raw | Drew | dray | dram

draw английский

чертить, тянуть, рисовать

Значение draw значение

Что в английском языке означает draw?
Простое определение


When you draw, you use a pencil, pen, crayon, etc. to make a picture. She drew a beautiful picture of the sky on a bright white piece of paper. If a person is attracted or interested in an event, then he is drawn to it. The discover of gold in the West drew many people living in the East to move westward.


When a game is tied and no one has won, then the game is a draw. The game ended 3 to 3. We were disappointed that it was a draw. A draw is when the winners of a lottery are announced. The draw is on Tuesday. I hope I won.


тянуть, потянуть, тащить, потащить, тягать (= pull) cause to move by pulling draw a wagon pull a sled (= make) make, formulate, or derive in the mind I draw a line here draw a conclusion draw parallels make an estimate What do you make of his remarks? (= trace, line) make a mark or lines on a surface draw a line trace the outline of a figure in the sand get or derive He drew great benefits from his membership in the association (= pull, pull out) bring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover draw a weapon pull out a gun The mugger pulled a knife on his victim рисовать, нарисовать, чертить, начертить represent by making a drawing of, as with a pencil, chalk, etc. on a surface She drew an elephant Draw me a horse take liquid out of a container or well She drew water from the barrel select or take in from a given group or region The participants in the experiment were drawn from a representative population описывать, описать give a description of He drew an elaborate plan of attack elicit responses, such as objections, criticism, applause, etc The President's comments drew sharp criticism from the Republicans The comedian drew a lot of laughter a gully that is shallower than a ravine suck in or take (air) draw a deep breath draw on a cigarette move or go steadily or gradually The ship drew near the shore (= cast) choose at random draw a card cast lots снимать, снять remove (a commodity) from (a supply source) She drew $2,000 from the account The doctors drew medical supplies from the hospital's emergency bank earn or achieve a base by being walked by the pitcher He drew a base on balls bring or lead someone to a certain action or condition She was drawn to despair The President refused to be drawn into delivering an ultimatum The session was drawn to a close move or pull so as to cover or uncover something draw the shades draw the curtains engage in drawing He spent the day drawing in the garden write a legal document or paper The deed was drawn in the lawyer's office cause to flow The nurse drew blood (= quarter, draw and quarter) pull (a person) apart with four horses tied to his extremities, so as to execute him in the old days, people were drawn and quartered for certain crimes allow a draft This chimney draws very well require a specified depth for floating This boat draws 70 inches reduce the diameter of (a wire or metal rod) by pulling it through a die draw wire contract The material drew after it was washed in hot water steep; pass through a strainer draw pulp from the fruit flatten, stretch, or mold metal or glass, by rolling or by pulling it through a die or by stretching draw steel cause to localize at one point Draw blood and pus ничья (= tie) the finish of a contest in which the score is tied and the winner is undecided the game ended in a draw their record was 3 wins, 6 losses and a tie poker in which a player can discard cards and receive substitutes from the dealer he played only draw and stud (= haul) the act of drawing or hauling something the haul up the hill went very slowly (American football) the quarterback moves back as if to pass and then hands the ball to the fullback who is running toward the line of scrimmage a playing card or cards dealt or taken from the pack he got a pair of kings in the draw (= lot) anything (straws or pebbles etc.) taken or chosen at random the luck of the draw they drew lots for it хук (= hook, hooking) a golf shot that curves to the left for a right-handed golfer he took lessons to cure his hooking аттракцион (= drawing card) an entertainer who attracts large audiences he was the biggest drawing card they had (= pull) cause to move in a certain direction by exerting a force upon, either physically or in an abstract sense A declining dollar pulled down the export figures for the last quarter stretch back a bowstring (on an archer's bow) The archers were drawing their bows сыграть вничью, играть вничью (= tie) finish a game with an equal number of points, goals, etc The teams drew a tie (= run, pass) pass over, across, or through He ran his eyes over her body She ran her fingers along the carved figurine He drew her hair through his fingers (= string, thread) thread on or as if on a string string pearls on a string the child drew glass beads on a string thread dried cranberries потрошить, вынимать внутренности, выпотрошить remove the entrails of draw a chicken (= attract, pull, pull in, draw in) direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes Her good looks attract the stares of many men The ad pulled in many potential customers This pianist pulls huge crowds The store owner was happy that the ad drew in many new customers (= absorb, take in) take in, also metaphorically The sponge absorbs water well She drew strength from the minister's words

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Как изменяется draw в английском языке?

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Примеры draw примеры

Как в английском употребляется draw?

Простые фразы

There is no need to draw a hasty conclusion.
Нет нужды делать поспешные выводы.
Draw a circle.
Нарисуйте круг.
Draw a circle.
Нарисуй круг.
Draw a circle.
Начертите круг.
Draw a circle.
Начертите окружность.
The baseball game ended in a draw.
Бейсбольный матч закончился вничью.
The game resulted in a draw.
Игра закончилась ничьей.
The game resulted in a draw.
Игра закончилась вничью.
The game ended in a draw with a score 6-6.
Игра окончилась ничьей со счётом 6:6.
Let the tea draw for ten minutes.
Дай чаю настояться десять минут.
Let the tea draw for ten minutes.
Оставь чай завариваться десять минут.
May I draw the curtains?
Я задвину занавески?
What did he draw on the blackboard?
Что он написал на доске?
I can't draw, but my sister is a great artist.
Я не умею рисовать, но моя сестра - прекрасный художник.

