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light английский

свет, светлый

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Что в английском языке означает light?
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The energy that our eyes sense is light. And dance by the light of the moon.—Buffalo Gals, American folksong If someone talks about a light, he or she means something bright that can be seen. The lights of the city shine all over the valley. When you leave the room, turn off the light.


Something that is light in color is close to white. The morning sky was very light. Something that is light in weight does not weigh much. I lifted her easily because she was so light. Light may also mean that something is not serious. The light bruise on my leg didn't hurt much. I enjoy light comedy, where lots of funny things happen.


If someone lights a fire, the fire starts to burn. Let's light the wood in the fireplace. The match lit and I could see around me. Something that lights a place makes it less dark. The moon lighted the forest path.


свет, видимый свет (physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation the light was filtered through a soft glass window свет any device serving as a source of illumination he stopped the car and turned off the lights лёгкий of comparatively little physical weight or density a light load magnesium is a light metal--having a specific gravity of 1.74 at 20 degrees C a particular perspective or aspect of a situation although he saw it in a different light, he still did not understand освещать, осветить, светить make lighter or brighter This lamp lightens the room a bit (= light up) begin to smoke After the meal, some of the diners lit up яркость (= luminosity) the quality of being luminous; emitting or reflecting light its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun (= light-colored) (used of color) having a relatively small amount of coloring agent light blue light colors such as pastels a light-colored powder an illuminated area he stepped into the light освещение, иллюминация (= illumination) a condition of spiritual awareness; divine illumination follow God's light the visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures he could paint the lightest light and the darkest dark of the military or industry; using (or being) relatively small or light arms or equipment light infantry light cavalry light industry light weapons not great in degree or quantity or number a light sentence a light accent casualties were light light snow was falling light misty rain light smoke from the chimney psychologically light; especially free from sadness or troubles a light heart светлый, яркий characterized by or emitting light a room that is light when the shutters are open the inside of the house was airy and light a person regarded very fondly the light of my life (= alight) to come to rest, settle Misfortune lighted upon him (used of soil) loose and large-grained in consistency light soil easily assimilated in the alimentary canal; not rich or heavily seasoned a light diet освещение, осветительный прибор (= lighting) having abundant light or illumination they played as long as it was light as long as the lighting was good mental understanding as an enlightening experience he finally saw the light can you shed light on this problem? (= weak) (used of vowels or syllables) pronounced with little or no stress a syllable that ends in a short vowel is a light syllable a weak stress on the second syllable зажигать, зажечь, разжигать, разжечь (= ignite) cause to start burning; subject to fire or great heat Great heat can ignite almost any dry matter Light a cigarette (= sparkle, twinkle) merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance he had a sparkle in his eye there's a perpetual twinkle in his eyes public awareness it brought the scandal to light demanding little effort; not burdensome light housework light exercise (= lightsome, tripping) moving easily and quickly; nimble the dancer was light and graceful a lightsome buoyant step walked with a light tripping step ясный, чистый (= clean, clear) (of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings clear laughter like a waterfall clear reds and blues a light lilting voice like a silver bell intended primarily as entertainment; not serious or profound light verse a light comedy having little importance losing his job was no light matter (= scant, short) less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so a light pound a scant cup of sugar regularly gives short weight very thin and insubstantial thin paper light summer dresses (physics, chemistry) not having atomic weight greater than average light water is ordinary water of little intensity or power or force the light touch of her fingers a light breeze designed for ease of movement or to carry little weight light aircraft a light truck (= lite, low-cal) having relatively few calories diet cola light (or lite) beer lite (or light) mayonnaise a low-cal diet (= wakeful) (of sleep) easily disturbed in a light doze a light sleeper a restless wakeful night a visual warning signal they saw the light of the beacon there was a light at every corner (= abstemious) marked by temperance in indulgence abstemious with the use of adverbs a light eater a light smoker ate a light supper (= faint, swooning, light-headed, lightheaded) weak and likely to lose consciousness suddenly felt faint from the pain was sick and faint from hunger felt light in the head a swooning fit light-headed with wine light-headed from lack of sleep (= idle) silly or trivial idle pleasure light banter light idle chatter with few burdens experienced travellers travel light зажигалка a device for lighting or igniting fuel or charges or fires do you have a light? (= easy, loose, wanton) casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior her easy virtue he was told to avoid loose (or light) women wanton behavior (= fall) fall to somebody by assignment or lot The task fell to me It fell to me to notify the parents of the victims (= unhorse) alight from (a horse)


