telling английский

выразительный, впечатляющий, эффектный

Значение telling значение

Что в английском языке означает telling?
Простое определение


If something is telling, it has a strong effect. If some kind of evidence is telling, it shows clearly the true nature of someone or something.


(= telltale) disclosing unintentionally a telling smile a telltale panel of lights a telltale patch of oil on the water marked where the boat went down informing by words повествование, изложение, сообщение, рассказ (= relation, recounting) an act of narration he was the hero according to his own relation his endless recounting of the incident eventually became unbearable (= cogent, weighty) powerfully persuasive a cogent argument a telling presentation a weighty argument (= impressive) producing a strong effect gave an impressive performance as Othello a telling gesture (= tattle) disclosing information or giving evidence about another

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