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odds английский

разница, неравенство

Значение odds значение

Что в английском языке означает odds?
Простое определение


In statistics, the odds are the chance something will happen divided by the chance it will not happen: # If "p" is the odds it will happen: math\frac{p}{1 - p}/math # The odds something will not happen: math\frac{1 - p}{p}/math What are the odds of winning in this game? The odds of rolling a six are one in six, or 1 / 6. The odds of something happening are the chances it will happen. I don't like the odds here. The odds of rolling a six are one in six, or 1 / 6.


the likelihood of a thing occurring rather than not occurring the ratio by which one better's wager is greater than that of another he offered odds of two to one

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Как перевести с английского odds?

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