Субтитры из фильмов

Now draw some clothes too!
Теперь нарисуй платье!
How could you draw.
Как вы посмели рисовать на.
All the good and evil deeds alike that humans draw while above ground will. never disappear throughout their lives.
Они никогда не исчезнут.
Look, now, remember, guys, today we draw a line.
Итак, помните, ребята сегодня мы очертим линию.
I have surmised that vampires can only draw their shadowy strength from the cursed earth in which they were buried.
Я предположил, что вампиры могут черпать свою темную силу только из проклятой земли, в которой они были похоронены.
I'll play you poker, stud or draw, Clobyosh, rummy, high or low pinochle, I'll even cut your high cards.
Я сыграю в твой покер - стад или дро, клобеш, рамми хай-лоу, пинокль. Я даже сниму тебе старшие карты.
Well, I can't bet in to a one-card draw.
Я не могу ставить на одну вытащенную карту.
Draw another cup of java.
Принеси ещё одну чашку кофе.
You could draw a bucket from the well and stick your head in it.
Можешь набрать ведро воды и засунуть туда голову.
We draw lots.
Пусть все решает жребий.
You can't draw tough cards all your life.
Никто не может задержать ее надолго.
Hortense, I draw the line at sleeping with Max.
Хортенс, я положу этому конец.
We will draw up a contract immediately.
Мы подпишем контракт прямо сейчас.
May I trouble you, Henri? Dial 3, draw 12.
Могу я побеспокоить вас, Анри.

Из журналистики

Should the Nobel Committee choose to recognize Liu's courage and sacrifice in articulating these ideals, it would not only draw global attention to the injustice of Liu's 11-year sentence.
Если бы Нобелевский комитет признал смелость и самопожертвование Лю в деле продвижения этих идеалов, это не только привлекло бы внимание мира к несправедливости вынесения Лю приговора в виде 11 лет лишения свободы.
So hundreds of us are still waiting, most without prestigious scholarships to draw the world's attention.
Так что сотни нас всё ещё ждут, большинство - без престижных стипендий, которые привлекли бы внимание мира.
In 1914, Britain's net export of capital gave it an important financial kitty to draw upon (though some historians consider that it would have been better to have invested the money in domestic industry).
В 1914 году, благодаря чистому экспорту капитала у Великобритании был своеобразный денежный пул, из которого она могла черпать средства (хотя некоторые считают, что лучше было бы инвестировать эти деньги в промышленность в самой Англии).
Obama must still fulfill his promises to celebrate with Palestinians their full membership of the UN this fall and to draw down its forces in Afghanistan.
Обама еще должен выполнить свои обещания, чтобы отпраздновать с палестинцами их полноправное членство в ООН осенью этого года и вывести свои войска из Афганистана.
If the current-account balance is assessed together with the fiscal position, it becomes possible to draw conclusions about risky debt trends within the private sector.
Если оценивать баланс текущих счетов совместно с состоянием бюджета, появляется возможность делать выводы о рискованных долговых тенденциях внутри частного сектора.
Silvio Berlusconi, the leader of the right-wing alliance, will win his third election (he has also lost twice), while the vote for the Senate is expected to produce a draw.
Сильвио Берлускони, лидер правого альянса, в третий раз победит на выборах (он также дважды проигрывал), в то время как в Сенате получится ничья.
It is hard to draw a line of principle around any area and determine if knowledge of it will provide relevant information about a politician's moral character.
Сложно провести принципиальную черту вокруг какой-либо сферы жизни и определить, предоставят ли знания о ней необходимую информацию о моральном характере политика.
What happens in Afghanistan as America begins to draw down its troops will test the willingness of all of Asia's powers to work together to build a secure regional order.
То, что произойдет в Афганистане после того, как Америка начнет выводить свои войска, станет проверкой готовности всех держав Азии работать вместе, чтобы построить безопасный региональный порядок.
But the impending shifts in Britain's politics and its EU relations are bound to draw attention to the economy's extreme dependence on foreign finance.
Но предстоящие сдвиги в политике Великобритании и ее отношениях с ЕС обязаны обратить внимание на крайнюю зависимость экономики от иностранного финансирования.
The Great Leap Forward had aspects of a Ponzi scheme, an investment fraud which attempts to draw in successive rounds of investors through word-of-mouth tales of outsize returns.
У Большого скачка были аспекты финансовой пирамиды, инвестиционного мошенничества, которое пытается привлечь последующие группы инвесторов через сказки сарафанного радио об огромных прибылях.
The fact that an even larger catastrophe would have resulted had governments not been willing to draw on taxpayer funds to bail out the banks was an additional blow to those who have told us to trust the unregulated market.
Тот факт, что могла произойти более масштабная катастрофа, если бы правительства не прибегли к фондам налогоплательщиков, чтобы спасти банки, стал дополнительным камнем в сторону тех, кто говорил нам, что мы должны верить в нерегулируемый рынок.
And journalists must continue to write and draw what they believe.
А журналисты должны продолжать писать и рисовать то, во что они верят.
With its penchant for constant experimentation and improvement, one might even hope that China will draw lessons and apply them to all of its developing-country lending.
С его склонностью к постоянному экспериментированию и улучшению, можно даже надеяться, что Китай будет извлекать уроки и применять их к его кредитованию в развивающихся странах.
And China is keen to draw South Korea closer in the game of regional rivalries.
И Китай стремится вовлечь Южную Корею в игру регионального соперничества.

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