
set up английский

устанавливать, вызывать, ставить

Значение set up значение

Что в английском языке означает set up?
Простое определение

set up

If you set something up, you plan or organize it. After the problems, her mother set up a meeting at school. To find out if this will work, we set up our own contest, complete with cash prizes. If you set up a new business or organization, you start it. We're trying to get the money to set up shop in Toronto. They just set up that scholarship fund a few weeks ago. If you set up a temporary structure, you build it. After they arrived, they set up camp. We set up a table at the fair and sold jam. If you get set up for something, you get ready to do something. It will take us a number of hours to get set up. If you set up a new device or machine, you make it ready to use. I had a lot of trouble getting the camera set up. If you set somebody up with something, you give it to them so they can use it. When I got hired, the company set me up with a new phone. If you set somebody up, you make it look like they have done something wrong when they have not. The majority of people believe that O.J. didn't do it, that he was set up. If you set two people up, you introduce them so that they can fall in love. Frank used to set me up with his friends who work in IT.

set up

учреждать, учредить (= found) set up or found She set up a literacy program собирать, собрать, монтировать (= piece, tack, tack together) create by putting components or members together She pieced a quilt He tacked together some verses They set up a committee возводить, возвести, воздвигать, водвигнуть, сооружать, соорудить (= raise, erect) construct, build, or erect Raise a barn (= lay out, set) get ready for a particular purpose or event set up an experiment set the table lay out the tools for the surgery устраивать, устроить, организовывать, организовать, расставлять, расставить, располагать, расположить (= arrange) put into a proper or systematic order arrange the books on the shelves in chronological order begin, or enable someone else to begin, a venture by providing the means, logistics, etc set up an election produce The scientists set up a shock wave (= install, put in) set up for use install the washer and dryer We put in a new sink (= frame) take or catch as if in a snare or trap I was set up! The innocent man was framed by the police устанавливать, установить, инсталлировать, монтировать (= install) place Her manager had set her up at the Ritz ставить (= pitch) erect and fasten pitch a tent (= arrange, put) arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events arrange my schedule set up one's life I put these memories with those of bygone times (= rig) arrange the outcome of by means of deceit rig an election готовить, подготовить (= fix, prepare, ready) make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc Get the children ready for school! prepare for war I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill (= rig) equip with sails or masts rig a ship

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Как в английском употребляется set up?

Субтитры из фильмов

Frankie set up a distraction so I could make the catch without Nick finding out.
Френки создал отвлекающий манёвр, чтобы я мог ловить за спиной у Ника.
The only reason I did it is 'cause I was set up.
Так вышло, потому что меня подставили!

Из журналистики

Once it was dark, a screen was set up and Mark showed home videos from space.
Когда стемнело, мы установил экран и Марк стал показывать снятое им в космосе видео.

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