(= Inner Light) a divine presence believed by Quakers to enlighten and guide the soul

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Light Within Inner Light Christ Within light illumination

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Как в английском употребляется light?

Простые фразы

It's just five in the morning, but nevertheless it is light out.
Сейчас только пять часов утра, но уже светло.
A child is not a vessel for filling, but a fire to light.
Ребёнок - не сосуд, который нужно наполнить, а огонь, который нужно зажечь.
Could you turn on the light, please?
Не могли бы вы зажечь свет, пожалуйста?
You ran a red light.
Вы проехали на красный свет.
You ran a red light.
Ты на красный проехала.
You ran a red light.
Ты на красный проехал.
In the light of what you told us, I think we should revise our plan.
Учитывая то, что вы нам сказали, я думаю, нам следует пересмотреть свой план.
As for the air, there is always some moisture in the atmosphere, but when the amount increases a great deal, it affects the light waves.
Что насчёт воздуха, в атмосфере всегда есть некоторое количество влаги, но когда оно достигает больших величин, это влияет на световые волны.
A mirror reflects light.
Зеркало отражает свет.
It is still light outside.
На улице ещё светло.
It is still light outside.
Снаружи ещё светло.
The sky is getting light.
Небо становится светлей.
The sky is getting light.
Небо светлеет.
Heat and light are necessary for our existence.
Тепло и свет необходимы для нашего существования.

Субтитры из фильмов

The sky went from dark to light, and it looked like it was on fire, just like Victoria said.
Небо мерцало от светлого к темному, как будто оно было в огне, точь в точь как говорила Виктория.
Those light lips.
Опять разболтался?
When she starts to feel dizzy, everything inside her goggles will fade to a bright white light -- another cue to the brain to trigger the surge.
Сэм вернула деньги, мистер Винсент. Что значит, вернула деньги? Она перечислила все деньги обратно на счет Майлза.
Block off the red-light district!
Оцепить квартал!
Don't let Musashi get out of the red-light district!
Не выпускайте Мусаси из весёлого квартала.
Making an uproar in front of the main gate to the red-light district is uncouth.
Это дико - устраивать потасовку перед главным входом в веселый квартал.
The light has already turned poor for today.
Уже стемнело.
It will be fine for you to leave at first light tomorrow.
Можешь отправляться завтра на рассвете.
Don't you go into that light, - you son of a bitch!
Не иди на грёбаный свет, сукин ты сын!
I told him don't go into the light!
Я говорил ему, чтобы не шёл на свет!
There's no virtue in making light of it.
Нет смысла оправдывать то, что случилось.
I can reveal what I have known from the beginning, that Calvin Roberts and Sarah Lane will succeed me together as co-leaders of the movement and guardians of The Light.
Кэлвин Робертс и Сара Лейн станут моими преемниками, возглавив движение и став Стражами Света.
That's for The Light, man.
Решит Свет.
This baby will be born into a community of Light.
Этот малыш родится в общине Света.

