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carry английский

нести, носить

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Что в английском языке означает carry?
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If you carry something, you lift it up and move it to another place. Let me carry those bags in for you. We walked through the trees, picked some apples, and carried them to the water. He carried her out of the bathroom and dropped her onto the bed. If a vehicle carries people or things, it moves them from one place to another. A plane carrying 155 people crashed into the Hudson River. As the ship carried her across the sea, she studied the map of Europe. He hired a truck to carry beds, clothes, and food. If a path, such as a river bed, a wire, or a hose carries something somewhere, the thing travels along the path. The main line carrying cold water to the house can be as small as one inch in diameter. It's the white plastic pipe that carries away the water when you empty the bathtub. One digital cable line could carry hundreds of channels of video, several phone calls and an interactive line for playing games or tapping data bases all at the same time. The moon has an orbit that carries it around the earth about once a month. If moving water or air carries something, it moves it. The river carried the leaves under the bridge. Her voice was carried off by the wind. The smoke from the fire filled the air, carried on the breeze. If you carry something, you usually have it with you. Sorry, I don't carry a watch. Outside the country, you must carry your passport at all time. He sat back down on his chair and pulled out the pack of cigarettes he carried in his shirt pocket. If something carries a quality, it has it. Those ideas now carry almost no value. Certain foods carry with them the danger of heart disease. Elias's vote carried a lot of weight. (=it was important) This medicine carries with it the potential to help millions of people. If the media carries some news, advertisement, or show, it prints it or puts it on TV or radio. The website carried a video showing policemen beating up children. I couldn't find a channel that carried the hockey game. At 4:00, we'll be carrying the president's speech live. TV stations are not allowed to carry beer advertisements. If something carries some information, the information is printed on it. The drug now carries a warning that it should not be given to children. The sign carried the words: Toronto, 150 km. If a store carries something, they have it available to buy. My local supermarket doesn't carry my favorite brand of ice cream. If something unmoving carries a weight or load, it supports it, keeping it up. In a fire, the wall are not going to be able to carry the load and the house will collapse. If you carry insurance, you have it in case of a loss. Schools are increasing the amount of insurance they carry to protect themselves. This American-made product carries a two-year warranty. If you carry a disease, you can give it to other people. Most people who carry the virus never get sick. Flies carry diseases that can get passed on to people and animals. If you get/are carried away, you lose control of yourself because you are so happy, angry, etc. Teens sometimes get carried away with buying stuff. Everyone seemed to be carried away with talk of freedom. I just wanted to hold you, but I got carried away. If a crime carries a punishment, that is the punishment for committing that crime. Violating the law carries a penalty of up to five years in prison and a $50,000 fine. If a sound carries, it can be heard a long distance away. The sound of the bells carried for miles. If you can carry a tune, you can sing the correct notes. He couldn't carry a tune, but he loved to sing. If one voice or instrument in a group carries the melody, it sings or plays the melody while the others provide harmony. The highest voice carries the melody. If someone or something carries the day, they win. Don't worry if we don't carry the day this year. If a suggestion, idea, or proposal is carried or carries, it gets the most votes and wins. 59% of the votes for approving the budget: The motion carries. If a candidate in an election carries an area, they win in that area. If you carry your body or yourself in a certain way, that is the way that you stand or move. If a woman is carrying a child, she is pregnant. He didn't know that she was carrying his child. If you carry something too far/to extremes/to excess, you don't stop it at a reasonable time. If you carry extra pounds/kilograms, you weigh more than you should. If you carry a number during addition or multiplication, you add it to the column on the left. Seven times eight is fifty six, carry five. Seven times nine is sixty three, plus five is sixty eight. Six hundred eighty six. If you carry a loss forward, you realize it in a future reporting period. If your net capital loss is more than this limit, you can carry the loss forward to later years. if several unprofitable years follow, the opportunity to carry forward the loss will be gone. If you carry something off, you do it successfully. They tried, but they just weren't good enough musicians to carry it off. If you carry on, you continue doing what you were doing. We want to carry on doing this for the next five years. I'm not sure that was, but let's just carry on as usual. She's carrying on long conversations with people who aren't there. Come on, lets carry on with the game. She carried on down the road without stopping until he came to the edge of the village. If you carry on about something, you talk about it in an annoying way. Cindy was always carrying on about how cute her dog was. If you carry out something requiring planning, you do it. They weren't able to carry out the attack because of the weather. If something carries or is carried over into a new situation, it continues to happen or be useful in the new situation. Was there anything you learned from that experience that you have carried over into your current job? If something carries you through, it helps you get to the end. Their love of the game carried them through the difficult times. If you carry something through, you complete it. Once you have an idea, you've got to carry it through all the way.


A carry is a play in American football where a player holds the ball and runs with it. No player in NFL history has ever had that many carries. The carry is the distance a ball, arrow, bullet, etc. travels. The fairway is 15 yards wide and the carry was 370. A carry is a way of moving somebody from one place to another. He picked her up and put her over his shoulder in a fireman's carry, Lifesavers must be able to tow a person of their own weight ten yards by each of the following methods: (a) head carry, using two arms and swimming on back; (b) under-arm carry, using two hands and swimming on back; (c) cross-chest carry, using one arm and side stroke.


