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place английский


Значение place значение

Что в английском языке означает place?
Простое определение


A place is a point in space: a town, building, room, or even somewhere on a desk. It's nice to see the whole family together in one place. A place is an open space, courtyard, or marketplace. A place is a group of houses. A place is an area of land. A place is someones' frame of mind. A place is an area for someone to sit at. We would like to sit at that table because it has three places open. A place is a role or position; it is a station. A place is the position in which you finish a competition in. She finished the poker tournament in fifth place.


If you place something somewhere, you put it in a certain spot. If you place, you earn a given spot in a competition. She finished the poker tournament in fifth place. If you place something somewhere, you remember the last time you encountered it. She placed the last time we met each other at.


класть, положить, ставить, поставить, располагать, расположить (= put, set) put into a certain place or abstract location Put your things here Set the tray down Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children Place emphasis on a certain point (= spot) a point located with respect to surface features of some region this is a nice place for a picnic a bright spot on a planet (= property) any area set aside for a particular purpose who owns this place? the president was concerned about the property across from the White House an abstract mental location he has a special place in my thoughts a place in my heart a political system with no place for the less prominent groups a general vicinity He comes from a place near Chicago place somebody in a particular situation or location he was placed on probation место (= stead, lieu) the post or function properly or customarily occupied or served by another can you go in my stead? took his place in lieu of a particular situation If you were in my place what would you do? (= rate, rank) assign a rank or rating to how would you rank these students? The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide дом (= home) where you live at a particular time deliver the package to my home he doesn't have a home to go to your place or mine? to arrange for place a phone call place a bet (= locate) assign a location to The company located some of their agents in Los Angeles должность, положение (= post) a job in an organization he occupied a post in the treasury (= come in) take a place in a competition; often followed by an ordinal Jerry came in third in the Marathon положение, позиция, место the particular portion of space occupied by something he put the lamp back in its place (= station) proper or designated social situation he overstepped his place the responsibilities of a man in his station married above her station the passage that is being read he lost his place on the page (= seat) a space reserved for sitting (as in a theater or on a train or airplane) he booked their seats in advance he sat in someone else's place (= identify) recognize as being; establish the identity of someone or something She identified the man on the 'wanted' poster (= aim, direct) intend (something) to move towards a certain goal He aimed his fists towards his opponent's face criticism directed at her superior direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself (= put) estimate We put the time of arrival at 8 P.M. assign to (a job or a home) proper or appropriate position or location a woman's place is no longer in the kitchen (= position) an item on a list or in a sequence in the second place moved from third to fifth position площадь (= plaza) a public square with room for pedestrians they met at Elm Plaza Grosvenor Place (= space) a blank area write your name in the space provided (= set) locate The film is set in Africa finish second or better in a horse or dog race he bet $2 on number six to place sing a note with the correct pitch (= localize, localise) identify the location or place of We localized the source of the infection (= station) assign to a station инвестировать, вкладывать, вложить (= put) make an investment Put money into bonds

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Как по-другому сказать place по-английски?

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Как изменяется place в английском языке?

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Как в английском употребляется place?

Простые фразы

America is a lovely place to be, if you are here to earn money.
Америка - это очень милое место, если вы находитесь здесь с целью заработать деньги.
Place the deck of cards on the oaken table.
Положите колоду карт на дубовый стол.
Place the deck of cards on the oaken table.
Положи колоду карт на дубовый стол.
I can place the palms of my hands on the floor without bending my knees.
Я могу коснуться ладонями пола, не сгибая коленей.
I can place the palms of my hands on the floor without bending my knees.
Я могу не сгибая коленей коснуться пола ладонями обеих рук.
This place has a mysterious atmosphere.
У этого места таинственная атмосфера.
This place has a mysterious atmosphere.
В этом месте царит таинственная атмосфера.
It would of course be cheaper for you to sleep at our place.
Естественно, тебе дешевле будет ночевать у нас.
Can I stay at your place? I have nowhere to go.
Могу я остаться у вас? Мне некуда идти.
You are in a safe place.
Ты в безопасности.
I'll come to your place.
Я к тебе зайду.
I'll come to your place.
Я зайду к тебе домой.
I often think about the place where I met you.
Я часто думаю о том месте, где встретил тебя.
What would you do if you were in my place?
Что бы Вы сделали на моем месте?

