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thump английский

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Что в английском языке означает thump?
Простое определение


If you thump something, you hit it, often with your closed hand. If something thumps, it hits something else, making a loud, low sound. If your heart thumps, it beats so strongly and quickly that you can easily notice it.


A thump is a loud, low sound made when something hits something else. A thump is the action of something hits something else.


(= beat) move rhythmically Her heart was beating fast (= pound) hit hard with the hand, fist, or some heavy instrument the salesman pounded the door knocker a bible-thumping Southern Baptist (= thud) make a dull sound the knocker thudded against the front door a heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects) a heavy blow with the hand

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Как перевести с английского thump?

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Как по-другому сказать thump по-английски?

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