Lear | cleat | clean | Clare

clear английский

ясный, чистый, очищать

Значение clear значение

Что в английском языке означает clear?
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A clear idea is an idea that is easy to understand. OK, so you need the key. I see. That's clear now. Now it's clear as a bell to me why you want to stay here. If it is clear that something is a certain way, there can be no mistake about it. The women made it clear that they were doing this only because they wanted to. It soon became perfectly clear that he was not going to get better. It's clear from looking at you that you couldn't lift it; you're too small. This is a clear example of an idea that works. If you are clear about something, you understand it well. Mike, I want to be clear about what you said, so can you tell me again. I'm sorry, but I'm not clear about what I'm supposed to do. If you are clear about something, you make it easy for people to understand you. The coach had been very clear about what he wanted them to do. They haven't been so clear about how much water is in there. If your head or your thinking is clear, then you can think well. After his coffee and a quick walk, his head felt clear. On Monday, he looked confused and didn't say much, but the next day, his thinking seemed more clear. If something is clear, people can see through it. The window is made of clear glass. The water wasn't clear enough to see the bottom. If something is clear, it has nothing that gets in your way. I try to drive to work only when the roads are clear. It's supposed to be clear and sunny today. That table's not clear yet. Can you get the stuff off it? The skies were clear of clouds. If something is clear, it is easy to see or hear. The picture wasn't clear enough to see whose face it was. At first, the radio was noisy, but we moved and then we got clear, rich sound. If your skin is clear, it has no spots on it. Her deep honey skin was clear except for the small mark on her left cheek. If your eyes are clear, they are healthy, bright, and lively. His eyes were sharp and clear, and full of fun. Clear profit is profit after tax. These are priced so high that the manufacturers pocket $8,000 clear profit per $30,000 unit. If you have a clear conscience or your conscience is clear, you do not feel guilty. I sleep perfectly at night. I have a clear conscience. I don't have blood on my hands.


If you clear something, you move or remove things that you don't want there. You clear the table and I'll get coffee ready. We'll have to clear out the garage to make room for the new car. My grandparents cleared this land so that we could live and farm here. I worked for ten minutes to clear a path in the snow from the door to the road. About 13 million hectares of forest were cleared each year. If something clears, it becomes clear. After the fire, it took some time for the air to clear. Above her, the black sky cleared, until she could see the thousands of stars all across it. The window fogged and cleared as she breathed on it. If something clears, it goes away, leaving the place it was clear. After the fire, it took some time for the smoke to clear. He couldn't see well as car drove up the dirt road, but after the dust had cleared, he could see it was his father. If you clear your throat, you cough lightly to make speaking easier. Tears filled her eyes again, and she cleared her throat. "As soon as I can, I'll get on a plane and meet you." If you clear the air, or if the air clears, you talk about a problem so that nobody has doubts or bad feelings. I think it's important for me to tell you what has happened and clear the air about this matter. If you clear somebody to do something, you give them permission. His personal plane had been cleared to land at the airport. If your head, mind, thinking, etc. clears then you become abel to think well. The coffee helped to clear her head, and she sat down to think. If you clear something, you get over it without touching it or without a problem. The bike got air and cleared the water by a meter. If you clear somebody of something bad you show that they did not do it. After clearing him of any wrongdoing, the police set him free. If you clear a hurdle, you solve one of a number of problems. The case has many more hurdles to clear before it can go to trial. The winner had to clear plenty of hurdles before beating Clement. After the dust clears is some time later, when there is no more trouble or confusion. It took a few weeks, but after the dust had cleared, and everybody had gone home, he realized he had enjoyed it. If a cheque clears, then the money is ready to be used. If you clear a certain amount of money, you make that as profit (after expenses). If you clear the ball or puck, you move it away from your own goal.


Out of, away from, especially too far away to be noticed or caught. After a short walk, we were clear of the town. The fish was so heavy that he couldn't get it clear of the water. After their fight, he steered clear of her for a week. It was so crowded that they had to fight their way out and clear of the people. So far, the company has stayed clear of trouble. Two more wins would put them clear of the Giants. Just clear of the school yard, students were smoking.


