
finish английский


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Что в английском языке означает finish?
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If something finishes, it stops and doesn't start again; it comes to the end. I finish work at 4:30 and I get home at 5:00. In June of 1992 I had just finished university and I was looking for a job. She finished off her homework and put it away. Finish up your lunch quickly, please. If something finishes somebody off, it uses all their energy or it kills them. That last run around the track completely finished me off. If you finish something up, you use the last of it. I finished up the milk this morning. There's none left. If you are finished with something, you don't need it anymore. If you finish the surface of something, especially wood, you make it smooth and ready to use.


The finish is the last part or end of something. As the runners come to the finish, they are side by side. It was a good day from start to finish. The finish is the way a surface looks after it has been made smooth and ready to use. The oil gives the wood a smooth, deep finish.


(= complete) come or bring to a finish or an end He finished the dishes She completed the requirements for her Master's Degree The fastest runner finished the race in just over 2 hours; others finished in over 4 hours (= end up, wind up) finally be or do something He ended up marrying his high school sweetheart he wound up being unemployed and living at home again окончиться, закончиться, заканчиваться (= end, stop, terminate) have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical the bronchioles terminate in a capillary bed Your rights stop where you infringe upon the rights of other My property ends by the bushes The symphony ends in a pianissimo provide with a finish The carpenter finished the table beautifully this shirt is not finished properly (= coating, finishing) a decorative texture or appearance of a surface (or the substance that gives it that appearance) the boat had a metallic finish he applied a coat of a clear finish when the finish is too thin it is difficult to apply evenly (= polish off) finish eating all the food on one's plate or on the table She polished off the remaining potatoes (wine tasting) the taste of a wine on the back of the tongue (as it is swallowed) the wine has a nutty flavor and a pleasant finish the downfall of someone (as of persons on one side of a conflict) booze will be the finish of him it was a fight to the finish designated event that concludes a contest (especially a race) excitement grew as the finish neared my horse was several lengths behind at the finish the winner is the team with the most points at the finish (= finishing) the act of finishing his best finish in a major tournament was third the speaker's finishing was greeted with applause cause to finish a relationship with somebody That finished me with Mary (= destination) the place designated as the end (as of a race or journey) a crowd assembled at the finish he was nearly exhausted as their destination came into view (= ending) event whose occurrence ends something his death marked the ending of an era when these final episodes are broadcast it will be the finish of the show закрытие, завершение, окончание (= stopping point, close) the temporal end; the concluding time the stopping point of each round was signaled by a bell the market was up at the finish they were playing better at the close of the season (= polish, refinement) a highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable quality they performed with great polish I admired the exquisite refinement of his prose almost an inspiration which gives to all work that finish which is almost art — -Joseph Conrad

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Как в английском употребляется finish?

Простые фразы

When did you finish it?
Вы это когда закончили?
When did you finish it?
Когда вы это закончили?
When did you finish it?
Когда ты это закончил?
Let's finish up in a hurry.
Давай закончим поскорее.
We'll finish the work even if it takes us all day.
Мы закончим работу, даже если это потребует от нас весь день.
Give us the tools, and we will finish the job.
Дай нам инструменты, и мы закончим работу.
I'll finish the work in a week or less.
Я закончу работу в течение недели.
I must finish my homework before dinner.
Мне надо закончить домашнюю работу до ужина.
The race was a photo finish.
Исход гонки решил фотофиниш.
I'll soon finish reading this novel.
Я скоро дочитаю этот роман.
I'll soon finish reading this novel.
Я скоро закончу читать этот роман.
Finish your homework by the time they return.
Доделай уроки к тому времени, как они вернутся.
Finish your homework by the time they return.
Доделайте уроки к тому времени, как они вернутся.
I must finish this work first.
Я должен сначала закончить эту работу.

Субтитры из фильмов

Магниты в виде скотч-терьеров?
No food, no drinks, so finish up your beers, boys.
Никакой еды, напитков, так что допивайте пиво, ребята.
And I understand if this means you don't want to work with me. Look, let me finish.
И я понимаю, если это значит, что вы не хотите работать со мной.
Would you just let me finish?
Ты дашь мне закончить?
Quiet, let him finish.
Погоди, дай закончить.
Never got to finish our conversation.
Так и не договорили.
We could finish morning surgery half an hour early -- we've very few appointments in the book.
Мы можем закончить утренний приём на полчаса раньше, записано всего несколько человек.
We'll finish it together later.
Нужно заняться чем-то. другим из этого списка.
We have to finish up.
Пора заканчивать.
You'll finish feeding her with this stuff do you hear?
Хватит спаивать ее! Ты слышишь?
You'll finish!
And for you a swell finish.
Для тебя это будет красивый конец.
Why don't you chuck all this. come away with me when we finish the harvesting'.
Почему бы тебе не бросить всё это и не уехать со мной, когда мы закончим уборку урожая?
How brave, will he get to finish that job?
Какой смелый, возьмется он закончить эту работу?

Из журналистики

Many will never finish even primary school, or be able to play an effective role in modern society.
Многие из них никогда не закончат даже начальную школу и не смогут сыграть эффективную роль в современном обществе.
Indeed, he has become the first elected Thai leader to finish a four-year term, be re-elected, and preside over a one-party government.
Действительно, он стал первым избранным лидером Таиланда, который доработал до конца четырехлетний срок у власти, был переизбран и теперь председательствует в однопартийном парламенте.
But MacArthur did not have enough time to finish the job.
Но МакАртуру не хватило времени, чтобы закончить работу.
Ortega would manage only a third-place finish.
А Ортега пришел бы к финишу только третьим.
Similarly, Israel's ground actions were hesitant and inconclusive from start to finish.
Точно так же наземные операции Израиля были нерешительными и незавершенными от начала до конца.
Few go on to finish high school or attend university.
Лишь немногие из них заканчивают школу, не говоря уже о поступлении в университет.
We will finish a process that began almost ten years ago at another Summit in Copenhagen.
Мы закончим процесс, начавшийся почти десять лет назад на другом саммите в Копенгагене.
Now they must finish the job.
Теперь их задача - закончить начатое.
And, when antibiotics are called for, we need to finish the prescribed course.
А когда их нам выписывают, мы должны пропивать полный курс.
Some 57 million children still do not go to school, 500 million girls will never finish the secondary education to which they are entitled, and 750 million adults remain illiterate.
Около 57 миллионов детей по-прежнему не посещают школу, 500 миллионов девочек никогда не закончат среднее образование, на которое имеют право, а 750 миллионов взрослых остаются неграмотными.
Some insist that Greece finish its payment program, regardless of the humanitarian and economic consequences - not to mention the failure of all previous Greek governments to meet its terms.
Одни настаивают на том, чтобы Греция выполнила программу платежей, несмотря на все ее гуманитарные и экономические последствия (не говоря уже о провале попыток всех предыдущих правительств Греции соблюсти ее условия).
Or, like India in 1974, it might wait a long time, then dash to the finish line and conduct an atomic test.
Или же поступит как Индия в 1974 году, после длительного перерыва сделать финальный бросок и провести испытание атомной бомбы.
Everyone knew that Kadima would win and form a coalition with the moderate left Labor party, which managed a respectable second-place finish.
Все знали, что Кадима победит и сформирует коалицию с умеренной левой Рабочей Партией, которой удалось занять на финише почетное второе место.
This means that broad swaths of the population don't finish high school, don't attend college, and don't become empowered citizens of their own countries and the world.
Это значит, что широкие массы населения не заканчивают среднюю школу, не учатся в университетах и не становятся полноправными гражданами своих собственных государств и мира.

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