
control английский

контроль, управление

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Что в английском языке означает control?
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If you have control over someone or something, you can make it do what you want. He should try to take control and tell the other handlers what to do. in the rain, he had lost control on the wet surface and spun off the road. The country fell under the direct control of the army. They are trying to keep tighter control over spending. The government will demand improved pollution control systems for all factories. Most companies devote some resources to quality control and product testing. Unless birth control methods are used, sooner or later the woman is likely to get pregnant. The continuing Soviet desire for arms control led to a SALT II treaty. The brain's control systems tend to decline with age so that, for instance, our balance gets less good. The experimental group took the medicine while the control group took a sugar pill. Suddenly the airplane went out of control and started diving. A control is a button, switch, dial, etc. that lets you make a machine do what you want. If you turn off your TV with the remote control, it continues to use a quarter of normal power. She touched the volume control and the sound dropped.


If you control something, you make it do what you want. Too many people are overweight because they can't control their eating behaviour. The company is controlled by a New York businessman. If you control something, you do not let its numbers or size grow too much. The new plan should control inflation.


управлять, контролировать (= command) exercise authoritative control or power over control the budget Command the military forces (= hold in, hold, moderate) lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits moderate your alcohol intake hold your tongue hold your temper control your anger power to direct or determine under control a relation of constraint of one entity (thing or person or group) by another measures for the control of disease they instituted controls over drinking on campus (physiology) regulation or maintenance of a function or action or reflex etc the timing and control of his movements were unimpaired he had lost control of his sphincters управлять, эксплуатировать, оперировать (= operate) handle and cause to function do not operate machinery after imbibing alcohol control the lever the activity of managing or exerting control over something the control of the mob by the police was admirable (= control condition) a standard against which other conditions can be compared in a scientific experiment the control condition was inappropriate for the conclusions he wished to draw (= dominance) the state that exists when one person or group has power over another her apparent dominance of her husband was really her attempt to make him pay attention to her (= restraint) discipline in personal and social activities he was a model of polite restraint she never lost control of herself (= command) great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity a good command of French (= controller) a mechanism that controls the operation of a machine the speed controller on his turntable was not working properly I turned the controls over to her (= manipulate, keep in line) control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage She manipulates her boss She is a very controlling mother and doesn't let her children grow up The teacher knew how to keep the class in line she keeps in line check or regulate (a scientific experiment) by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard Are you controlling for the temperature? verify by using a duplicate register for comparison control an account the economic policy of controlling or limiting or curbing prices or wages etc they wanted to repeal all the legislation that imposed economic controls a spiritual agency that is assumed to assist the medium during a seance have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of Do you control these data? (= see) be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something He verified that the valves were closed See that the curtains are closed control the quality of the product

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Как в английском употребляется control?

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You must control yourself.
Ты должен держать себя в руках.
You must control yourself.
Тебе надо держать себя в руках.
You must control yourself.
Вам надо держать себя в руках.
You must control yourself.
Вы должны себя контролировать.
You must control yourself.
Ты должен себя контролировать.
I would like to stress that it is more convenient to control tariffs as a bloc rather than country by country.
Я хотел бы подчеркнуть, что более удобно управлять тарифами блоками, а не по странам.
I got control of the works.
Я получил контроль над работами.
Bob could not control his anger.
Боб не мог сдержать свой гнев.
Where's the remote control for the TV?
Где пульт от телевизора?
Where's the remote control for the TV?
Где пульт дистанционного управления?
There is a TV remote control under the couch.
Под диваном лежит пульт от телевизора.
To some extent, you can control the car in a skid.
Машину в заносе в определенной мере можно контролировать.
Catholics are against birth control.
Католики выступают против контроля рождаемости.
I begin to lose control of myself.
Я начинаю терять контроль над собой.

