
dispatch английский

отправка, посылать, депеша

Значение dispatch значение

Что в английском языке означает dispatch?
Простое определение


If you dispatch people or equipment somewhere, you send them there to do a particular task. The government has reportedly dispatched elite army troops to Baghdad. Vietnam dispatched ships and aircraft Saturday to the mouth of the Gulf of Thailand. If you dispatch a message, package, etc., you send it. Before long, Edison was regularly dispatching instructions to his lab up north. If you dispatch a living thing, you kill it. If the immune system has seen the viruses before, it can dispatch them swiftly. His men swiftly dispatched any French prisoners by beheading them.


A dispatch is a message or report sent by a someone in a distant location. The New York Times ran 10 stories on Rwanda, half of them brief wire service dispatches. Dispatch is part of an emergency response system, such as police or ambulance, which sends personelle to deal with emergencies. When dispatch couldn't contact him, they called and asked me to check on him. The dispatch of someone to a place is the act of sending them there to to a particular task. They recommended to the President the dispatch of six thousand to eight thousand American combat forces. If you do something with dispatch you finish it without wasting time. We want to make sure that that work continues with all due dispatch and speed.


отправлять send away towards a designated goal an official report (usually sent in haste) the act of sending off something выплачивать, выплатить, выполнять, выполнить, осуществлять, осуществить (= discharge, complete) complete or carry out discharge one's duties dispose of rapidly and without delay and efficiently He dispatched the task he was assigned kill without delay the traitor was dispatched by the conspirators killing a person or animal (= despatch) the property of being prompt and efficient it was done with dispatch убить, убивать (= murder) kill intentionally and with premeditation The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered

Перевод dispatch перевод

Как перевести с английского dispatch?

Синонимы dispatch синонимы

Как по-другому сказать dispatch по-английски?

Спряжение dispatch спряжение

Как изменяется dispatch в английском языке?

dispatch · глагол

Примеры dispatch примеры

Как в английском употребляется dispatch?

Субтитры из фильмов

Dispatch us with all speed.
Скорей нас отпустите.
Put this night's business into my dispatch.
Но предоставь мне дело этой ночи.
Is he dispatch'd?
Come, sir, dispatch.
Да поживей!
Courier. Dispatch. Observer.
Свежие выпуски.
I want to send a telegram To the Courier, Dispatch, Observer- all the New York newspapers.
Я хочу послать телеграмму в Курьер, Диспетч, Обсервер, во все газеты Нью-Йорка.
Ambulance dispatch desk, please.
Регистрационный стол, пожалуйста.
Dispatch a courier to Kyoto. Let the minister know of this at once.
Пошлите в Киото гонца с сообщением для министра.
You do things with dispatch. No wasted preliminaries.
Должен отметить, что вы быстры и решительны.
How now, my hardy, stout resolved mates! Are you now going to dispatch this thing?
Ну, смелые и верные друзья, идёте ль вы закончить это дело?
Go, go, dispatch.
Ну, за дело!
Dispatch, my lord. The duke would be at dinner.
На исповедь живей!
Come, come, dispatch. 'Tis bootless to exclaim.
Пора, идёмте с нами!

Из журналистики

Although Japan did receive some appreciation for its dispatch of naval squadrons to the Mediterranean, it endured wide criticism for its refusal to send ground troops.
Хотя Япония и получила некоторое признание за то, что отправила военно-морские эскадроны в Средиземноморье, она вынесла большую критику за свой отказ послать наземные войска.
Indeed, the dispatch of Japanese peacekeepers under UN command to Cambodia in 1992 (the first time the 240,000-strong SDF had ventured on a mission abroad) was bitterly contested.
Действительно, отправка японских миротворцев в Камбоджу под наблюдением командования сил ООН в 1992 году (первая зарубежная операция двухсот сорока тысячных сил самообороны) вызвала большое количество споров и протестов в стране.
A Canadian military commander, asked what he would do if foreign soldiers attacked his country's Far North, calmly replied that he would dispatch an expedition to rescue them.
Один канадский военачальник, в ответ на вопрос, что он будет делать, если иностранные войска нападут на Крайний Север его страны, спокойно ответил, что отправит за ними спасательную экспедицию.

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