o | k | oz | oy

ok английский


Значение ok значение

Что в английском языке означает ok?
Простое определение


You use ok to show that you agree with something. "I'll be late tonight, mom." "Ok dear!" "You don't have to come tomorrow." "Ok, I'll see you next week then." You use ok to check if someone agrees with you. I'm leaving now, ok? You use ok to show that you are changing topic. Does anybody have questions? No? Ok, let's look at the homework then.


If someone is ok, they are fine or not hurt. Oh, sorry! Are you ok? Let me help you. Thanks, I'm feeling ok now. If something is ok, it is good enough, fine, or not bad. "Do you like this?" "It's ok, I guess. Do you have anything nicer?" "Is it ok if I do it tomorrow?" "Yeah, it's ok with me. "How was your day?" "Oh, it was ok--nothing special." If someone is ok, they are nice. He's an ok guy.


If you ok something, you approve it. The manager has to ok it before I can let you in. If you ok something with somebody, you ask them to approve it. Did you ok this with your dad?


If you give something your ok, you approve it. We got the ok to go ahead.


You use OK to show that you agree with something. "I'll be late tonight, mom." "OK, dear!" "You don't have to come tomorrow." "OK, I'll see you next week then." You use OK to check if someone agrees with you. I'm leaving now, OK? You use OK to show that you are changing topic. Does anybody have questions? No? OK, let's look at the homework then.


If someone is OK, they are fine or not hurt. Oh, sorry! Are you OK? Let me help you. Thanks, I'm feeling OK now. If something is OK, it is good enough, fine, or not bad. "Do you like this?" "It's OK, I guess. Do you have anything nicer?" "Is it OK if I do it tomorrow?" "Yeah, it's OK with me. "How was your day?" "Oh, it was OK--nothing special." If someone is OK, they are nice. He's an OK guy.


If you OK something, you approve it. The manager has to OK it before I can let you in. If you OK something with somebody, you ask them to approve it. Did you OK this with your dad?


If you give something your OK, you approve it. We got the OK to go ahead.


(= all right, fine, okay) being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition an all-right movie the passengers were shaken up but are all right is everything all right? everything's fine things are okay dinner and the movies had been fine another minute I'd have been fine


окей, отлично, прекрасно (= very well) an expression of agreement normally occurring at the beginning of a sentence (= O.K.) an endorsement they gave us the O.K. to go ahead Оклахома (= Oklahoma) a state in south central United States

Перевод ok перевод

Как перевести с английского ok?

Синонимы ok синонимы

Как по-другому сказать ok по-английски?

oK английский » английский


Примеры ok примеры

Как в английском употребляется ok?

Простые фразы

Are you feeling OK?
Ты хорошо себя чувствуешь?
Are you feeling OK?
Вы хорошо себя чувствуете?
Are you feeling OK?
Ты нормально себя чувствуешь?
Are you feeling OK?
Вы нормально себя чувствуете?
OK. I'll send it out as soon as a machine is available.
Хорошо. Я вышлю это, как только будет доступна машина.
Ok, let's give it a try.
Ладно, давай попробуем.
It's OK now. Don't worry. You can depend on me one hundred percent.
Теперь всё нормально. Не волнуйся. Ты можешь положиться на меня на все сто процентов.
It's OK now. Don't worry. You can depend on me one hundred percent.
Теперь всё нормально. Не волнуйтесь. Вы можете положиться на меня на все сто процентов.
Is everything OK here?
Тут всё ОК?
Is everything OK here?
Здесь всё в порядке?
Either day is OK.
Можно в любой день.
Either day is OK.
Любой день годится.
Everything is OK.
Всё в порядке.
Everything is OK.
Всё хорошо.

Субтитры из фильмов

You all OK?
Как вы?
I was just trying to see if you were OK.
Я только посмотрел, что с тобой!
This is just a series of misunderstandings, OK?
Всё это просто цепочка недоразумений. Понял?
OK, let's get practical, then.
Хорошо, тогда перейдём к действиям.
OK, let me just see if this is even logistically possible.
Так, я пока посмотрю, можно ли это вообще осуществить.
Just stop, just let me talk, darling, OK?
Подожди, дай я скажу, дорогая, хорошо?
There's no easy way of saying this, OK, so I'm just going to say it straight out.
Просто такое не скажешь, потому я скажу как есть.
I need you to phone my folks, I want you to tell them that I'm fine and everything's OK, that I'm just going to go travelling for a little bit.
Позвони моим родителям, скажи, что со мной всё хорошо и вообще всё хорошо, просто я собираюсь попутешествовать подольше.
Yeah, OK. I will.
Хорошо, да.
Dad, listen to me, OK?
Папа, послушай.
OK, let's go.
Всё, пошли!
Rick, Rick. all right, you'll be OK.
Рик, Рик. всё будет хорошо.
You'll be OK.
Нормально всё будет.
To fight and steal is to be ok?
Драться и воровать означает быть в порядке?

Из журналистики

OK, so maybe it is too soon for the world to start toasting America's insane consumption patterns.
Ну что ж, возможно, миру еще и рановато поднимать тост за безумные потребительские привычки Америки.

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