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pick английский

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Что в английском языке означает pick?
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When you pick something, you choose it. I have picked the best people to work on this job. This was picked as the best new toy of the year. If you pick up something, you lift it. She picked up the glass and put it down again. Pick your clothes up off the floor! The baby's crying. Can you pick him up? If you pick up the phone, you answer it. If you pick something up from somewhere, you go and get it. Mom, can you pick me up from Austin's at 8:00? I'll go an pick up a pizza. If you try to pick up someone you have just met, you talk to them because you want to have sex with them. If you pick fruit, flowers, etc., you take them off the plant. We spent the morning picking apples in the forest. Please help me pick up the books that I've dropped. If you pick something from somewhere, you take it out of or away from that place. After dinner he picked the rice out of the children's hair. If you pick a musical instrument such as a guitar, you play it by pulling its strings and letting them go. If you pick at something, you touch it many times without doing anything. He was too sick to eat and just picked at his food. She picked nervously at her dress. If you pick on someone, you are not nice to them in particular. He was picked on by his brothers for his small size.


A pick is a choice. His pick for Man of the Year was John Smith. You have your pick of the rooms. Which one do you want? A pick is a tool used to dig. He dug that hole using a pick. A pick is something used to play a guitar with. He forgot his guitar pick.


select carefully from a group She finally picked her successor He picked his way carefully брать, вычленять look for and gather pick mushrooms pick flowers винить, обвинять, обвинить harass with constant criticism Don't always pick on your little brother provoke pick a fight or a quarrel remove in small bits pick meat from a bone (= clean) remove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits Clean the turkey выбор the person or thing chosen or selected he was my pick for mayor кирка, кайло, мотыга a heavy iron tool with a wooden handle and a curved head that is pointed on both ends they used picks and sledges to break the rocks a thin sharp implement used for removing unwanted material he used a pick to clean the dirt out of the cracks плектр, медиатор a small thin device (of metal or plastic or ivory) used to pluck a stringed instrument a basketball maneuver; obstructing an opponent with one's body he was called for setting an illegal pick pilfer or rob pick pockets attack with or as if with a pickaxe of ice or rocky ground, for example Pick open the ice hit lightly with a picking motion (= nibble, piece) eat intermittently; take small bites of He pieced at the sandwich all morning She never eats a full meal--she just nibbles (= foot) pay for something pick up the tab pick up the burden of high-interest mortgages foot the bill (= picking) the quantity of a crop that is harvested he sent the first picking of berries to the market it was the biggest peach pick in years сливки (= cream) the best people or things in a group the cream of England's young men were killed in the Great War (= pluck) pull lightly but sharply with a plucking motion he plucked the strings of his mandolin выбор, отбор (= choice) the act of choosing or selecting your choice of colors was unfortunate you can take your pick (= woof) the yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving

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Как в английском употребляется pick?

Простые фразы

I have a bone to pick with you.
Нам с тобой надо потолковать кое о чём.
Pick up your things and go away.
Собери свои вещи и уходи.
What time shall I pick you up?
Во сколько мне за тобой заехать?
What time shall I pick you up?
Во сколько мне за вами заехать?
Can you pick me up at the station?
Вы могли бы забрать меня с вокзала?
Whether you pick the Lions or Tigers to win, the result will be a toss-up because both teams are equally strong.
Выберите ли вы Тигров или Львов, результатом все равно будет жеребьевка, так как обе команды одинаково сильны.
Hello, it's me. Could you come pick me up at the station?
Привет, это я. Не мог бы ты подобрать меня на вокзале?
Soon the same waiter came back to pick up the dishes.
Скоро тот же официант вернулся, чтобы забрать посуду.
Where will the bus pick us up?
Где нас заберёт автобус?
Where should I pick the tickets up?
Где я должен забрать билеты?
Where can I pick up my baggage?
Где я могу забрать багаж?
I'll arrange for someone to pick you up at your home.
Я договорюсь, чтобы кто-нибудь заехал за тобой.
Pick it up.
Подними его.
Pick it up.
Поднимите его.

