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swarm английский

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Что в английском языке означает swarm?
Простое определение


A swarm is a group of many insects, especially flying insects like bees, wasps or flies. He walked on a wasp nest and was attacked by the swarm. Less commonly, a swarm can also be a group of fish or birds. When attacked, sardinas group into compact swarms to protect themselves. A crowd of people or animals moving in a chaotic way. A large collection of similar objects. By observing the sky with telescopes, astronomers can see swarms of stars.


To move as a swarm. I felt disgusted when I saw all these flies swarming on this dead body. When there are to many insects in a place. Fire ants swarm in the Southern United States since man accidentally brought some with him by ship. To fill a place as a swarm. Ants are swarming the kitchen since we let food accessible. To overcome an enemy with number.


(= pour, pullulate) move in large numbers people were pouring out of the theater beggars pullulated in the plaza (= teem, pullulate) be teeming, be abuzz The garden was swarming with bees The plaza is teeming with undercover policemen her mind pullulated with worries (= cloud) a group of many things in the air or on the ground a swarm of insects obscured the light clouds of blossoms it discharged a cloud of spores гурт, стадо, толпа (= drove) a moving crowd

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Как в английском употребляется swarm?

Простые фразы

A swarm of mosquitoes followed him.
Рой комаров последовал за ним.
A swarm of mosquitoes followed him.
Рой комаров следовал за ним.
A swarm of hornets attacked the children.
На детей напал рой шершней.
Tom was attacked by a swarm of bees.
На Тома напал рой пчёл.
A swarm of wasps attacked the children.
На детей напал рой ос.

Субтитры из фильмов

Frankie, on my father's life, Until you realize our right to share the soccer pitch, we will continue to sting you, and sting you like a swarm of killer bees. Okay, okay, come on, come on.
Френки, своим отцом клянусь тебе пока ты не поделишься правами на футбольное поле, мы будем продолжать жалить тебя, жалить как рой пчёл-убийц.
My head hums like a swarm of bees.
В голове, как будто пчелиный рой.
And then, as the ages passed, the oceans began to swarm with all kinds of marine creatures.
И потом, с течением веков, океаны стали наполняться всеми видами морских существ.
They'll swarm over your house so fast, every closet your family's been in will look like a police convention.
Если я скажу это им, то они с такой скоростью заполонят ваш дом, что каждый забытый чулан будет походить на зал съезда полицейских.
It sounded like a swarm of bees here.
Вагон стал похож на пчелиный улей.
I'll say I was snoozing on the second floor of the gate and heard you swarm in.
Я, мол, был там наверху и увидел, как вы проходили мимо.
Jupiter 2 is headed directly for a massive meteor swarm.
Юпитер 2 направлен прямо в массивный поток метеоров.
Once time's up, deminiaturization begins. Then, within a matter of seconds, the ship will grow big enough to become a danger to the system. Then, white corpuscles will swarm to destroy it as they would any other invader.
Мы начнем увеличиваться, через несколько секунд судно достигнет размеров опасных для организма, и лейкоциты обрушатся на него, как на любое инородное тело.
He pours words in my ear like honey, Humming like a swarm of playful bees.
Его слова лились, как мед, жужжали, как рой шаловливых пчел.
A swarm of bees.
I am the swarm leader.
Я - лидер роя.
Lead the swarm into space.
Отведи рой в космос.
It looks like the entire swarm's attacking.
Это похоже на нападение всего роя.
You mean by leading the swarm into the shuttle?
Вы подразумеваете ввод роя в шаттл?

Из журналистики

It is conceivable that the swarm of small new member states may revert to the traditional and logical predisposition towards federalism.
Может случиться так, что у многочисленных малых государств - новых членов союза - вновь проявится традиционная и логичная предрасположенность к федерализму.

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