нести, носить, везти, возить move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body You must carry your camping gear carry the suitcases to the car This train is carrying nuclear waste These pipes carry waste water into the river (= pack, take) have with oneself; have on one's person She always takes an umbrella I always carry money She packs a gun when she goes into the mountains (= express) serve as a means for expressing something The painting of Mary carries motherly love His voice carried a lot of anger проводить (= conduct, transmit) transmit or serve as the medium for transmission Sound carries well over water The airwaves carry the sound Many metals conduct heat bear or be able to bear the weight, pressure,or responsibility of His efforts carried the entire project How many credits is this student carrying? We carry a very large mortgage носить, нести (= hold) support or hold in a certain manner She holds her head high He carried himself upright extend to a certain degree carry too far She carries her ideas to the extreme содержать, вмещать (= hold, contain) contain or hold; have within The jar carries wine The canteen holds fresh water This can contains water (= extend) continue or extend The civil war carried into the neighboring province The disease extended into the remote mountain provinces be necessarily associated with or result in or involve This crime carries a penalty of five years in prison win in an election The senator carried his home state include, as on a list How many people are carried on the payroll? pass on a communication The news was carried to every village in the province (= run) include as the content; broadcast or publicize We ran the ad three times This paper carries a restaurant review All major networks carried the press conference the act of carrying something have on hand Do you carry kerosene heaters? (= dribble) propel Carry the ball dribble the ball вести себя (= behave, bear, conduct) behave in a certain manner She carried herself well he bore himself with dignity They conducted themselves well during these difficult times capture after a fight The troops carried the town after a brief fight have on the surface or on the skin carry scars bear (a crop) this land does not carry olives transfer (a number, cipher, or remainder) to the next column or unit's place before or after, in addition or multiplication put down 5 and carry 2 pursue a line of scent or be a bearer the dog was taught to fetch and carry sing or play against other voices or parts He cannot carry a tune secure the passage or adoption (of bills and motions) The motion carried easily be successful in She lost the game but carried the match cover a certain distance or advance beyond The drive carried to the green have a certain range This rifle carries for 3,000 feet (= hold) drink alcohol without showing ill effects He can hold his liquor he had drunk more than he could carry be able to feed This land will carry ten cows to the acre propel or give impetus to The sudden gust of air propelled the ball to the other side of the fence have or possess something abstract I carry her image in my mind's eye I will carry the secret to my grave I carry these thoughts in the back of my head I carry a lot of life insurance be equipped with (a mast or sail) This boat can only carry a small sail compensate for a weaker partner or member by one's own performance I resent having to carry her all the time take further or advance carry a cause (= sway) win approval or support for Carry all before one His speech did not sway the voters keep up with financial support The Federal Government carried the province for many years have as an inherent or characteristic feature or have as a consequence This new washer carries a two year guarantee The loan carries a high interest rate this undertaking carries many dangers She carries her mother's genes These bonds carry warrants The restaurant carries an unusual name be conveyed over a certain distance Her voice carries very well in this big opera house (= post) transfer (entries) from one account book to another (= bear, expect) be pregnant with She is bearing his child The are expecting another child in January I am carrying his child

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Как в английском употребляется carry?

Простые фразы

Without your help, we wouldn't be able to carry out our plan.
Без твоей помощи мы не сможем осуществить наш план.
Only you can carry the bag.
Только ты можешь нести сумку.
Only you can carry the bag.
Только ты можешь распоряжаться деньгами.
Let's carry on the discussion.
Давайте продолжим разговор.
Let's carry on the discussion.
Давайте продолжим обсуждение.
We must carry out that plan.
Мы должны осуществить этот план.
We expect you to carry out what you have once promised.
Мы ждём, что вы выполните то, что однажды пообещали.
Malaria is a disease that mosquitoes carry.
Малярия - это болезнь, переносимая комарами.
Mac helped me carry the vacuum cleaner.
Мак помог мне отнести пылесос.
Bob, help me carry his suitcase to the living room.
Боб, помоги мне отнести его чемодан в гостиную.
To prevent hijacks, all carry-on baggage is carefully inspected.
Чтобы избежать угрозы захвата, весь ручной багаж тщательно проверяется.
Hikers need to carry a compass with them to find their way through the woods.
Туристам, чтобы найти дорогу в лесу, нужно брать с собой компас.
Whatever results may follow, I will carry out my plan.
Какими бы ни были последствия, я буду придерживаться своего плана.
How are you going to carry it out?
Как ты собираешься это осуществить?

