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spot английский

пятно, место

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Что в английском языке означает spot?
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A spot is a small area that's different from that area around it. I have a bald spot on my head. I rubbed a sore spot on my shoulder. The paper had a spot of dried blood. The room was in darkness except for one bright spot. Choose fruit with no soft brown spots. She looked at the dark spots one her otherwise clean white pants. A spot is a place, position, or period of time. "There... " I said, pointing to a spot near Forest Hills. China is a hot spot for trouble. Most parties have hot and cold spots. Winning the game was one bright spot in an otherwise terrible season. She backed out of my parking spot, drove away. He climbed out of the car on the exact spot where they picked him up. I'm really in a tight spot... Maybe you could help me out. It's easier to get over the rough spots if you have family. This year has had it's trouble spots. Money is such a sore spot for people who are married. When driving behind trucks, stay out of their blind spot. There are some weak spots in the movie, but overall it's quite good. She also had a soft spot in her heart for animals. The ball has to hit the bat on the sweet spot. A spot is a place, especially one that you like going to. Pizza and seared halibut are among the excellent dishes at this Wine Country hot spot. Weber County is a hugely popular vacation spot. The Mall of America is my favorite shopping spot. How far until a good fishing spot? The kitchen is the prime gathering spot. A spot is a place in a group. A 42-35 victory that gave the Spartans a playoff spot. You still have to earn your spot on the team. A spot is a commercial time on TV or Radio. This year, Fox is asking $2.7 million per 30-second spot, and advertisers are lined up for the opportunity. A spot of something is a small amount of it. Would you like a spot of tea? Looks like we're in for a spot of rain.


If you spot something, you see it, even though it may be difficult to see. I spotted Lisa shopping at the grocery store with Mike yesterday. Good binoculars and spotting scopes can bring you close to the birds without disturbing them. It's much easier to spot a boat in the water than a person. If something is spotted, it has or gets spots on it. Oh no! That red wine spotted my new shirt! He was wearing a light suit spotted with rain. If you spot someone money, you give or lend it to them. Can you spot me a five for the burger? If you spot someone points in a game, you let them have points to make the game more even. If your spot someone doing something dangerous, you watch closely to help if needed. I can't do a cartwheel unless someone spots me. For safety reasons, you should always have someone spot you while lifting weights.


(= place) a point located with respect to surface features of some region this is a nice place for a picnic a bright spot on a planet (= descry) catch sight of пятно (= patch, fleck) a small contrasting part of something a bald spot a leopard's spots a patch of clouds patches of thin ice a fleck of red a short section or illustration (as between radio or tv programs or in a magazine) that is often used for advertising пятно, клякса (= smudge) a blemish made by dirt he had a smudge on his cheek (= point) an outstanding characteristic his acting was one of the high points of the movie a business establishment for entertainment night spot a section of an entertainment that is assigned to a specific performer or performance they changed his spot on the program должность, положение (= post) a job in an organization he occupied a post in the treasury a mark on a die or on a playing card (shape depending on the suit) a playing card with a specified number of pips on it to indicate its value an eight-spot (= bit) a small piece or quantity of something a spot of tea a bit of paper a bit of lint I gave him a bit of my mind become spotted This dress spots quickly mark with a spot or spots so as to allow easy recognition spot the areas that one should clearly identify (= pick out, make out) detect with the senses The fleeing convicts were picked out of the darkness by the watchful prison guards I can't make out the faces in this photograph make a spot or mark onto The wine spotted the tablecloth (= blemish) mar or impair with a flaw her face was blemished (= touch) a slight attack of illness he has a touch of rheumatism прожектор, подсветка (= spotlight) a lamp that produces a strong beam of light to illuminate a restricted area; used to focus attention of a stage performer (= blot) an act that brings discredit to the person who does it he made a huge blot on his copybook

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We were wont to meet at that pleasant spot.
Мы имели привычку встречаться в том приятном месте.
Bill, did you take Spot for a walk yet?
Билл, ты уже гулял со Спотом?
The goods will be sold on the spot.
Товар будет продан на месте.
The incident left a spot on his reputation.
Это происшествие оставило пятно на его репутации.
The policeman arrested the man on the spot.
Полицейский арестовал мужчину на месте.
I can spot you from a distance with your long, white hair.
Благодаря твоим длинным и светлым волосам я замечаю тебя издалека.
The detective took down his testimony on the spot, word for word.
Следователь записал его показания, слово в слово.
The police arrested the burglar on the spot.
Полиция арестовала грабителя на месте.
The police arrested the burglar on the spot.
Полиция арестовала взломщика на месте.
I can't make a decision on the spot. I'll have to talk to my boss first.
Я не могу принять решение на месте. Сначала мне нужно поговорить с начальником.
The boy has a paint spot on his shirt.
У мальчика на рубашке пятно от краски.
I have a round bald spot on my head.
У меня круглая плешь на голове.
He was murdered on the spot.
Он был убит на месте.
He paid the money on the spot.
Он заплатил деньги на месте.

