scrape английский

скрести, скоблить

Значение scrape значение

Что в английском языке означает scrape?
Простое определение


To scrape is to drag something with force across a surface. She was worried the heavy table would scrape the polished floor as it was being moved. He needed to scrape the mud off his boots before entering the house. To scrape is to make something smooth by rubbing. He could scrape off the rough edges to make the stone smooth. To scrape is to save or collect things with difficulty. After I lost my job, I had to really scrape to have enough money for the rent.


A scrape is the noise made by forced rubbing. He could hear the scrape of the table being dragged across the floor. A scrape is a wound made by rubbing. She had a nasty scrape on her knee after falling on the path. A scrape is a fight. The two boys got into a bit of a scrape during the football match.


scratch repeatedly The cat scraped at the armchair (= scraping) a harsh noise made by scraping the scrape of violin bows distracted her отскребать, отскрести, соскребать, соскрести make by scraping They scraped a letter into the stone чесать, почесать, царапать, поцарапать, шкрябать (= scratch) cut the surface of; wear away the surface of (= scratch) gather (money or other resources) together over time She had scraped together enough money for college they scratched a meager living bend the knees and bow in a servile manner (= scraping) a deep bow with the foot drawn backwards (indicating excessive humility) all that bowing and scraping did not impress him (= scratch) an indication of damage царапать, поцарапать, оцарапать (= skin) bruise, cut, or injure the skin or the surface of The boy skinned his knee when he fell ссадина (= abrasion) an abraded area where the skin is torn or worn off

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Как в английском употребляется scrape?

Простые фразы

Don't scrape your chair on the floor.
Не царапай стулом пол.
Students, by working part time, are able to scrape up tuition fees by themselves.
Работая неполный рабочий день, студенты могут накопить достаточно денег, чтобы самостоятельно оплачивать учёбу.

Субтитры из фильмов

Why scrape so much butter off?
Почему ты соскребаешь почти все масло?
We're trying to scrape together money for the doctor.
У меня нет денег, чтобы оплатить лечение.
We barely scrape by.
Мы еле сводим концы с концами.
She was mixed up in some scrape at a garden party.
Она замешана в ссоре на приеме в саду.
Don't scrape the plate.
Не вылизывай тарелку.
If you were joyriding, plastered, or got into some scrape, why don't you admit it instead of accusing innocent people?
Если вы попали в передрягу, это не значит, что надо обвинять. -.первого встречного.
He cannot, like Hitler, scrape from their conscience the knowledge of right and wrong or plant in their heads his own Ten Commandments.
Он не может,...как Гитлер, лишить нас совести, заставить забыть о добре и зле и вдолбить нам в головы свои 10 заповедей!
Sometimes you skid, sometimes you go into a spin. and smash into a tree. and bash your fenders and scrape those fine ideals you brought from home.
Иногда тебя бросает по дороге, крутит, ты влетаешь в дерево, разбиваешь крылья и теряешь красивые идеалы, которые привез из дома.
There isn't enough paint in Germany for that but let me scrape together something in his defence.
На это не хватит краски во всей Германии. Но я могу наскрести кое-что в его защиту.
As soon as I can scrape together that much money, I'm going to take it back to him.
Как только я накоплю эту сумму, я хочу отвезти деньги ему.
Probably would cost more than I could scrape together.
Я не смогу наскрести таких денег.
You better see if you can scrape up some wood.
Поищи-ка вокруг немного дров.
There was a boatman to put the boats in the water in the spring and scrape their bottoms in the winter.
Там был лодочник, который заботился о лодках: он спускал их на воду весной, а зимой соскабливал ракушки с днища.
Why scrape off the butter?
Зачем соскребают масло?

Из журналистики

So Clinton, despite her so far lackluster campaign, and despite a popular perception of inauthenticity, even outright shiftiness, will probably hang on to her party and scrape through in the end.
Итак Клинтон, несмотря на ее такую безжизненную кампанию, и, несмотря на народное признание ее неискренности, даже откровенной ненадежности, возможно положится на свою партию и с трудом пробьется к финишу.

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