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call английский

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Что в английском языке означает call?
Простое определение


If you call someone, you contact them using a telephone. Can you call me tonight at about 8:00? We called 911 and the police came in five minutes. I can't talk now. I'll call back later. If you call to someone, you use your voice to make them notice you. I can't see you. Call out to me so I can find you. If you call someone or something mathx/math, you say they are mathx/math. If you ever tell anyone that, I'll call you a liar. The kids at school called him an asshole. Nobody would even call him good-looking. They called it the most important hockey game ever. If somebody is called something, that is their name. Their daughter's called Mai. She's a beautiful baby. What do you call her? If you call somebody somewhere, you ask or tell them to come there. She called me to her office. If you call a meeting, a stop, etc., you say you want one to happen. I've called a meeting for tomorrow, and I'd like you to be there. Coach Dan Bylsma called a timeout to give his five players a rest.


A call is a time when you use the telephone to contact someone. After she made the phone call, she left the office. I received three calls about the car I was selling. A visit to someone. I paid a call to a friend. The doctor does not do house calls. A cry or shout. He heard a call from the other side of the room. The cry of a bird or animal. Cuckoo birds have a unique call.


называть, назвать, именовать, наименовать, звать (= name) assign a specified (usually proper) proper name to They named their son David The new school was named after the famous Civil Rights leader ascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality He called me a bastard She called her children lazy and ungrateful звонить, позвонить, телефонировать (= telephone) get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone I tried to call you all night Take two aspirin and call me in the morning order, request, or command to come She was called into the director's office Call the police! кричать, орать, вопить, визжать (= cry, yell) utter a sudden loud cry she cried with pain when the doctor inserted the needle I yelled to her from the window but she couldn't hear me call a meeting; invite or command to meet The Wannsee Conference was called to discuss the 'Final Solution' The new dean calls meetings every week звонок (= phone call) a telephone connection she reported several anonymous calls he placed a phone call to London he heard the phone ringing but didn't want to take the call (= visit) pay a brief visit The mayor likes to call on some of the prominent citizens крик, шум, возглас, протест (= cry) a loud utterance; often in protest or opposition the speaker was interrupted by loud cries from the rear of the audience иск, претензия, требование выплаты a demand especially in the phrase the call of duty a brief social visit senior professors' wives no longer make afternoon calls on newcomers the characters in Henry James' novels are forever paying calls on each other, usually in the parlor of some residence utter a characteristic note or cry bluejays called to one another read aloud to check for omissions or absentees Call roll send a message or attempt to reach someone by radio, phone, etc.; make a signal to in order to transmit a message Hawaii is calling! A transmitter in Samoa was heard calling крик, голос (= song) the characteristic sound produced by a bird a bird will not learn its song unless it hears it at an early age an instruction that interrupts the program being executed Pascal performs calls by simply giving the name of the routine to be executed a demand for a show of hands in a card game after two raises there was a call a request many calls for Christmas stories not many calls for buggywhips a visit in an official or professional capacity the pastor's calls on his parishioners the salesman's call on a customer (sports) the decision made by an umpire or referee he was ejected for protesting the call rouse somebody from sleep with a call I was called at 5 A.M. this morning indicate a decision in regard to call balls and strikes behind the plate lure by imitating the characteristic call of an animal Call ducks declare in the capacity of an umpire or referee call a runner out challenge (somebody) to make good on a statement; charge with or censure for an offense He deserves to be called on that require the presentation of for redemption before maturation Call a bond consider or regard as being I would not call her beautiful challenge the sincerity or truthfulness of call the speaker on a question of fact utter in a loud voice or announce He called my name The auctioneer called the bids звать, позвать, вызывать, вызвать order, summon, or request for a specific duty or activity, work, role He was already called 4 times for jury duty They called him to active military duty order or request or give a command for The unions called a general strike for Sunday make a stop in a harbour The ship will call in Honolulu tomorrow demand payment of (a loan) Call a loan give the calls (to the dancers) for a square dance stop or postpone because of adverse conditions, such as bad weather call a football game (= address) greet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name He always addresses me with 'Sir' Call me Mister She calls him by first name make a demand, as for a card or a suit or a show of hands He called his trump (= call option) the option to buy a given stock (or stock index or commodity future) at a given price before a given date (= margin call) a demand by a broker that a customer deposit enough to bring his margin up to the minimum requirement предсказывать, предсказать make a prediction about; tell in advance Call the outcome of an election


a special disposition (as if from a divine source) to pursue a particular course he was disappointed that he had not heard the Call

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Как изменяется call в английском языке?

call · глагол

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Как в английском употребляется call?