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You saying you don't control what you sell? We can't be held responsible for every sandwich that we sell!
Что не ты стоишь за все этим?
Me and my crew hang out at the top of the slide so I can see what's going on in the whole yard, most of which I control.
Я и моя команда зависаем наверху горки, откуда мне виден весь двор целиком. Я контролирую почти все зоны.
They also control the soccer pitch, which means if you want to play there, you have to ask permission from Frankie and his crew.
Ещё они контролируют футбольное поле. И если вы решили там поиграть, нужно получить разрешение у Френки и его банды.
The whole situation is out of control.
Ситуация полностью вышла из-под контроля.
You know, things get a bit out of control.
Немного увлеклись, бывает.
She's going crazy and losing control of her powers because she has no idea what she's doing. If we're studying at Scott's house, then where's Scott?
Она сходит с ума и теряет контроль над своими силами потому, что не понимает, что она творит.
It wants to find an owner, and Gerard thought he had it under control.
Она хочет найти хозяина, и Джерард берет ёё под контроль.
I don't like things that I can't explain and that I don't have at least some sort of control over.
Мне не нравятся вещи которые я не могу объяснить и над которыми у меня нет хоть какого-то контроля.
We must absolutely not let them have control over us.
Вам нельзя сдаваться.
Парни, это наша клиентка, Делла Карни.
Sounds like you're feeling out of control.
Звучит так, будто ваши чувства вышли из-под контроля.
You may feel out of control, but remember, we are stronger than our damage.
Может казаться, что вы теряете над собой контроль, но помните, мы сильнее своей боли.
I'm. I'm not letting them control me, okay?
Я. не дам им себя контролировать, ясно?
Or perhaps he's just out of control, irrational, paranoid and reactionary.
А может просто запаниковал, вышел из-под контроля. Повёл себя, как параноик.

Из журналистики

As a species, human beings have a major self-control problem.
Как вид, человек имеет самые большие проблемы самоконтроля.
The economic crisis was caused by shortsightedness and a lack of control in the global financial system.
Экономический кризис был вызван недальновидностью мировой финансовой системы и отсутствием контроля в неё.
His appointees control everything that matters, from Gazprom to the Central Electoral Committee.
Его назначенцы управляют всем, что имеет значение, от Газпрома до Центрального Избирательного Комитета.
Putin's aim was to subject all power to the control of Russia's security forces.
Цель Путина заключалась в том, чтобы отдать всю власть под контроль российских сил безопасности.
In the absence of Communist Party control, these security officers betrayed their corporate ethic and engaged in horse-trading, applying force when a trade did not go well.
В отсутствие контроля Коммунистической Партии, эти чиновники службы безопасности предали свою корпоративную этику и занялись хитроумной политической игрой, применяя силу, если сделка не удавалась.
Concentration of media ownership and control further fuels popular mistrust, setting the stage for citizen investigation to enter the vacuum.
Концентрация средств массовой информации в одном владении и контроль еще сильнее подогревают недоверие населения, заводя гражданское расследование в тупик.
Some people call for the cyber equivalent of formal arms-control treaties.
Некоторые призывают к созданию некоторого кибер-эквивалента договоров о контроле над вооружениями.
But the US has argued that arms-control measures banning offensive capabilities could weaken defenses against attacks and would be impossible to verify or enforce.
Однако США утверждали, что меры по контролю над вооружениями, запрещающие наступательный потенциал, могут ослабить защиту против атак и окажутся недоступными для проверок и принуждений.
The 1976 plan called for sustainable logging and basic forest-fire control, but war intervened, costing Afghanistan half its forest cover.
Программа 1976 года предусматривала устойчивые методы лесозаготовки и элементарный контроль лесных пожаров, но ее выполнению помешала война, стоившая Афганистану половины его лесного покрова.
But forces beyond Madi's control - even beyond his awareness - are restraining cotton prices, creating a global glut that is largely the result of policies followed by the world's richest governments.
Но силы неподконтрольные Мади, о которых он даже не подозревает, сдерживают рост цен на хлопок, создавая избыток предложения на мировом рынке главным образом в результате политики правительств богатейших стран мира.
At the same time, he imposed increasingly strict central control on his ethnically and linguistically diverse country.
В то же время он ввел более строгий централизованный контроль над своей этнически и лингвистически разнообразной страной.
This genuine embrace of reconciliation provided much-needed support to Chinese leaders, who were eager to control anti-Japanese sentiments.
Этот искренний выбор примирения обеспечил крайне необходимую поддержку китайским руководителям, которые стремились сдержать антияпонские настроения.
Having fallen from power, it will lose its control of the redistribution of government funds.
Уйдя из власти, она потеряет свой контроль над перераспределением правительственных средств.
Under regional and international pressure, the Saudi ruling family has constructed a Potemkin village of reform while retaining absolute control over all political developments.
Под давлением соседей по региону и мирового сообщества правящая в Саудовской Аравии династия соорудила потемкинскую деревню реформ, сохраняя при этом за собой контроль над всеми политическими изменениями.

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