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heap английский

куча, груда

Значение heap значение

Что в английском языке означает heap?
Простое определение


A heap is a big pile of things, usually thrown in the pile and not in any order. When we moved into our new house, the old owners had left a heap of garbage inside for us to deal with. I dumped all of my things into a heap on my bed so I could start them. A heap is a lot of something. If that dog eats my shoes again, he will be in a heap of trouble. She earned heaps of money when she was 20 and now she doesn't have to work for the rest of her life.


If you heap something, you pile it up high. is my favorite dessert. I heaped it so high on my plate that it looked like a little mountain. If you heap something, you give a lot of it. The police heaped the children with praise after they would not get in a car with someone they did not know. Her boss surprised her by heaping the blame for the project onto her, when really, the problems were his own fault.


куча, груда, ворох, кипа (= pile) a collection of objects laid on top of each other куча, уйма, пачка (= batch, deal, lot, mint, passel, plenty, slew, wad) (often followed by 'of') a large number or amount or extent a batch of letters a deal of trouble a lot of money he made a mint on the stock market see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos it must have cost plenty a slew of journalists a wad of money bestow in large quantities He heaped him with work She heaped scorn upon him (= stack) arrange in stacks heap firewood around the fireplace stack your books up on the shelves fill to overflow heap the platter with potatoes (= bus) a car that is old and unreliable the fenders had fallen off that old bus

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Как изменяется heap в английском языке?

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Примеры heap примеры

Как в английском употребляется heap?

Простые фразы

Get rid of that heap of old newspapers.
Выброси эту кучу старых газет.
Get rid of that heap of old newspapers.
Выбросьте эту кучу старых газет.
Tom's compost heap got so hot that it spontaneously combusted.
Компостная куча Тома так разогрелась, что самопроизвольно вспыхнула.
You do not have to pile everything in one heap.
Не надо валить всё в одну кучу.
Tom threw his clothes in a heap on the floor.
Том свалил одежду кучей на полу.

Субтитры из фильмов

I want the money back that I've thrown into this rubbish heap.
Я хочу вернуть свои деньги обратно, которые выбросил на весь этот мусор.
Then he was going to climb back up here, unscrew the ladder. throw that out the window on a dump heap down below.
Потом бы он поднялся наверх, разобрал лестницу и выбросил бы всё в помойку под тем окном.
Nothing but a heap of nonsense.
Ерунда какая-то.
Maybe so, maybe so, but it was a heap more peaceful.
Может быть, но там было бы безопаснее.
Miss Scarlett's feeling a heap better today, Mr. Rhett.
Мисс Скарлетт чувствует себя намного лучше, м-р Ретт.
I heard a heap of conversation, but..
Ходили тут слухи, но.
There's a heap of mackintoshes in the flower room. Robert?
Нет, я пойду возьму пальто.
The Chief pulled a smart trick. Now when we pry into the vault, we'll get all the gold, and a heap of jewels for good measure.
Шеф схитрил: теперь получим не только кучу золота, но и драгоценности!
Probably to the dung heap as usual.
Видимо, на навозную кучу, как обычно.
The dung heap lies near the well.
Навозная куча недалеко от колодца.
This is pictures of the real dung heap.
Настоящая навозная куча.
Yes. In water from the dung heap.
В воде с навозной кучи.
So filth from the dung heap and the sewage pipe can not flow into it.
Чтобы грязь с навозной кучи и из канализационной трубы не просочилась.
You better ditch the heap.
Загнал бы в гараж машину.

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