Простые фразы

I'll call them tomorrow when I come back.
Я позвоню им завтра, когда вернусь домой.
I'll call them tomorrow when I come back.
Я позвоню им завтра, когда вернусь.
Where can one make a phone call?
Откуда мы можем позвонить?
Call the police!
Вызовите полицию!
Call the police!
Вызывай полицию!
Call the police!
Позовите полицию!
Call the police!
Позови полицию!
Call the police!
Вызови полицию!
Call the police!
Вызывайте полицию!
Could you call again later, please?
Не могли бы вы перезвонить позже?
Could you call again later, please?
Не мог бы ты перезвонить позже?
Could you call again later, please?
Не могли бы вы перезвонить позднее?
Could you call again later, please?
Не мог бы ты перезвонить позднее?
Holy crap, who's the asshole who dares call me in the middle of the night?!
Дерьмо! Кто этот кретин, посмевший звонить мне посреди ночи?!

Субтитры из фильмов

Desperate times call for desperate measures, Nick.
Суровое время требует суровых решений, Ник.
I never understood why those guys got to call the shots and hog the soccer fields anyway.
Я никогда не понимал, почему эти парни всем заправляют и прибрали к рукам футбольное поле. Так несправедливо.
I made a call.
Я позвонил с его телефона.
You can each of you make one phone call home but you must not, under any circumstances, tell them where you are and what is happening.
Каждый из вас может совершить один звонок домой, но ни при каких обстоятельствах не говорите, где вы находитесь и что происходит.
If I've only got one call, which one do I call?
Раз у меня только один звонок, то кому мне позвонить?
If I've only got one call, which one do I call?
Раз у меня только один звонок, то кому мне позвонить?
What you going to call yourself?
Как ты хочешь себя назвать?
That's what I'm gonna call myself.
Вот так я себя назову.
You can't call yourself that.
Нельзя тебе такое имя.
You call yourself whatever you like, mate.
Можешь быть кем угодно, друг.
We should call ourselves names that mean something.
Надо выбрать какие-то осмысленные имена.
If I was a girl, I'd call myself...well, Hope.
Если бы я был девушкой, то я бы взял имя. скажем, Надежда.
Call. the advisers.
Созови. всех глав.
Is it convenient to take a phone call?
Тебе удобно говорить?

Из журналистики

Alerted by a telephone call, a policeman arrived smartly on the scene.
Поднятый по тревоге телефонным звонком, на место происшествия быстро прибыл полицейский.
There is a world of difference between an association of nation states bound together by treaty, and a single entity, whether you call it a state or not, with its own legal personality, deriving its authority from its own constitution.
Между группой национальных государств, объединённых договором, и целым, назовёте Вы это страной или нет, со своей самобытностью, корень которой в своей конституции, - целая пропасть различий.
Some people call for the cyber equivalent of formal arms-control treaties.
Некоторые призывают к созданию некоторого кибер-эквивалента договоров о контроле над вооружениями.
This conclusion should not be lost on high-flying emerging-market economies, especially in Asia - currently the world's fastest-growing region and the leader of what many now call a two-speed world.
Этот вывод нельзя забывать, когда речь идет о высоко взлетающих экономиках развивающихся стран, особенно в Азии - в настоящее время в наиболее быстро растущем регионе мира и лидере процесса, который сейчас многие называют двухскоростным миром.
Basically, there are two species of Israeli hawks: call one kind ideological and the other strategic.
По существу, в Израиле существует два вида сторонников жесткого курса, являющихся таковыми по идеологическим и стратегическим соображениям.
Twelve years later, Poland's Prime Minister didn't need a belated call from his military to know that war was underway in Iraq.
Двенадцать лет спустя премьер-министру Польши не понадобилась запоздалая информация военных о начале войны в Ираке.
At home, Sarkozy has aimed his message particularly at the young, issuing a patriotic call to the values of work and discipline, a counter-revolutionary revolution.
В своей стране идея Саркози особенно предназначена для молодежи, издавая патриотический призыв к ценностям работы и дисциплины, контрреволюционной революции.
The call went unheeded.
Этот призыв остался незамеченным.
And it was the foreign press that detailed the parallel failure of the United Nations, whose agents were on the ground but whose inability to call genocide by its proper name led to a comatose response.
И именно иностранная пресса предоставила подробный отчет о провале ООН, чьи представители находились в стране, но неспособность которых назвать геноцид его настоящим именем привела к коматозному реагированию.
My hopes for success are buoyed by my ability to call my mother inexpensively and discuss the farm.
Мои надежды на успех поддерживаются моей возможностью недорого позвонить матери и обсудить дела на ферме.
Nevertheless, the reports about Kim's ill health hit like a rude wake-up call about the precarious nature of conditions in North Korea.
Тем не менее, сообщения о плохом здоровье Кима прозвучали как грубый пробуждающий звонок о сомнительной природе условий в Северной Корее.
Call it fast-forward modernization.
Назовем этот процесс быстрой модернизацией.
Islamic fundamentalists define jihad as a war of terror against the West and call for an Islamic caliphate from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
Исламские фундаменталисты дают определение джихаду как террористической войне против Запада и призывают к исламскому халифату от Атлантического до Тихого океана.
We in this region can, and I believe should, call for a non-aligned Caucasus, free of security blocs and adversarial alliances.
Мы в этом регионе можем и, я считаю, должны призвать к Кавказу, свободному от блоков и соперничающих союзов.

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