find a way to make it work despite whatever comes up. Hey, Lydia.
Ты просто должен найти способ, чтобы все получилось, несмотря на все, что происходит.
This isn't going to work. What do you want me to do?
Это не сработает.
I've told the cleaner to help me wipe off the coffee stain. He takes so much pride in his work and I can't deal a blow to his enthusiasm. Looks like as you age, your memory will worsen, isn't that right?
Я попросил её вытереть след от кофе. что я даже не могу ничего ей сказать. да?
Within the next month, she will replace King Lee Jae Ha and carry out associate work.
Последующий месяц она заменит Короля Ли Джэ Ха и исполнит его обязанности.
Because of his age, he shouldn't work outside the office.
В силу возраста вне офиса ему лучше не выезжать.
The truth. Honestly, that kid's truth isn't the important thing, Then. do you really think this plan is going to work?
Правда. Но. что план сработает?
That shaman. should come out for work today.
Тот Шаман. должен выйти сегодня на работу.
Слушай, наши проблемы с Сэм пришли к своему логическому финалу.
Слишком большое.

Из журналистики

Those civil rights initiatives on the part of NATO reflect the increasingly workmanlike way that Russia, Europe, and America now work out their disagreements.
Такие инициативы в области гражданских прав со стороны НАТО являются отражением все более искусных приемов, к которым прибегают Россия, Европа и США для урегулирования своих разногласий.
Now the key is to make this effort work.
Теперь ключ заключается в том, чтобы сделать эту работу эффективной.
Work on its renewal is due to start now, with the completed project ready in 2013.
Работа по ее реконструкции должна начаться сейчас, с завершением проекта в 2013 году.
Simply restricting the practice of land clearing probably would not work, since farm families and communities would face a strong temptation to evade legal limits.
Простой запрет этой практики очистки земель, вероятно, не подействует, так как фермерские семьи и общины столкнутся с большим искушением обойти законные ограничения.
It will subordinate all who really do work - traders, warriors, journalists, and others - to party ideologues whose sole job is to search for enemies.
Она подчинит всех, кто действительно работает - торговцев, воинов, журналистов и других - партийным идеологам, единственная работа которых заключается в поисках врагов.
The single most important driver of deficit growth is weak tax revenues, owing to poor economic performance; the single best remedy would be to put America back to work.
Самым главным фактором, провоцирующим рост дефицита, являются недостаточные налоговые поступления из-за низкой экономической активности; самым лучшим выходом было бы вернуть Америке возможность работать.
It makes much more sense to tax things that are bad, like pollution, than things that are good, like savings and work.
Облагать налогами то, что плохо, например загрязнение - в этом намного больше смысла, чем облагать то, что хорошо, например, сбережения и работу.
At the same time, the international community should work to improve the availability and effectiveness of official development assistance.
В то же время международному сообществу необходимо работать для улучшения доступности и эффективности официальной помощи в целях развития (ОПР).
Much less work has been devoted to adaptation.
Значительно меньше работы было посвящено адаптации.
To arrive at an informed answer, we need to work out how the planet will look in 2100 if we invest different amounts in adaptation and carbon cuts.
Чтобы дать просвещенный ответ, мы должны представить, как планета будет выглядеть в 2100 г., если мы инвестируем разные суммы в адаптацию и сокращение выбросов углекислого газа.
This work is based on standard scenarios, and carries the typical caveats of predictions far into the future.
Эта работа основана на стандартных сценариях и содержит типичное толкование предсказаний далеко вперед.
Certainly, it mollifies China's leaders, offering them a stronger incentive to continue to work within the existing international monetary regime.
Конечно, это решение задабривает лидеров Китая, предлагая им более серьезный стимул для продолжения работы в рамках существующего международного монетарного режима.
Some people argue that deterrence does not work in cyberspace, owing to the difficulties of attribution.
Некоторые люди утверждают, что сдерживание не работает в киберпространстве, что связано с трудностями атрибуции (установления источника угрозы).
The current approach - concentrating only on the financing needs and fiscal adjustment in 2010, and leaving all the hard choices for later - will not work.
Настоящий подход - концентрация только на финансовых нуждах и бюджетном урегулировании в 2010 году и оставление принятия тяжелых решений на более позднее время - не сработает.

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