Completely, without limit. You could see clear across the water, all the way to the church 60 km away on the other side.


readily apparent to the mind a clear and present danger a clear explanation a clear case of murder a clear indication that she was angry gave us a clear idea of human nature расчищать, расчистить, очищать, очистить rid of obstructions Clear your desk free from confusion or doubt a complex problem requiring a clear head not clear about what is expected of us (= open) affording free passage or view a clear view a clear path to victory open waters the open countryside make a way or path by removing objects Clear a path through the dense forest allowing light to pass through clear water clear plastic bags clear glass the air is clear and clean completely read the book clear to the end slept clear through the night there were open fields clear to the horizon free from contact or proximity or connection we were clear of the danger the ship was clear of the reef remove clear the leaves from the lawn Clear snow from the road рассеиваться, рассеяться become clear The sky cleared after the storm уполномочивать, авторизовать, одобрять (= authorize, authorise) grant authorization or clearance for Clear the manuscript for publication The rock star never authorized this slanderous biography characterized by freedom from troubling thoughts (especially guilt) a clear conscience regarded her questioner with clear untroubled eyes пролить свет, разъяснять, разъяснить (= clear up) make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear Could you clarify these remarks? Clear up the question of who is at fault be debited and credited to the proper bank accounts The check will clear within 2 business days go away or disappear The fog cleared in the afternoon (= top) pass by, over, or under without making contact the balloon cleared the tree tops (= clean-cut, clear-cut) clear and distinct to the senses; easily perceptible as clear as a whistle clear footprints in the snow the letter brought back a clear image of his grandfather a spire clean-cut against the sky a clear-cut pattern (especially of a title) free from any encumbrance or limitation that presents a question of fact or law I have clear title to this property go unchallenged; be approved The bill cleared the House ясный, чистый (= clean, light) (of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings clear laughter like a waterfall clear reds and blues a light lilting voice like a silver bell clear from impurities, blemishes, pollution, etc clear the water before it can be drunk free from payment of customs duties, as of a shipment Clear the ship and let it dock pass an inspection or receive authorization clear customs sell We cleared a lot of the old model cars make clear, bright, light, or translucent The water had to be cleared through filtering (= solve) settle, as of a debt clear a debt solve an old debt clear of charges or deductions a clear profit free from flaw or blemish or impurity a clear perfect diamond the clear complexion of a healthy young woman easily deciphered (= percipient) characterized by ease and quickness in perceiving clear mind a percipient author ясный, явный, понятный, чёткий free from clouds or mist or haze on a clear day free (the throat) by making a rasping sound Clear the throat remove the occupants of Clear the building remove (people) from a building clear the patrons from the theater after the bomb threat rid of instructions or data clear a memory buffer the state of being free of suspicion investigation showed that he was in the clear (= clearly) in an easily perceptible manner could be seen clearly under the microscope She cried loud and clear (= open) a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water finally broke out of the forest into the open чёткий, определённый, строго очерченный, чётко определённый (= well-defined) accurately stated or described a set of well-defined values (= absolved, cleared, vindicated) freed from any question of guilt is absolved from all blame was now clear of the charge of cowardice his official honor is vindicated (= net) yield as a net profit This sale netted me $1 million (= clean) free of restrictions or qualifications a clean bill of health a clear winner (= make, earn, bring in) earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages How much do you make a month in your new job? She earns a lot in her new job this merger brought in lots of money He clears $5,000 each month оправдывать, оправдать pronounce not guilty of criminal charges The suspect was cleared of the murder charges (= net) make as a net profit The company cleared $1 million

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Как в английском употребляется clear?

Простые фразы

From the doctor's grim expression, it was clear he had somber news for the patient.
По мрачному выражению лица доктора было ясно, что у него безрадостные новости для пациента.
You must clear the table.
Ты должен убрать со стола.
It's clear that you're wrong.
Ясно, что ты не прав.
The sky was as clear as ever.
Небо было ясное как никогда.
The sky is clear and the sun is bright.
Небо ясное, и ярко светит солнце.
The sky was bright and clear.
Небо было светлым и чистым.
The sky is clear almost every day.
Небо ясное почти каждый день.
The sky will soon clear up.
Небо скоро прояснится.
The sky has become clear.
Небо прояснилось.
It was a bright and clear Sunday morning.
Это было яркое и ясное воскресное утро.
The sea is not clear.
Море не чистое.
It's clear that our arguments don't overlap at all.
Ясно, что наши аргументы никак не совпадают.
It was clear that Hanako did not wish to marry Taro.
Было очевидно, что Ханако не хочет выходить замуж за Таро.
We have to clear the snow off the roof.
Мы должны очистить крышу от снега.