Субтитры из фильмов

So, anyway, my cousin's best friend's older brother's girlfriend's sister is gonna be bringing some by this afternoon, and I know it sounds a little stupid, but I'm kind of nervous to pick them up myself.
Так вот сестра подружки старшего брата лучшей подруги моей двоюродной сестры принесёт их после обеда. Я знаю, как глупо это звучит, но я боюсь забирать их сама.
Just pick China who is your neighboring country, China!
I'll pick up after 5 rings at least.
Перетерпи пять гудков.
I will pick the perfect hell for you and prepare it in advance.
Я приготовлю для тебя самую раскалённую сковородку в моём Аду.
Uh-huh. What time do you want to pick me up?
Во сколько ты за мной заедешь?
That you didn't pick out.
Который не ты выбирала.
Every time I saw your name, I wanted to pick up the phone.
Каждый раз, видя твоё имя, я хотела снять трубку.
Jas, come on. Let's go pick out the first round of dresses.
Джас, пойдём, выберем, что примерим сначала.
Excuse me, miss, I have a bone to pick with you.
Простите, мисс, у меня к вам претензия.
I pick his big ass up, walk him out.
Я взвалил его задницу на плучи и потащил прочь.
I would sooner pound the treadmill in the workhouse or pick oakum... than spend another hour engaged in labour such as this.
Я бы лучше крутила мельничные жернова в работном доме или конопатила паклей щели вместо лишнего часа за подобной работой.
And pick out something you like, and whatever it is, we'll do it.
Выбери что тебе нравится, и мы это сделаем.
The personal succulents you can pick up on your way out.
Подарочный суккулент можешь выбрать, когда будешь уходить.
I told you, I pick up and drop off.
Говорил же, я забираю и отдаю.

Из журналистики

MILAN - Although the financial crisis is winding down, the prospects for growth in the global economy are unlikely to pick up.
МИЛАН. Хотя финансовый кризис постепенно преодолевается, шансы на рост мировой экономики едва ли увеличатся.
Come presidential election-day in 2012, South Korean voters will pick the candidate who embodies pragmatism and centrism over a partisan or ideologue.
Когда в 2012 году наступит день президентских выборов, избиратели Южной Кореи выберут кандидата, который будет воплощать в себе прагматизм и центризм, а не фанатизм и приверженность идеологии.
His land costs are low. So are his labor costs, since he relies on family and friends to weed and pick the crop.
Стоимость его земли низка, как и стоимость его труда, так как он полагается на членов семьи и друзей для прополки и сбора урожая.
This will change, however, once the economic pick-up is confirmed.
Это изменится, однако, как только подтвердится начало экономического подъема.
Undocumented workers pick America's crops, clean Americans' houses, and serve Americans their food, but their fate simply does not matter to many US citizens.
Незарегистрированные работники убирают американский урожай, делают уборку в домах американцев и подают им еду в закусочных, но их судьба многих граждан США попросту не волнует.
Who will pick it up?
Кто ею воспользуется?
The author, a BoE employee named Tobias Neumann, argued that incorporating more data into the models could lead them to pick up noise and mistake it for an important signal.
Автор публикации, сотрудник Банка Англии по имени Тобиас Нойманн, утверждает, что включение большего количества данных в эти модели может привести к ошибочному восприятию шума как важного сигнала.
One's skill as an economist depends on the ability to pick and choose the right model for the situation.
Искусство экономиста заключается в способности выбирать подходящие модели для каждой конкретной ситуации.
In other words, home authorities are left to pick up the tab when things go wrong.
Другими словами, домашним властям остается платить по счетам, когда дела идут плохо.
The absence of consecutive re-election at any level reinforces the party machines' power: they pick candidates, whom voters merely ratify at the polls.
Отсутствие последовательной процедуры переизбрания на каждом из уровней укрепляет силу партийного аппарата: он подбирает кандидатов, а избиратели лишь утверждают этот выбор своим голосованием.
As a result, politicians are prepared to pick a city and order it to create the functions of a financial center, as if such a thing can be constructed like a building - a concept that could not be more off the mark.
В результате власти Китая готовы взять любой город и приказать ему выработать функции финансового центра, как будто их можно построить как здание - идея, абсурдность которой трудно преувеличить.
He felt an urge, and now the chips will fall and only he can pick up the pieces.
Он ощутил толчок к действию, и теперь полетят щепки, и только он сможет их подобрать.
Ideological party platforms have lost their force; voters do not accept the specific bundles offered by parties but want to pick and choose.
Идеологические платформы партий утратили свою силу, избиратели не принимают предлагаемые партиями целевые пакеты, а желают сами делать выбор.
After all, member governments would still pick the candidates, and there can be no escaping politics in what is essentially a political process.
В конце концов, отбирать кандидатов все равно будут правительства соответствующих стран, и в этом процессе, по сути своей политическом, избежать политики никак не удастся.

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