Субтитры из фильмов

Some things have to fall into place first.
Некоторые вещи требуют доработки.
Sorry. What is this place exactly?
Прошу прощения, что это на самом деле?
This place don't exist.
Этого места не существует.
In season two, Derek's goal is really to find that place of having a sense of family again and belonging.
Во втором сезоне, цель Дерека снова стать частью семьи.
But I think Derek's ultimate goal is just to find that place of having a sense of family again and belonging.
Но я все же думаю, что главная цель Дерека снова стать частью семьи.
This place is-- it's getting to me.
Это место. Добивает меня.
That is a place that officers from each country will have a contest of their military strength.
Во время чемпионата каждая страна покажет свою военную силу.
Their intelligence information level is really high. No, only a few people knew about that place.
Он смог найти какой-то способ. только несколько людей знали об этом.
Who are those who knew about that place? Our family, the Chief Secretary, Eun Si Gyeong, the safety inspection team and only a few guards.
Кто знал о месте? служба безопасности и несколько телохранителей.
Is this the romantic place that you were talking about?
Разве не здесь должны проходить съемки?
The place I'm going to is the ICC, isn't Gim Bong Gu at the detention center-- What if he were to escape?
Ким Бон Гу должен сидеть. где и когда встретишься с ним?
Have you been well? Would someone who's curious as to how I've been doing not contact me and only meet in a place like this, under these kind of circumstances?
Как вам жилось? да и здесь по чистой случайности встретила?
Yi Ryeong's manager? Hey, Dog Manners. Move to a place filled with ahjussis rather than the Diplomatic Service.
Менеджер И Рён? где побольше мужчин. которые оказываются возле меня?
If you earn a lot, why buy here? I'm comfortable here. And I think it's a good place to study.
Так зачем тебе это здание? да и учиться тут удобно.

Из журналистики

A different kind of revolution was taking place in Europe's former colonies in Asia, where native peoples had no desire to be ruled once more by Western powers, which had been so ignominiously defeated by Japan.
Различного рода революции происходили в Азии, в бывших европейских колониях, где коренные народы не имели никакого желания, чтобы ими еще раз управляли западные державы, которые были так позорно поражены Японией.
It cannot be the same as the 1945 consensus, but we would do well, on this anniversary, to remember why that consensus was forged in the first place.
Это не может быть такой же консенсус, как в 1945 году, но нам, в юбилей, было бы хорошо вспомнить, почему такой консенсус был разработан в первую очередь.
Growth is, in the first place, the best way to reduce the country's budget deficits.
Рост, прежде всего, самый лучший способ сокращения бюджетного дефицита страны.
That this Arab renaissance - to use the phrase of the great Palestinian scholar George Antonius - did not take place may have been Eban's greatest disappointment.
И то, что этот арабский ренессанс - если воспользоваться определением великого палестинского ученого Джорджа Антониуса - не состоялся, возможно, было самым большим разочарованием Эбена.
Personally, I suspect Madoff's unenviable place in the record books will be secure for quite a while.
Я лично подозреваю, что незавидное лидирующее место в книге рекордов останется за ним в течение достаточного длительного промежутка времени.
Kostunica's election as President of Yugoslavia amounts to an incomplete revolution: many of the old guard are still in place.
Выбор Костуницы в президенты Югославии можно приравнять к незавершенной революции - многие члены старой гвардии еще сидят на своих местах.
Agriculture there has been damaged by the cutting of walnut, apricot, and mulberry trees for winter fuel, and by a failure to replant poplar, willow, and tamarisk - the trees that hold fragile meadows in place.
Сельскому хозяйству здесь был нанесен большой ущерб вырубкой грецкого ореха, абрикосовых и тутовых деревьев на зимнее топливо, а также тем, что на их месте не были посажены тополя, ивы и тамариски - деревья, помогающие сохранить хрупкие луга.
And now that China, too, is beginning to lose its comparative advantage in labor-intensive industries, other developing countries - especially in Africa - are set to take its place.
И теперь, когда Китай тоже начинает терять свое сравнительное преимущество в трудоемких отраслях, другие развивающиеся страны - особенно в Африке - готовы занять его место.
When police raided one place, copies emerged from other secure depots, to be sold in the streets by kamikaze youths who darted in and out of traffic offering the subversive contraband.
Когда полиция проводила рейд в одном месте, копии изданий появлялись из других безопасных точек и продавались на улицах молодыми камикадзе, мелькавшими между автомобилями, предлагая подрывную контрабанду.
The Middle East is a place where the dust hardly ever settles.
Ближний Восток - это место, где пыль почти никогда оседает.
Afghanistan is no place for quick fixes.
Афганистан - это не то место, где все можно быстро исправить.
When I won a place at a medical college in Germany, my parents were proud.
Мои родители очень гордились мной, когда я завовевал место в медицинском колледже в Германии.
One productive avenue would be to follow up on one of the recommendations of the High Level Panel that was endorsed by Annan; namely, that all UN members go on record declaring that terrorism has no place in today's world.
Одним из продуктивных путей было бы следование рекомендации Консультативного совета на высшем уровне, которая была поддержана Аннаном; а именно, чтобы все страны-участницы ООН официально заявили, что терроризму нет места в современном мире.
Right-wing American attitudes about their country's place in the world are invigorated by fundamentalist dogma.
Позиция американских правых по поводу места их станы в мире подкрепляется фундаменталистской догмой.

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