Субтитры из фильмов

Drawing a clear boundary, and mutual distrust.
Ставил между нами стену и не доверял.
They helped us during the 625 Korean War, how can we-- Oh, you guys are from the North so you're probably not clear about it.
Они помогли нам во время гражданской войны. потому что из Северной Кореи.
Please provide me with short and clear answers to my questions.
Прошу ответить на мои вопросы кратко и ясно.
Я знаю много хороших сайтов для этих целей.
Что, прости?
I want to make myself very, very clear.
Постараюсь сказать как можно ясней.
Okay. But let me. let me be very clear.
Но я хочу.разъяснить ситуацию.
I'd steer clear.
Я соблюдал чистоту.
Best steer clear?
Пока и не мечтай?
He didn't go into great detail, but it's clear that his absence will be of some duration.
Он не вдавался в подробности, но ясно, что его отсутствие будет довольно продолжительным.
Let's be clear.
Внесём ясность.
Give him all assistance its clear the matter up.
Оказывайте ему любую посильную помощь для разъяснения дела.
To clear my conscience before death, I hereby confess to having opened Lieutenant van Hauen's sealed orders.
Дабы очистить свою совесть, этим настоящим письмом я признаюсь, что вскрыл секретный приказ лейтенанта Ван Хауена.
Now, is that clear to you?
Теперь-то тебе все понятно?

Из журналистики

Second, whereas democracy and market capitalism appeared as clear - if more fragile than expected - winners in 1989, it is difficult in 2009, with the spread of the global crisis, to distinguish winners from losers.
Во-вторых, в то время как демократия и рыночный капитализм казались очевидными - пусть и более хрупкими, чем ожидалось - победителями в 1989 году, в 2009 году, перед лицом мирового кризиса, трудно отличить победителей от побеждённых.
It is far from clear if he would have prevailed, given his lack of an independent political base, but his international prestige and standing might have given him a chance if he would have chosen to throw the gauntlet.
Совершенно неясно, смог ли бы он победить, если учесть отсутствие у него независимой политической базы, но имевшиеся у него престиж и положение на международной арене, возможно, дали бы ему шанс на победу, если бы он решился бросить перчатку.
The lessons of history are clear.
Уроки истории ясны.
We need a breakthrough that is demonstrable, public, clear, and convincing, that can mobilize the public's hearts and minds, and that can demonstrate success.
Нам необходимо совершить прорыв, который будет демонстративным, публичным, понятным и убедительным, который сможет мобилизовать сердца и умы общества и привести к успеху.
The report was as scathing as it was scientifically clear.
Доклад настолько нелицеприятный, насколько научно обоснованный.
The SDGs offer a critical opportunity for the world to set clear, compelling standards for government and corporate behavior.
В этом документе предлагается жизненно важная возможность для стран мира создать четкие, всеобъемлющие стандарты поведения правительств и корпораций.
The bad news is that it has become increasingly clear that, at least for large countries, currency areas will be highly unstable unless they follow national borders.
Плохая новость - становится все более очевидно, что по крайней мере для крупных стран валютные зоны будут крайне нестабильными, если не будут совпадать с национальными границами.
Obstfeld had in mind a bailout mechanism for banks, but it is now abundantly clear that one also needs a lender of last resort and a bankruptcy mechanism for states and municipalities.
Обстфельд имел в виду механизм спасения банков государством, но теперь совершенно ясно, что кроме этого еще требуется кредитор последней инстанции и механизм банкротства для административно-территориальных единиц и городов страны.
That this happens to ordinary Russians is clear; what Cherkesov revealed was that Putin's circle also confronts this situation.
То, что это происходит с обычными россиянами, очевидно; Черкесов же раскрыл то, что круг Путина тоже столкнулся с этой ситуацией.
It is to these questions that economists have been unable to offer clear answers.
Именно на эти вопросы экономисты не могут дать четкие ответы.
The economic case for focusing more on adaptation is clear.
Экономические выгоды сосредоточения усилий на адаптации очевидны.
And Chinese policymakers made it abundantly clear how unhappy they would be with a negative decision.
И влиятельные политики Китая совершенно ясно дали понять, что они будут очень недовольны отрицательным решением.
The political reasons for including the renminbi in the SDR are all too clear.
Политические причины включения женьминьби в СПЗ абсолютно ясны.
To anyone with decent eyesight, it was clear that the rosy budget projections of two years ago were nonsense.
Любому человеку, способному критически взглянуть на вещи, было ясно, что выдержанные в розовых тонах прогнозы по бюджету двухлетней давности звучали нонсенсом.

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