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pelt английский


Значение pelt значение

Что в английском языке означает pelt?
Простое определение


The skin of an animal with hair on it; a raw hide; a skin with the hairy or woolly covering on it. The human skin.


If you pelt somebody, you throw things at them and hit them. As soon as I got out of my car, my children started pelting me with snowballs. The angry mob began to pelt the police with rocks. Luckily, the police were wearing armour, so the rocks just bounced off of them. If you pelt somebody with questions, words, facts, etc, you say those things quickly, without stopping. As soon as she got back from Africa, her parents started pelting her with questions about what it was like. Every time Daniel got home late, his girlfriend pelted him with accusations that he was visiting another woman, even if he had just stayed late at work. Every time I get back from vacations, my boss pelts me with demands and jobs before I can even sit down in my chair. If one thing pelts against another thing, the first thing bangs or drums on the second thing. The rain pelted on the roof of the car so loudly that we couldn't hear each other talk. If you pelt someone, you hit them over and over again. The smaller boy tried to fight the bully, but he got pelted. The bully was still pelting the smaller boy when the police arrived. The bully went to jail for hurting the smaller boy so badly that he had to go to the hospital.


cast, hurl, or throw repeatedly with some missile They pelted each other with snowballs attack and bombard with or as if with missiles pelt the speaker with questions лить как из ведра (= pour) rain heavily Put on your rain coat-- it's pouring outside! шкура, кожа (= hide) body covering of a living animal (= fur) the dressed hairy coat of a mammal

Перевод pelt перевод

Как перевести с английского pelt?

Синонимы pelt синонимы

Как по-другому сказать pelt по-английски?

Спряжение pelt спряжение

Как изменяется pelt в английском языке?

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Примеры pelt примеры

Как в английском употребляется pelt?

Субтитры из фильмов

A pelt.
And so, the pelt of the beast becomes the stakes of the match.
Вот меховое манто, которое станет ставкой в этой партии.
I never had a chance to see a beaver pelt, Mr. Rawlings.
Мне никогда раньше не приходилось видеть шкуру бобра, мистер Ролингс.
It's a fine pelt, ma'am.
Отличная выделка, сударыня.
A segregation of the Turkish fleet for do but stand upon the foaming shore, the chidden billow seems to pelt the clouds.
Как выйдешь на покрытый пеной мыс, Взметнется вал с чудовищною гривой.
Not only did I get this glorious pelt, I got perfume, I got silk stockings..
У меня теперь шикарная шуба, но и духи, шелковые чулки.
Shall we pelt them with tomatoes?
Будем забрасывать их помидорами?
You're lucky I was here to save your pelt.
Тебе повезло, что я тут оказался.
Briefing for Jeffrey Pelt, President's National Security Adviser.
На брифинг Джеффри Пелта, советника Президента по безопасности.
NSA can speak for that, Mr. Pelt.
Есть данные Агентства национальной безопасности, мистер Пелт.
You make your point as delicately as ever, Mr. Pelt, but. And what looks like an exercise could be a prelude to war.
Вы дипломатичны как всегда, мистер Пелт, но. то, что похоже на учения, может стать прелюдией к войне.
Раз ты что-то забрала в голову, то говорить с тобой - как горохом об стену.
Try thinking for yourselves before you pelt an innocent man with cigarettes.
Шевелите мозгами, прежде чем пинать невинного человека с сигаретами!
Goddamn pelt skinner.
Какой-нибудь чёртов охотник!.

Из журналистики

From the promotion of organic food to declarations of the polar bear's imminent demise, the media pelt us with a constant barrage of one-sided warnings.
Начиная с экологически чистых продуктов и заканчивая заявлениями об угрозе вымирания полярного медведя, средства массовой информации забрасывают нас односторонними предупреждениями.

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