Субтитры из фильмов

Suspended on the spot, get sent home, your parents freak out, and that's why I won't let anybody in my crew touch the stuff.
Отстраняют от учёбы, сидишь дома, родители в бешенстве. Поэтому я не позволяю никому из моей команды связываться с этой дрянью.
I don't even get why there's a spot back there.
Я даже не понимаю, откуда там появляется место.
I'm just happy I have a spot at all.
Но я всё равно счастлив, что у меня хотя бы оно есть.
Oh, I don't work here. Oh, well, this will spot you till you get back on your feet then, huh?
Тогда это поможет тебе, пока ты не встанешь на ноги?
Oh, I have a soft spot for the Antoines.
К этой семье у меня особенное отношение.
Do you know that Florida is the show spot of America and Cocoanut Beach is the black spot of Florida?
Вы знаете, что Флорида - центр развлечений Америки. а Кокосовый берег - самое населенное место Флориды?
Do you know that Florida is the show spot of America and Cocoanut Beach is the black spot of Florida?
Вы знаете, что Флорида - центр развлечений Америки. а Кокосовый берег - самое населенное место Флориды?
Mrs. Thompson wants to know. if you'd reserve a table for dinner for her in a nice quiet spot.
Миссис Томпсон просит, чтобы вы заказали ей обеденный столик. -.в приятном тихом месте.
A nice quiet spot?
В приятном тихом месте?
This cross marks the spot where the shirt was last seen.
Этот крест обозначает место, где рубашку видели в последний раз.
We close him one night and he opens up the next in another spot.
Мы закрываем его одной ночью, а он открывается следующей в новом месте.
I'm only doing what any decent guy in the same spot would do.
Я всего лишь делаю то, что сделал бы любой приличный парень в подобной ситуации.
I've been saving her for a spot like this.
Берег ее для этой роли.
And I'm trying to help you both out of a tight spot.
Я пытаюсь помочь вам в этой нелегкой ситуации.

Из журналистики

If the couple sizzled for cameras with Luxor and Petra as the backdrop, just imagine how hot things could get at the most romantic spot on Earth, the Taj Mahal.
Если пара шипела на камеры на фоне Люксора и Петры, то представьте, что было бы в самом романтическом месте на земле - Тадж-Махале!
Within days, Stanculescu was among those masterminding the show-trial of the Ceausescus which ended with their being sentenced to death and executed on the spot.
Через несколько дней Станкулеску был среди тех, кто руководил показательным процессом над четой Чаушеску, закончившимся вынесением им обоим смертного приговора, который на месте был приведен в исполнение.
There was also no mistaking the symbolism of seeing President Bush, waving cheerfully from his spot in the bleachers while Chinese President Hu Jintao sat behind what looked more like a throne.
Нельзя было также ошибиться в символизме присутствия президента Буша, приветливо махающего рукой со своей открытой трибуны, когда президент Китая Ху Цзиньтао сел сзади на нечто, более напоминающее трон.
Any change in government in Havana would leave him in a tight spot.
Любое изменение в правительстве в Гаване поставит его в опасную ситуацию.
Voters normally spot political Pinocchios and the lengthening of politicians' noses a mile off.
Избиратели обычно за версту чуют политических Пиноккио и удлинение носов у политиков.
Indeed, were it not for the 400 fathers who petitioned for the rescue of their kidnapped children who had been sold into slavery, Hongdong County would still remain a tourism hot spot for Chinese people seeking their roots.
Действительно, если бы не 400 отцов, подавших прошение о спасении своих похищенных и проданных в рабство детей, уезд Хундун до сих пор оставался бы популярным местом для китайцев, ищущих свои корни.
In my experiences, Africans simply have a moral blind spot on the subject of homosexuality.
По моему опыту тема гомосексуализма является для африканцев просто моральной мертвой зоной.
PRINCETON - As Egypt trembles on the brink of civil war, with alarming levels of violence and hardening divisions on all sides, it is hard to find a truly bright spot anywhere in the Middle East or North Africa.
ПРИНСТОН - В то время как Египет находится на грани гражданской войны, уровень насилия зашкаливает и раскол углубляется по всем направлениям, трудно найти по-настоящему светлое пятно хоть где-то на Ближнем Востоке или в Северной Африке.
Indeed, nationalist politicians and religious leaders have been the first to spot the vacuum, and they are rapidly filling it.
Действительно, политики-националисты и религиозные лидеры были первыми кто заметил этот вакуум и они быстро заполнили его.
NEW YORK - Earlier this spring, I drove to a beautiful spot on the southern bank of Lake Geneva.
НЬЮ-ЙОРК - Этой весной я посетил красивое место на южном берегу Женевского озера.
Spot the difference!
Найдите отличие!
An assessment of sovereign risk that is systematic and data-driven could help to spot the risks that changing global headwinds imply.
Проведение оценки суверенных рисков систематически и с использованием количественных данных может помочь выявить риски, создаваемые меняющимся встречным ветром глобальной экономики.
Whales cannot be humanely killed - they are too large, and even with an explosive harpoon, it is difficult to hit the whale in the right spot.
Китов невозможно убивать гуманными методами - они слишком большие, и даже гарпуном со взрывчаткой трудно попасть им в то месте, в которое нужно.
Many Hindus claim that the Babri Masjid stood on the precise spot of Ram's birth and had been placed there by Babur to remind a conquered people of their subjugation.
Многие индусы утверждают, что Бабри Масджид стояла в точном месте рождения Рама, и что Бабур разместил ее там, чтобы напоминать завоеванному народу о его подчинении.

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