Субтитры из фильмов

Within the next month, she will replace King Lee Jae Ha and carry out associate work.
Последующий месяц она заменит Короля Ли Джэ Ха и исполнит его обязанности.
So carry them out. I don't care whether or not you can still see that Ahjussi who's sitting there.
Так начинай. сидящего на лавке.
Правда? А я - ассистент хирурга.
So why don't you carry a sword?
Тогда почему же у вас меча нет?
And in every ring he entered, he would carry his one hundred and fifty pounds with ease and grace.
И в каждом кругу, который он прошёл, он нёс свои сто пятьдесят фунтов с лёгкостью и изяществом.
We pick it up at the dump and carry it to where we need it.
Мы берём её на складе и несём куда надо.
I always told you, nobody should carry as good a watch as that.
Я ведь тебе говорил, такие хорошие часы нельзя брать с собой.
But we must carry on.
Ужасно? Но вы должны продолжать.
Not even old enough to carry a pack.
Они такие зелёные что даже не могут сами носить ранец.
But when they carry you out.
Но когда тебя отправят в аут.
I always carry a spare for emergencies like this.
Я всегду беру запасной для подобных случаев.
These two carry out an eternal struggle in the nature of man. yet they are chained together.
Эти две стороны ведут вечную борьбу между собой в жизни человека. и в то же время, они довольно тесно взаимосвязаны.
Be ready to carry a message for me.
Приготовься отправить мою записку.
Do you think you can carry it without spilling?
Не уронишь поднос?

Из журналистики

Europe's leaders cannot carry out large transfers across countries indefinitely without a coherent European political framework.
Лидеры ЕС не смогут бесконечно осуществлять крупные перечисления между разными странами без общей согласованной политической системы.
A soldier has a duty just to carry out the orders of his chiefs, no matter who they are and no matter what orders they give.
Обязанность солдата - просто выполнять приказы начальников, вне зависимости от того, кем они являются и какие приказы отдают.
Some Europeans worry that the constitution will enable courts to carry the integration process further and faster than public opinion in member states will tolerate.
Некоторые европейцы опасаются, что конституция даст возможность судам провести процесс интеграции быстрее и глубже, чем это будет приемлемым для общественности в странах-членах.
Khalilzad and Karzai spent considerable efforts in the late 1990s to get an American-built pipeline to carry gas from Turkeminstan through Afghanistan to Pakistan and the Indian Ocean.
Во второй половине 90-х годов Халилзад и Карзаи активно работали над проектом строительства трубопровода для транспортировки природного газа из Туркменистана через территорию Афганистана в Пакистан и к Индийскому океану.
The US Federal Reserve will carry out more quantitative easing this year, but it will be ineffective: long-term interest rates are already very low, and lowering them further would not boost spending.
ФРС США произведет очередное количественное послабление в этом году, но оно будет неэффективным: долгосрочные процентные ставки уже и так очень низки, и дальнейшее их снижение не будет содействовать увеличению расходов.
Moreover, the dollar is unlikely to weaken as other countries also carry out quantitative easing.
Кроме того, доллар едва ли ослабнет, поскольку другие страны также проводят политику количественного послабления.
Moreover, 30 years of tax cutting has left the US government without the financial resources needed to carry out effective programs in key areas such as the transition to low-carbon energy.
Помимо того, три десятилетия урезания налогов оставили правительство США без достаточных финансовых ресурсов для осуществления эффективных программ в таких ключевых областях, как переход к получению энергии с низким уровнем выбросов углерода.
The reason for this also explains why Djindjic could not rely on the Serb state to carry out his policies.
Причина этого также объясняет, почему Джинджич не мог полагаться на сербское государство при проведении своих реформ.
Above all, Israel must wonder if the peace treaty with Egypt will hold, and, if not, how to carry out the massive restructuring of its defense posture that will be required.
Прежде всего, Израиль должен беспокоиться относительно того, продлится ли мирный договор с Египтом, а, если нет, то как осуществить массовую реструктуризацию своей оборонной структуры, которая будет необходима.
But while such weapons carry political weight, the science behind them is mundane and old.
Но хоть такое оружие и обладает политическим весом, наука, стоящая за ним, элементарна и даже устарела.
In fact, militants were able to carry out their work - drilling holes in the rock, filling them with explosives, and detonating them - in broad daylight.
Фактически, исламисты имели возможность провести всю работу от сверления отверстий в скале, заполнения их взрывчаткой и до ее детонации при свете дня.
It would almost certainly be rebuilt, presumably in underground, fortified sites that would make future attacks far more difficult to carry out.
Она почти наверняка будет восстановлена, предположительно в подземных укрепленных объектах, которые сделают будущие нападения куда более трудноосуществимыми.
If the ICC's indictment now causes them discomfort, that is only because they did not anticipate that the Court would carry out the responsibilities that they themselves assigned to it.
Если обвинения МУС теперь вызывают у них беспокойство, то это только потому, что они не ожидали, что Суд выполнит обязательства, которые они сами на него возложили.
As a result, Europe is retreating into a narrow regional outlook - and assuming that America will carry the burden of major global issues.
В результате, кругозор ЕС сводится к узким региональным вопросам, и он полагает, что Америка возьмет на себя ношу решения основных мировых проблем.

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