Из журналистики

Thomas Jefferson compared knowledge to candles: when one is used to light another, it does not diminish the light of the first.
Томас Джефферсон сравнил знания со свечами: когда одна используется, чтобы зажечь другую, это не уменьшает свет первой свечи.
Thomas Jefferson compared knowledge to candles: when one is used to light another, it does not diminish the light of the first.
Томас Джефферсон сравнил знания со свечами: когда одна используется, чтобы зажечь другую, это не уменьшает свет первой свечи.
In a time of official lies, healthy investigative energy should shed light, not just generate heat.
Во время официальной лжи, здоровая исследовательская энергия должна проливать свет, а не вырабатывать жар.
NATO troops should be given the green light to help the Afghan army fight opium - destroy the heroin labs, disband the opium bazaars, attack the opium convoys, and bring the big traders to justice.
Войскам НАТО нужно дать зеленый свет, чтобы помочь афганской армии бороться с опиумом - уничтожить лаборатории по производству героина, распустить опийные базары, нападать на конвои с опиумом и предавать крупных торговцев суду.
The key is to capture the window of opportunity for industrialization arising from the relocation of light manufacturing from higher-income countries.
Ключом является попадание в окно возможности проведения индустриализации, которое возникает из-за переноса легкой промышленности из стран с высоким уровнем дохода.
Indeed, ever since the Industrial Revolution, the rise of light manufacturing has driven a dramatic rise in national income.
Действительно, после промышленной революции рост легкой промышленности всегда вел к резкому росту национального дохода.
In Belgium, France, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, and Switzerland, light manufacturing led the way.
Путь для Бельгии, Франции, Швеции, Дании, Италии и Швейцарии прокладывала легкая промышленность.
BRUSSELS - The recent death in Brussels of Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi finally brings to light what lay behind his mysterious two-month disappearance from public life.
БРЮССЕЛЬ. Недавняя смерть в Брюсселе премьер-министра Эфиопии Мелеса Зенауи, наконец, проливает свет на то, что скрывалось за его таинственным исчезновением из общественной жизни на два месяца.
Other resources like fuel oil, diesel, light crude, solar, and gas are also available as means of electricity generation, but their costs are all quite prohibitive.
Другие ресурсы, такие как жидкое топливо, дизель, легкая нефть, солнечная энергия и газ также являются доступными в качестве средств для производства электроэнергии, но их стоимость непомерно высока.
On the contrary, before the Civil War you could start out splitting rails, light out for the Western Territory, make a success of yourself on the frontier, and wind up as President - if you were named Abraham Lincoln.
Напротив, до гражданской войны вы могли начать с колки чурбанов на материал для изготовления заборов, сбежать на Дикий Запад, добиться успеха в освоении новых земель и закончить в качестве президента, - если вас звали Авраамом Линкольном.
But 30 years of hindsight enable us to judge which elements of the Thatcher revolution should be preserved, and which should be amended in the light of today's global economic downturn.
Однако 30-летний ретроспективный взгляд позволяет нам судить о том, какие элементы революции Тэтчер следует сохранить, а какие следует дополнить в свете сегодняшнего экономического кризиса.
The LRZ would enable local people to improve their livelihoods though the production of agricultural goods, the efficient delivery of services, and light manufacturing.
ЗМП позволит местным жителям улучшить свои условия жизни через производство сельскохозяйственной продукции, эффективное предоставление услуг и легкую промышленность.
After all, blaming the US is predominantly a way of shifting light from Europe's failed leadership to another country's struggles for a safer world (including the continued existence of Israel) and a stronger world economy.
В конце концов, обвинение США - это главным образом способ перевести внимание с неудавшегося лидерства Европы на борьбу другой страны за мировую безопасность (включая продолжающееся существование Израиля) и более сильную мировую экономику.
In this uncertain context, the APEC summit could shed much-needed light on the intentions of Abe and Xi, thereby providing crucial insight into the trajectory of Sino-Japanese relations - and thus the future of East Asia.
В сложившейся туманной обстановке саммит АТЭС может пролить столь необходимый свет на намерения Абэ и Си, и, тем самым, дать ясное понимание дальнейшей траектории развития китайско-японских отношений - а значит, и будущего Восточной Азии.

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